It is quite obvious that this is not the first phone-call, but a follow-up in which The Script was being written

Published: December 7, 2014 at 8:40pm

Anybody who reads the transcript published this morning, and believes that it is the phone call in which PC533 first explains to his Commissioner the sequence of events, needs to have his or her head examined or take an IQ test.

This is plainly and obviously a follow-up conversation in which The Script is being written and in some instances actually being dictated while the Prime Minister’s spokesman takes notes.

There has been, clearly, an earlier conversation in which PC533 told the Police Commissioner that he fired three times, and that a decision was taken to speak of two times. And that is why there is now some prompting and fudging over three or two.

The Police Commissioner is not the first to mention the words ‘warning shots’ as has been reported in the press. The press can’t know that because this is clearly not the initial conversation.

The Commissioner’s words ‘warning shots’ did not come out of nowhere. They would have come out of an earlier discussion, which might have taken place via the Commissioner’s personal mobile phone to Kurt Farrugia’s personal mobile phone, after another a phone call directly between the personal mobile phones of the Police Commissioner and his constable, the latter to find out what really happened and the former to discuss how to present it to the press.

All calls through the police control room are routinely and compulsorily recorded. We cannot exclude that some conversations might have taken place from mobile to mobile to cut the Control Room out.

What the Police Commissioner is doing here, in this particular conversation, is prompting his constable what to say, while the PM’s spokesman takes notes.

Common sense should tell us that if they did not want this conversation to be recorded, the Commissioner would have used his personal mobile and not his desk phone through the control room. So they WANTED this conversation to be recorded. It is staged for just that specific purpose.

It is blindingly obvious that between the recorded call PC533 made to the Control Room (published yesterday by Malta Right Now) and this recorded call below, published by Times of Malta and Malta Today, there were others that may or may not have been made through the Control Room because of the nature of what was discussed.

What is required here is the personal mobile phone logs of the Police Commissioner, PC533, the Police Minister, the Prime Minister, and the PM’s spokesman, as these might show that all three spoke to each other in a way that excluded the Control Room.


PC533: Hello.

Police Control Room Operator: Hello…Sheehan?

PC533: Iva.

Police Control Room operator: Is-surġenta mill-control room…ħa ngħaddik mal-Kummissarju. Zomm il-linja, please.

PC533: OK.

PC533: Hello.

PC533: Hello.

PC533: Hello, hello, hello.

Police Control Room operator: Żomm il-linja.

PC533: OK.

Commissioner of Police: (to PM’s spokesman) Zomm daqsxejn il-linja, Kurt. (to PC533) Aw, Sheehan.

PC533: Għidli, sir.

CoP: Il-Kummissarju. Isma, tista’ tgħidli eżatti fejn inti kont ipparkjat il-Gżira?

PC533: Iva, ehe.

CoP: Kont ipparkjejt fejn il-Gżira? Fejn id-dar?

PC533: Ehe, fejn il-Golden Harvest.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Mela, dan kien ipparkjat…(to PC533) Għax għandi lil Kurt, bejnietna, Farrugia. (to PM’s spokesman) Mela dan kien ipparkjat il-Gżira, sewwa. (to PC533) Inti kont fil-karozza?

PC533: Le, kont id-dar għand ommi, bit-tifla.

CoP: Kont id-dar u kif indunajt, ħriġt?

PC533: Nisma’ ħoss kbir.

CoP: (to PM’s spoksman) Issa dan, Kurt, dan kellu l-karozza pparkjata għand ommu ……..(now clearly dictating in the third person while PM’s spokesman takes notes) Ix-xufier tal-ministru sema’ ħoss kbir, ħareġ barra u sab li l-karozza…ovvjament li faqgħatlu l-karozza tal-ministru. (to PC533) Issa dan telaq jiġri, Sheehan?

PC533: Mela.

CoP: Bil-karozza?

PC533: Ehe.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Telaq bil-karozza jiġri. (to PC533) Issa x’ġara, għax għadni qed nippassja?

PC533: Tlaqt niġri warajh

CoP: Tlaqt tiġri warajh bil-karozza tal-Ministru?

