I can’t believe he’s still lying about this
December 11, 2014 at 11:49pm
Manuel Mallia, his long-time household retainer Joe L-Olandiz and Paul Sheehan are all members of the very tight Gzira-based boxing fraternity and denizens of the boxing scene in Malta.
Mallia roots for Billy the Hitman (Corito) and goes to his every match. Sheehan was on the Hitman’s crew and might well still be. He didn’t see any conflict then with the fact that he was policeman so he shouldn’t have seen any conflict since with the fact that he was also the Police Minister’s driver.
He knows Sheehan well enough to leave his four-year-old daughter with him at night as a free babysitter.
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Is it brazen defiance or something starting to not be quite right up there?
And what is, or was, the relationship between Mallia, Sheehan and l-Iskocciz ?
On and on he goes.
Manwel, if only you had resigned on the 20th November in order to clear your name, you would have been in a stronger position. By not doing so, you allowed Muscat to out maneuver you and throw you to the wolves. He got away scot free.
Things with 2s in them are not his favourite number right now.
Straight out of a 1930s New York gangster flick.
He roots for a guy who goes by the name of Billy the Hitman? Wow, I feel safe.
An MP should ask in parlament if Sheehan was getting paid for babysitting Mallia’s daughter.
If not, then there is obviously a friendship going on, and if he was then it’s a scandal in itself that from taxpayers’ money we are paying for the police minister to use his driver as a babysitter.
Aren’t we also paying alimony and school transport?
Perhaps it was an all inclusive taghna lkoll package deal.
Manuel, ser thallieh b’xejn lil Muscat? Fottielek karriera politika u spiccajt mal-Labour.
So is having a baby sitter for free part of the perks? Is having. Chauffeur regularly taking your children to school part of the package? These seem to be common occurrences. Why are these issues, mundane as they are, not constantly raised in Parliament.
Are there reasons why? Did our MPs also act in this way? Somehow I do not remember these instances or did I have blinkers on under the PN government?
Did I feel at peace or comfortable with our country because I was a nationalist and therefore was fed the news that I wanted to hear, or was it just a bubbie ? Was I that stupid that I believed and still do that PN is the solution for this country.
I feel that our MPs should start reiterating in a stringer manner. substantial arguments about the life that these EGO seeking Ministers are conducting should be constantly mentioned. PN should be hounding them constantly . If this is not done then we all are condoning this behavior and I then start thinking is that what they want I fir themselves.
Hope my argument is clear just woke up but these actions make my blood boil
Sorry for my previous spelling mistakes…not using specs is the issue . Have a good day
The rooster crowed 3 times when St. Peter denied Jesus. Thank God there’s no rooster this time, otherwise it would be hoarse by now.
The thing is that there are people who believe Mallia’s lies.
“L-ewwel nies, jaf jikteb….” It all depends on which people.
It always did.
Dan anqas jisthi jigdeb.
1 kif tafda it tfal f idejn min ma tafux?
2 kif tista tpoggi il fiducja fi bniedem li ma tafx?
3 gidba tiggenera gideb iehor. Min jigdeb dejjem jinqabad.
This is why media is strong – all that has been written can be read back analysed, and better understood, when the picture starts properly unfolding.
Manuel Mallia gave Joseph Muscat the story:
Cordina said Intershore terminated its relationship with Farrugia on 1 November 2010 after it was informed by Powerplan’s legal counsel Manuel Mallia on 28 September that Aikon Ltd was suspected of criminal activity.
Acquiantance, friend, porter, it does not make any difference. At the time he was his official government driver and as such his responsibility.
Mallia seems still to be thinking that the ‘Poplu Malti’ can be taken for a ride and fooled by his declarations.
It seems he still thinks he is in a court room where justice, logic and truth do not mix.
Just read that Sheehan has been granted bail. I am no legal beagle, so does this mean that all relevant witnesses have been heard? If not, is there not a risk of tampering with evidence?
Is there any evidence left which has not already been tampered with?
Paul Borg Olivier (on Facebook, about an hour ago):
“The appointment of Carmelo Abela as Minister for Home Affairs has done one right thing already. He has cleared the doorstep of his Ministry and the immediate surroundings of Strait Street from shady, obscure, fixer-looking types who were hanging around the Ministry on a daily basis.”
But there is still that one shady individual – who has been permanently debarred by the World Bank for corruption – with a registered office address across the road from the Ministry.
Perhaps Carmelo Abela should move the Ministry to somewhere else.
Very convenient legal address, for some.
One of the reasons Mallia was dismissed is that he was responsible for the choice of his driver, fair enough.
By the same reasoning, Muscat chose Mallia and he should go too. Choosing a dreadful cabinet minister is a far worse irresponsible decision than choosing a dreadful driver.