I’m not one to use ‘hahahaha’ in a title, but this time I think I should

Published: December 7, 2014 at 7:07pm

27 Comments Comment

  1. Albert Floyd says:

    Kemm kellha ragun il-mama.

  2. curious says:

    @Five more years of gideb, inkompetenza, waste.@

    She described the present administration to a tee.

  3. Wheels within Wheels says:

    I love the part where the mother tells her daughter “you’re going to regret it” – and to think that they scripted it themselves.

  4. David says:

    “Imma believe me, you’re going to regret it.” – More prophetic words couldn’t have been spoken.

  5. verita says:

    She’s a prophet: 5 snin ohra ta’ gideb.

  6. fm says:

    Kieku hadt parti f’dan ir-reklam, illum nisthi nidher quddiem in-nies.

  7. Fool's Paradise says:

    Or…Cronaca di una tragedia annunciata…..

  8. martha says:

    Hope the little shit is still happy about it!

  9. Lizz says:

    “Hle ta!”

    I’ll never forget those words.

  10. Trabokk says:

    Bloody can’t stand it – has just been nearly two years of arrogance and gideb hux vera hi. Are you ashamed now?

  11. pablo says:

    I just love this clip. It must have baited quite a few switchers with its cool look in Hugh Anastasi’s house.

    We must play it over and over before the next elections to remind us of Labour politicians who are surpassing anything before in “fattening their pockets and those of their klikka” etc.

  12. edgar says:

    Miskina, x’waqa ghan-nejk.

  13. gn says:

    Smajt il-clip ta’ Taghna Lkoll ta’ David Thake. Voice over ta’ hahahahahahahaha fuq il-clip. Brillanti.

  14. Mad says:

    “Five more years of gideb, inkompetenza, waste..” Boy, did she read the future and give it to us.

  15. il-Ginger says:

    “I’m sorry, ded.”

  16. Mila says:

    The Sunday Times quizzed Joseph Muscat about the appropriateness of the ‘hero’s welcome’ given to the Police Minister.

    Mark Micallef for The Sunday Times: I am talking about the minister. Don’t you think he was wrong to put himself in that situation?

    Prime Minister: I would have avoided it, but that’s not the point. There was a public meeting.

    MM: It was obvious that it was orchestrated.

    PM: If it was obvious that it was orchestrated, whoever orchestrated it in my view did the minister a disservice.

    MM: And the minister had nothing to do with this?

    PM: He had something to do with it in the sense that he didn’t think this through well enough because it has done him a disservice.


    The Prime Minister is clearly not concerned about what is appropriate and what is not. He is not even concerned about whether it was orchestrated or not. He is only bothered that it SHOWED it was orchestrated. And in his view, that’s why it looked bad.

  17. Benny Bradlee says:


    Veru kaz. Hekk gabuha dawn il-qatta’ kriminali.

  18. Jozef says:


    Note the mirth at 2.50, ridicule to minimise, minimise to make normal.

    Something Malta Today’s attempting at the moment, warning shots yes or no. Subservience to the regime can be natural to this place.

    Mafiosi start off as picciotti, little ones.

    I understand there’s this major peer pressure to sound tough by taking it all in as if it were normal. Daisies and butterflies say some.

    Then we’re all fatalistic or roti tal-karettun folkloristic that things can never be better.

    The Republic, Baxxter, isn’t everyone’s.

  19. Joe Fenech says:

    The F(u**in) T(wats), Malta Labour Party’s news paper.

  20. david says:

    You need to keep showing this – it must be really hitting the switchers hard right now.

    [Daphne – Tghidli xejn how hard it’s hitting them. Anybody capable of voting for Muscat and his party out of spite towards somebody on the PN side has a differently-formatted brain. They have probably already convinced themselves that they never voted for him, just as nobody voted for Sant in 1996.]

  21. anthony says:

    “five more years of gideb and inkompetenza” says this clown.

    If only she was right.

    In my opinion it is thirteen more years not just five.

    At least.

  22. Arnold Layne says:

    The best bit is where the mother says: “You’re going to regret it”. Mother is always right.

  23. ian says:

    They tried to portray the daughter and the dad as the heroes. Just 20 months on and the mother was right all along.

  24. Chris says:

    Mother knows best

  25. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ghaxxaqta u ghaxxaqtna sbejha x`falza stikka hadt, int u taghkom ilkoll.

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