PC533: Iwa, mela.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Telaq jiġri warajh bl-istess karozza tal-Ministru. (to PC533) Sewwa, x’iżjed?

PC533: Wasalna fejn il-pixxina, biex niftiehmu.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Waslu ħdejn il-pixxina. (to PC533) X’iżjed?

PC533: Kif rani warajh, għafasni mal-ħajt.*

*Editor’s note: Because you know how it is: you force somebody against the wall when they’re behind you, and not when you’re coming up behind them.

CoP: Kif? X’għamel?

PC533, faltering: Kif rani ma wa….

CoP: Eh ijja għidli, Sheehan.

CoP: Hello…

CoP: Sheehan…

PC533: Aw, Sir

CoP: Sheehan, għidli, kif wasaltu l-pixxina x’ġara?

PC533: Għafasni mal-ħajt.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Kif waslu ħdejn il-pixxina, għafsu mal-ħajt, iwa.

PC533: U nżilt għalih jien, xejn aktar.

CoP: (dictating in third person to PM’s spokesman) L-individwu għafas lil Sheehan, ix-xufier tal-Ministru, mal-ħajt…biex niftiehmu, bil-karozza, biex niftiehmu.

PC533: Ehe, eżatt.

CoP: (still dictating to PM’s spokesman) Issa hawnhekk ix-xufier tal-ministru…(to PC533) Intom waqaftu hawnhekk?

PC533: Ehe, nżilt għalih.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Issa hawnhekk waqfu. OK, Kurt? Waqfu hemm, ix-xufier tal-Ministru niżel, ovvjament biex jara x’inhu jiġri. (to PC533) X’ġara aktar?

PC533: Niżel warajja bil-flixkun, jiġri għal fuqi.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Niżel għalih bil-flixkun. (to PC533) Xi flixkun hu, taf?

PC533: Tal-Heineken, tal-Heineken.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Flixkun tal-Heineken…għalih. (to PC533) X’iżjed?

PC533: Daħal jiġri ġol-karozza.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Daħal jiġri ġol-karozza u telaq.

PC533: Le…ehe eżatt.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman, who has obviously just asked about the gun-shots) Issa ġejjin għalihom…minuta. (to PC533) Issa wara li telaq, inti x’għamilt? Mort tiġri warajh?

PC533: Le, le wara (meaning that he chased after him AFTER he shot at him). Hemmhekk tajtu ġiex tiri jien.

CoP: Kif rikeb ġol-karozza?

PC533: Mela.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Kif rikeb ġol-karozza dan tah….(to PC533) kemm il-tir tajtu?

PC533: Tnejn.

CoP: Tnejn jew tlieta?

PC533: Tnejn għandu jkun.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Għandu jkun żewġ tiri li jiftakar tah, żewġ warning shots. (to PC533) Imbagħad x’ġara?

PC533: Xejn…hu…hu…ahhh…hu baqa isuq u waqqaftu taħt il-mina ta’ Santa Venera.

CoP: (to PM’s spokesman) Imbagħad reġgħu telqu jiġru wara xulxin u waqfu taħt il-mina fejn ir-roundabout tal-iskateboard, ngħidilha jiena… le, fejn ta’ l-Universita, ir-roundabout tal-Universita.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Jojo says:

    It struck me as having been rehearsed.

  2. mf says:

    Għafsu mal-ħajt fejn? Triq Wied il-Kappar ‘one way’ u dejjem ipparkjata zewġ naħat, Triq Nazju Ellul l-istess.

    Fejn għafsu mal-ħajt? Smith kien warajh u prova jaqbżu? Min kien qiegħed issuq wara min?

    Milli jidher mir-ritratti publikati jidher li il-mera ta’ GM14 aktarx tkissret b-daqqa ta’ ponn min fuq u mhux b’habta. Il-mera ta’ Smith mhix milquta.

  3. Mike Vella says:

    And it is equally obvious that it is not a coincidence that Malta Today and The Sunday Times were the newspapers which the government chose to leak this conversation to. They should have added The Malta Independent so as to hide their hand, but their spite against that newspaper overcame them and left them exposed as the obvious source.

