Looks like some new law graduates see Manuel Mallia as the industry standard
December 7, 2014 at 4:49pm
Here’s one of them celebrating on Facebook:
M’hemmx li jghaddu dawn is snin
M hemmx li nsiru imhallfin ,avukati,magistrati assassini u hallelin
Monopolju assolut, naghmlu flus aktar mill lhud
Kull minn jigi ghal idejna nisolhuh
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They’ve been chanting this one for over 20 years.
[Daphne – Exactly. Mallia’s heyday.]
Id-‘dottorat’ jaghmlek nies!
LLD is not a doctorate, but a Ph.D is.
Sooo true!
It was a sarcastic comment, Lizz. But it just makes you laugh to see them all calling themselves ‘doctor’.
The students were celebrating the Bachelor of Laws Degree, no one mentioned the ‘dottorat’ and no one called himself a doctor.
The highly selective tal-Qroqq produces people of note.
That is an insult to Kermit – Kermit the Muppet is over 1000 times better than the Maltese Jabba.
The verses are more than 30 years old and were penned in a spirit of what we now call banter. Manwel Mallia had nothing to do with them and I doubt he ever chanted them…
Andrew Borg Cardona, in the current state of affairs, such banter comes across, at best, as black humour.
Agree with Andrew. They were definitely just banter. Joe Fenech, just because the current state of affairs is what it is does not make something which has been going round for years suddenly evil or part of what is going on.
You’re one of the exceptions to the rule that all Maltese lawyers are vile scum and subliterate yobs.
These lines may have been penned 30 years ago but times have changed.
You dottori have to move with the times or this country will forever remain stuck in 1900s Sicily.
The bit about ‘Lhud’ is particularly stupid given that most Maltese are descended from Jews and therefore part of the Jewish people, given Malta’s geopolitical position, and given the sensitive nature of Malta’s relations with Israel.
Top marks for anti-Semitism.
Let’s just ignore the incitement to racial hatred – i.e. the anti-semitic element of the ‘poem’.
Thank God it wasn’t Balotelli.
He’s more accountable than a Maltese politician. ‘mazing right?
Issa ghoxrin sen’ohra ma narawx xi wiehed minnhom jipprezenta l-kredenzjali lill-president ta’ Israel, wara karriera fil-politika?
Ja qabda zibel.
Ergajna bil-kelma “zibel”.
Milli qiegħed naqra din il-lirika toqgħod għal-kanzunetta ta’ Joe Grech “Marija l-Maltija” rebbieħa tal-Malta Song festival tal-1971 qabel ma tela’ il-Labour .
Kien ġie l-aħħar.
Certament, jaghmlulna l-akbar unur dawn il-bravi!
Missna nkunu aktar grati lejhom ghal gid kbir li qed jaghmlu lil dan il-povru nazzjon, indipendenti; republika u hieles.
Ghalkemm mhux hieles mill-frame ups u l-gideb; mit-tiri ta’ pistola fuq in-nies u mill-kultura tar-rezenji, pero hu hieles mill-intelligenza kollettiva li tibqa’ ssib il-konfort f’politici korrotti u gudikatura bla sinsla u dekor!
Malta ta’ dawn il-kriminali mhux malta li holom Vassalli; Dimech; Borg Olivier u kull min hu onest.