Il-bajd ta’ Manuel tal-Faberge, tafux

Published: December 10, 2014 at 12:34pm

bajd ta manuel

9 Comments Comment

  1. Angus Black says:

    Too late, Manwel!

  2. Persil says:

    I think that now we are stooping too low.

  3. A V says:

    Codruta had best get accustomed to Kinder eggs now.

  4. canon says:

    Kulhadd ghandu xi delizzju. At least he’s not shooting them.

  5. caflanga says:

    Humpty Dumpty sat on the CNL wall.

    Humpty Dumpty had a great great fall.

    (He was pushed by the driver.)

    All the Minister’s zwiemel, red bulls and all the Minster’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again.

    the end

  6. edgar says:

    Aktar milli ghandu Joseph Muscat

  7. Be-witched says:

    All the ones who will be invited to the Mallias’ thank you Christmas party are asked to take with them original Faberge eggs as gifts for Don Manuel please.

    Heqq b’xi haga irrid jilghab issa li m’ghadx ghandu l-Police, Army u PBS f’idejh – miskin.

  8. Tye says:

    Faberge is for those who know the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly.

  9. ciccio says:

    Manwel bil-bajd.

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