  4. kapxinn says:

    Agent Kummissarju: Ghandek xi haga ohra xi tghidlu lil Kurt? Tinsiex din ghall-pubbliku.

    PC533: Ijja, nixtieq niehu din l-okkazzjoni biex nghid hello lill-mummy u nghidilha li nhobbha hafna.

    Agent Kummissarju: Smajtu Kurt? Hello lill-mummy…

    Kurt Farrugia: Ma tridx inzid li intlaqtet gamiema, hux, biex tkun aktar realistika?

    • ciccio says:

      Manwel Mallia: “Le, imma jekk tghidlu li laqat xi white stork, forsi din id-darba flok bicca certifikat intuh Gieh ir-Repubblika.”

  5. Tony borg says:

    Slavag – lanqas ‘ciao’ ma qalu.

  6. LAKE says:

    Pretty obvious, isn’t it.

  7. Jozef says:

    Oh dear, now how does Muscat get rid of Zammit?

  8. Dott Abjad says:

    Cover-up over cover-up over cover up.

    The Russian Matryoshki dolls are an apt example here.

    • Dott Abjad says:

      … and somewhere in between, a frame-up, or two.

      U fejn huwa ‘l-iskocciz’? Yes where is Steve, and why is he in hiding?

      Of course it would not be expedient for Manwel, Joseph, Sheehan and the Laburisti-Faxxisti clan for him to come clean over the circumstances surrounding this very fishy and deeply intriguing incident.

      Tghid ha nsibuh mejjet go xi wied, jew assassinat minn xi Camorrista gewwa Napli? Min jaf?

  9. davidg says:

    It looks staged as there is not the usual foul language and shouting, like: “Ejja haddum gej biha jew haqq %$”£*&. Taf li jien il-Kumissarju qed inkellmek, u li dahhaltna fil-hara &%$£”*&.”

    “Le, Sir, ha nghidlek…”

    • curious says:

      Lanqas zigg wahda ma kien hemm.

    • kapxinn says:

      Ma nafx ghala qed tghidu ‘staged’. Kemm hsibtuhom professional. Mela dawn tas-CIA, jew!

      Le, le… jien il-konspirisi tierist, ta. Allahares kelli nqis l-evidenza globali mill-lenti taghkom. Kieku nemmen li hemm civilizzazzjoni fuq Pluto.

  10. Tal-Malja says:

    PoC: (to PM’s spokesman, who has obviously just asked about the gun-shots) Issa ġejjin għalihom…minuta. (to PC533) Issa wara li telaq, inti x’għamilt? Mort tiġri warajh?

    I think here the PoC was telling Sheehan not to rush to the moment he shot at the car.

    Sheehan says ”mort nigri fil karozza u qbadt l-ARMA’. Then the Poc tells him: ‘u telaq’.Sheehan says ”le, iva ” and then PoC: ” issa gejjin alijom…. minuta’.

    In any way you see, it’s only a perception.

  11. Failed cover up says:

    Li nara stramb u ma taghmilx sens hu kif il-kummissarju flimkien mal-kap tal-kommunikazzjoni ta l-OPM Kurt Farrugia johorgu stqarrija ufficjali ibbazata biss fuq xhud, f’dal kaz ix-xufier, minflok minn informazzjoni migbura mill-investigazzjoni preliminari tal-pulizija.

    Ahna ahna jew mahniex?

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So let’s recap.

    The Police Commissioner must go (and possibly prosecuted for (allegedly) obstructing justice.)

    Manuel Mallia must go.

    Kurt Farrugia must go.

    The Prime Minister must go.

    Sheehan must be prosecuted.

  13. vanni says:

    Something else.

    According to this fable, Sheehan was inside the house when he heard a loud noise.

    If the damage was a just broken mirror, how could he have heard it?

    From my experience, unless the car had the alarm on, the only loud noise from a broken side mirror is the tinkle of glass when it hits the road.

  14. ciccio says:

    There are some give-aways in the recording which show that it was staged.

