Jahasra, Leli tal-Gzira has psycho-social issues too, just like HuBastjan

Published: December 10, 2014 at 9:11pm

Codruta Cristian and Leli tal-Gzira need to coordinate things a little. Communication is clearly down. While she’s on Facebook telling everybody that she and “my husband” are planning a big party to thank everyone who rallied round them, “my husband” is writing to his ex boss to say that he’s too sick to crawl from Sappers Street to the Mainguard and so won’t be in the House tonight.

And interestingly, he has turned this piece of communication into a Non-Resignation Letter. Forever in default mode as a criminal defence lawyer, he says that he didn’t resign because he wasn’t found guilty of anything. At his advanced stage in life, it is pointless trying to explain to him that guilt and innocence do not come into it, though he should know that an informal inquiry of this nature is not a court of law and does not trade in guilt and innocence. Not even a formal inquiry does that.

manuel mallia letter

manuel mallia letter 1

35 Comments Comment

  1. CiVi says:

    Fuq karti tal-Gvern kitibha l-ittra.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Why has he enclosed a lock of pubic hair?

  3. Phili B says:

    I’m trying to figure out what kind of malaise can hinder one from walking or being chauffeured to Parliament, but at the same time does doesn’t interfere with writing a letter like that.

  4. Hmmm says:

    A member of parliament, elected on two districts, is caught blatantly lying. Is there some type of pattern here?

  5. Kollox Kontra says:

    Nice. What was he mostly worried about? His daughter. Not the well being of the civilian who was shot at. Not his driver.

    This is crystal clear evidence that when he left his daughter with his driver ( the one whom he claims he barely knows, and whom he never vetted. How does that even start to make sense?) he has jeopardised his position.

    As Minister of Police, his priority should have always been the shot at civilian, and his trigger-happy driver.

    • Tabatha White says:

      The three former judges should never have provided Joseph Muscat with this smokescreen which knew exactly which lies to pass through the filter and which ones to provide wide berth for.

      It was the time waster that got Joseph Muscat himself off the hook.

      Manwel, these are starter levels of lateral thinking that got you. The master’s techniques are way above those of the average leading criminal lawyer.

      Now Manwel himself will go in for a renegotiation, thinking he’s got the opportunity to “right this wrong” but the picture has been painted and even the crumbs will screw him yet again.

      • Tabatha White says:

        And Manwel, remember this fine point: Joseph Muscat wanted to get the Nationalist Party to share the blame in getting you to be the only fall guy when he tried to involve Simon Busuttil.

        And you went and wrote the letter, when he’d already got round the escape from blame, as he saw it.

  6. Peritocracy says:

    Someone should put Manwel Mallia and Kurt Farrugia in front of a camera and have them work their blame game out.

  7. Kif inhi din? says:

    Poor man he no longer has a driver at his service and lugging his own weight could put his health at risk.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Sheehan, not Sheenan.

    Shall I call it for idiocy or another cover-up bil-kawtela?

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    This could easily be applied to the current state of affairs in Malta:


  10. Natalie Mallett says:

    Is he delusional or John Dalli’s twin? How can he say he never went into the control room when there is the recording in which he actually speaks to Sheehan from the control room?


  11. Jozef says:

    Jeffrey thinks it’s ‘ittra kommoventi hafna’, how sweet, hanky time.

  12. hmm says:

    Was he attending a police Christmas staff party? Can anyone confirm this?

  13. ciccio says:

    I said also in my earlier comment today that on Tuesday Mallia appeared to be sulking, but he was probably preparing his defence. Even that assessment turns out to be correct.

    Did I say defence? I have to correct that. He was preparing his line of attack. A war plan, actually.

  14. Mila says:

    Do lawyers completely forget how normal people speak/write, when they get their LLD?

    So here we have confirmation that Mallia was with his wife (is she then?) at the Police HQ, when his 4 year old daughter (so she is 4) was with Sheehan.

    Seems that he is eager to put forward some details although these details leave us neither here nor there.

    Now wouldn’t a mother and/or father, even if not biological, phone someone to check what is going on when their 4 year old is in such a situation?

    In his letter Mallia says that the first news he heard, while at the table at Police HQ, was that shots were fired at his (ex)ministerial car. He did not specify who told him but he is admitting that he knew the shots were fired at the car before he left the Police HQ.

    It is interesting that Mallia does not remember Ramona Attard’s telephone call or content (he is conveniently hazy there). After all, the call logs might some day come out.

    However if he did talk to her and if he did tell her to wait until the morning than his intention MUST have been to make sure that all their duck facts were in a row.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      And yet he and his wife carried on eating after being told that their child’s babysitter had been out shooting at people.

      If I were Joseph I would worry about the threat he makes in the last line of his letter.

      • Albert Bonnici says:

        As I wrote before. He will be after Muscat and key chain Kurt big time. Daphne can we have a coconut on a key chain?

  15. ciccio says:

    Don Leli should quickly get in contact with Dun HuBastjan and book a trip to Lourdes, where he can get healed from his present ailments. I hear that the water there is free and abundant, like that from the Main Guard fountain.

  16. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Tidher li mara bil-multitasking: tikteb fuq FB u tivventila lir-ragel fl-istess hin sa ma jinzillu d-deni.

  17. Madoff says:

    Can anyone analyse the psychological problems that can be seen through his signature ?

  18. C.Portelli says:

    X’ firma ghandek, siehbi. Il-vera OK.

    [Daphne – Firma a caldo.]

  19. tony says:

    Qal li ma kienx jafu lil Sheenan allura jafda lil bintu ghand familtu?

  20. Freedom5 says:

    Can someone interpret this letter to Maltese .

  21. winston psaila says:

    ‘Minhabba l-fatt li bintna ta’ 4 snin kienet fil-kumpanija ta’ Paul Sheehan din l-ahbar ixxukkjatna, fejn allura il-preokkupazzjoni u biza’ taghna, kienet ikkoncentrata dwar il-benessere ta’ bintna’ – AND THEN THEY CARRIED ON EATING.

  22. A Montebello says:

    The notion of entrusting your 4-year-old to a hyper Red Bull addict with a gun and friends in the underworld is alien. Absolutely alien.

  23. Joe Vella says:

    What is pathetic in the letter is that Manuel Mallia is even questioning the integrity of the inquiry itself, by asking why certain people were not called and questioned.

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