I’m going to file a formal complaint with the Ombudsman against the MCST chairman and its PRO

Published: December 2, 2014 at 9:58pm

jeffrey pullicino carmen ciantar

Lara Boffa Jeffrey Pullicino

Looking at the obscenities Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Lara Boffa are posting about me all over town, I thought to myself, hang on, these are the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology and the council’s PRO. This is absolutely unacceptable – and not at a personal level in the sense that it is my problem. It is a major problem.

It’s shocking that they should be allowed to behave like that without formal censure. It’s bad enough that two people so patently unfit for the job have been appointed to it, both by illicit means, but the situation now is that nobody is bringing them into line.

I am astonished that the Council’s board of directors does not do anything about it – that the directors take no action about the fact that their chairman employed his lover as the PRO, that she PRO-s anything but the Science Council and that her public presence is taken up with slandering her boyfriend’s enemies, dissing the Opposition leader and praising the Labour Party and the government. The name and image of the MCST are being dragged through the mud and the directors are sitting there stupidly, too afraid or indifferent to say anything. But what in heaven’s name are they directors for?

To whom does one report a state council chairman for rotten and inappropriate behaviour that demeans his role and slanders others? He is doing so much damage to the Council that it is beyond belief how he is allowed to carry on like this.

Because Lara Boffa is the Council’s PRO – what irony – I should ordinarily have been able to report her to her boss, and he would take action. But because she’s sleeping with him, I can’t.

I should have been able to file a complaint against both of them with the Prime Minister’s Office, which is directly responsible for the Council. But you all know what that would be worth.

All the rules, regulations and systems which have been put in place over the last few years are dependent on a crucial element that the law cannot govern: that people who hold high public office are going to be persons of integrity. There are no safeguards against a situation in which prime ministers with no integrity appoint a mass of people who are as bad or worse than he is.

I looked through the Ombudsman’s website and found that I am able to file a complaint on the grounds of lack of courtesy by a public official.

The only difficulty here is that you must first file a complaint with the organisation itself and then only if it is not tackled can you go to the Ombudsman. But surely nobody can be expected to file a complaint with the executive chairman of a state council about his own behaviour or that of his girlfriend/PRO.

I suppose this falls into the same category as that of the army officers who went straight to the Ombudsman, leading him into a war with Manuel Mallia, who said that they should have complained to the Brigadier first – and the Ombudsman replied that they could hardly be expected to complain to the Brigadier about his own behaviour and have him redress it.

31 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The board of directors! Ha!

  2. Lizz says:

    Can we know who sits on the board of governors or the council of the MCST? I’m sure we’d be in for a surprise.

    [Daphne – Board of directors: http://www.mcst.gov.mt/content/board-directors ]

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    What a fool she is to fall for such a degenerate who will drag her down to his abyss. This is plainly and simply ‘suicide’.

  4. Nadya says:

    Maybe Lara Boffa so enthusiastic for the Christmas bonus of her boss?

  5. edgar says:

    If Lara ever comes up with the stupid excuse that she has a headache, she should be careful as he is most likely to draw his gun and threaten her.

  6. curious says:

    What do these people want from life? Name it and they have it: wealth, profession, chairmanships, travel, their preferred Labour Party in government, and yet they are not happy.

    Really, Keep Calm and Try to Enjoy Life.

    • High Tea says:

      Adulation to shore up a sense of personal inadequacy. People with no inner life need constant external reassurance that they matter.

  7. anthony says:

    Daphne, please tread very carefully.

    It is pretty obvious that you are being perceived as a major challenge to this corrupt, inept government and its hangers on.

    We have witnessed a number of episodes of hysterical reactions to your observations and comments from various sectors not least from the vulgar psychopath Balzan and the psychotic Pullicino Orlando.

    When cornered these mentally unstable people are very dangerous.

    You are confronting completely amoral individuals. Scum of the earth.

    Take care.

    • johndoe says:

      Same thoughts exactly.

      Sometimes I feel that unknowingly you are writing your own destiny when you make references to Putin and the handling of his critics.