    At some points Sheehan tries to contradict the Commissioner because the latter seems to be giving his own version of events, but then Sheehan bites his tongue when he understands the direction of the script.

    It’s one cover up on top of the other.

  15. pablo says:

    What time does this conversation take place?

  16. vic says:

    PC533 jghid li TAH zewg tiri.

    Il-Kummissarju jibdilha u jghid “tah zewg warning shots”.

  17. Mila says:

    Why on earth would the police commissioner ask the control room to put him through in such a situation? He wouldn’t.

    If a person contacts someone who was involved in an incident would ‘hold the line’ be the first thing he tells him? Would the next thing be ‘Isma, tista’ tgħidli eżatti fejn inti kont ipparkjat il-Gżira?’

    If the inquiry fell for these ridiculous absurdities then we are in for an even long rough ride.

    Does the Police Commissioner know what truth is?

    Has anyone ever been in the tunnel on foot or with the car windows open? How does this compare to what one hears in the recording?

  18. Steve says:

    Is it possible ta ask the official time that this call was recorded? What I am suggesting is to find out how much time has lapsed between the actual accident and this phone call and see if this call was rehearsed or not.

  19. anthony says:

    I am sure that in their inquiry the three retired judges have had access to all the relevant telephone conversations, text messages and emails.

    I am referring to those between Sheehan, the Acting Commissioner, the Skocciz, The Home Affairs Minister, Kurt Farrugia and the PM.

    These, apart from other people who may have been involved in this ginormous cover-up.

    I am confident that they would have left no stone unturned to uncover the whole truth.

  20. Respect says:

    Not only has it been rehearsed but PC533 is obviously not in the tunnel at the time of that call. You can’t hear any ambient noise and it’s echoing like he is in a room.

  21. A says:

    “…sema’ ħoss kbir, ħareġ barra u sab li l-karozza…ovvjament li faqgħatlu l-karozza tal-ministru”

    “faqgħatlu”? It was just a side mirror.

    I also wonder why they rushed so much to prepare a statement instead of waiting to gather facts.

  22. Mike says:

    The first recording between Sheehan and the Police Head Quarters is out. Leaving aside the ever increasing suspense unfolding from this plot. When one hears this recording one only realises how amateurish and pathetic the two way radio conversation between the Malta police is.

    A far cry from the capable professional approach foreign police agencies have in managing with similar situations. Totally inept and void of any procedure. This police officer/minister driver has been in the police corp for over fifteen years and still cannot make himself understood and convey a straight forward emergency message over the two way radio. He is utterly incomprehensible over agitated (too much Redbull maybe?)

    When are these people ever going to get professional training? Probably at least nowhere soon when considering they are on a tight budget, but that doesn’t apply to the Cabinet and their crony friends.

    A couple of years ago a foreign agency specialising in security offered to come over and assess the police corp in several areas with an opportunity of having them to come over and conduct professional training. Needless to say, they failed miserably in almost all fields tested.

    (Xejn hlief qabda injuranti u stupidi moghtija poteri li ghalihom iffissru biss x’sejrin jiggwadanjaw minn taht u xejn iktar. Tisma l-laqmijiet bizzejjed itik x’tahseb).

  23. C.G says:

    U meta harabli, jien (Sheenan) hrigt ir-roadmap u grejt warajh.

    Ir-roadmap tfixklet u jien (Sheenan) qabzitli u tajtu zewgt tiri jew tlieta ghax issa nsejt ghax spiccali ir-Red bull.

    Cempilt lill-ministru w serrahli rasi, qalli li Malta taghna lkoll u ghal nhar il-Hadd ser johodni niekol ir-ravjul mil-Incognito.

  24. Joe Fenech says:

    “…nisma’ hoss kbir”

    He obviously must have done something to the mirror himself and the shooting was related to something completely different.

  25. Mary says:

    Dalghodu fuq TVAM liema zarbun libes Robert Abela, dak li jirrapprezenta lill-Assocjazzjoni tal-Pulizija jew dak li jidddefendi l-Gvern Laburista?

    Ghax fuq it-tnejn li huma gie jitkellem.

    Ara veru ma jisthux dawn in-nies.

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