Luciano Busuttil: “Now let’s take care of our own people”

Published: December 15, 2014 at 9:58am

Has the Labour Party been doing anything else since March last year?

Disgusting that a member of parliament and Privileged Turnip should even think this way, let alone be so lacking in nous that he speaks about it openly on his Facebook page.

Facebook – when was the last time this man said anything in parliament?

Luciano Busuttil

12 Comments Comment

  1. CiVi says:

    Same as ever.

  2. Wistin Schembri says:

    Luciano, dawk il-568,344 ewro huma flus tat-taxxi taghna lkoll u int ma tistax tuzahom ghan-nies tieghek biss. Immissek tisthi, jekk taf.

    Imissu jisthi izjed minnek il-Prim Ministru li ma kecciekx wara s-sentenza tal-Qorti tal-Appell dwar l-agir tal-misthija tieghek, anzi qed ihallik toghdos izjed fil-hama.

  3. zunzana says:

    Sewwa qal ghax bdew jiehdu hsieb in-nies taghom min Marzu 2013. Issa nkomplu bil-meritokrazija kif bdejna, ok siehbi.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    I love it when the Nationalist Party works them up this way.

    Childish Labour.

  5. Gracecam says:

    Luciano nesa li telghu bl’ ghajta ‘Malta taghna lkoll.’

  6. Brum says:

    That the likes of Luciano Busuttil are lawyers and members of parliament either proves the Maltese saying “fid-dinja kollox possibli” is correct or the majority of Maltese are indeed a mediocre people.

  7. manum says:

    Ragel jaqq li ma jixraqlu ebda dinjita hlief li hu injorant.

  8. gn says:

    Faqqalu Like u aghtih cookie.

  9. ta wied is sewda says:

    Jekk hadtx hsieb in-nies taghkhom ma nafx, pero tieghek innifsek hadt hsieb zgur, u kif.

  10. Joe Attard says:

    Symptomatic and insightful isn’t it? Does he seriously consider a “vot ta fiducja” from the party faithful who toe the party line by default and cough up half a million euros as an achievement worth gloating about? The mind boggles.

  11. Michael Abela says:

    Haseb li lahaq flok Joe Debono Grech, fejn il-bieb tieghu kien miftuh biss ghal-Lejburisti? Hadd wara hadd, tasal ta’ kulhadd.

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