  8. Jojo says:

    The guy is all Botox or Botoxed

  9. Makjavel says:

    Except for Mrs Jesmond Mugliett, this board is a shame to the professions they represent.

    These should either resign or declare a vote of no confidence in the Chairman.

    The Minister will have to act – I am sure he will fire the board and keep Jeffrey, but such is the present administration, overtaken by criminals and pimps.

  10. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    Can we file a joint complaint against this rubbish? I’d be delighted to!

  11. Tabar says:

    I am starting to pity her. She must be not all there. Probably she doesn’t have a clue of how much pain MLP caused il-Profs under Dom’s leadership and probably JPO’s ancestors were his supporters back than.

    Jahasra open your eyes, Lara, and get away from him before it will be too late.

  12. Fool's Paradise says:

    Robert Falzon is Joseph Muscat’s first cousin.

  13. Honest says:

    This is the Board of Directors Lizz….

    Dr. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

    Executive Chairman

    Prof. Richard Muscat

    Vice Chairman

    Prof. Alfred J. Vella


    Prof. Emmanuel Sinagra


    Dr. Karen Mugliett


    Prof. Janet Mifsud


    Prof. Maurice Grech


    Dr. Ivan Gatt


    Mr. Robert Falzon


    Mr. David Degabriele


    Ms. Claudine Cassar


    Dr. Ing. John C. Betts


    Mr. Vince Micallef

    Board Secretary

  14. rob says:

    ‘How rich of you to complain about THEIR comments when you do no less!’ THAT will be their reaction as soon as they read this piece of yours. But you are right that their public office does not allow them to jump the line and if they felt anything you said was slanderous they have the right to sue you. (Curiously they choose not to). But do not honestly expect anything from a board of directors in any Maltese government institution. Look back at how they allowed that imbecile Peter Busuttil as film commissioner under the Nationalist’s term.

  15. charles cachia says:

    Trid tkun kapaci taqla daqs kemm taf taghti. jekk le, Zarma

    About time li r-ragel jtik xi haga milli taqla fuqu. Anzi ftit qieghed jghid, meta tara kif inti mqabda mieghu.

    Tkun taf xi tfisser, wara kollox!!!!

    Bl-ingliz, If you can`t stand the heat…………………..

    [Daphne – A typically stupid Maltese reaction that cannot distinguish between public roles and people. I do not lie about Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Lara Boffa. And I do not object to criticism. I object to the chairman of a state council and a public officer, his girlfriend and employee, behaving like that. It is offensive – not to me in particular, but to their positions, to the council they represent, and to the public in general as it is shameful to have a state council chairman behaving like a spiteful teenage girl. It is absolutely inappropriate. Can you imagine the chairman of the equivalent state council in France, Germany or Britain insulting his critics on Facebook like a spiteful teenager? He would be out on his ear in no time at all. People in public positions have to take the criticism of citizens and journalists, but they can’t respond with insults and slander. At most, they should issue a formal statement of correction. I’m sick to the death of having this country run according to the standards and attitudes of hamalli like you. There was a time when the standards of others were those which applied, as they do everywhere in the civilised world. Now hamalli like you and your hero Jeffrey Pullicino have taken over and the result is chaos.]

  16. Noel Cini says:

    He would be perfect for MSDEC and they are always looking for some funny people.

  17. Come on says:

    Robert Falzon hu l-kugin tal-Prim Ministru. Nixtieq nkun naf x’jifhem f’xjenza

  18. c says:

    JPO today inaugurated the Interactive Science Centre with the message “Science for Fun”. Maybe he wanted to say “Sex for Fun” but obviously he couldn’t.

  19. gaetano pace says:

    I know the feeling, even worse still. However if a procedure is established just follow it.

    In the end it will stand as proof and evidence irrespective of how negative the outcome would be.

    This is the situation where evidence is evaluated before it is addressed and assessed.

    Even if the complaint is sent to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and he does not take any action. When you proceed to the next step, there it is, evidence on a silver plate, that the man is not mature enough to divest himself of his narcissistic self in the exercise of his office. Fait accompli. You have it black on white not in the mind alone.

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