Manuel Mallia and Joseph Muscat: the plotting and scheming continue

Published: December 13, 2014 at 8:21pm

Those who imagine there’s some kind of all-out war between the two of them need to think again. Manuel Mallia pulled himself out of his sickbed last night to go with Codruta Cristian to Bormla, where they sat outside in the evening chill watching Muscat unpack a statue of Dom Mintoff.

And yesterday afternoon, again accompanied by Ms Cristian, he had been sitting hip to hip with Muscat at the funeral of Keith ‘Kasco’ Schembri’s grandmother. Yes, his grandmother.

That’s right: Manuel Mallia and Codruta Cristian turned up to the funeral of the GRANDMOTHER of the prime minister’s head of secretariat and made a point of sitting with the prime minister. Then they all toddled off to Bormla for the Mintoff ceremony.

Codruta Mallia

don manuel mallia

Keith Schembri

joseph muscat

14 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    This is masking tape.

  2. George says:

    Fuq ERBGHA toqghod il-borma. Hekk hu, SIEHBI.

  3. Xjim Purtani says:

    Wonder of wonders they are not in an all-out war, as expected. You probably see something ‘undemocratic’ in this, or demand an imaginative ‘democratic’ right to know why by this time they are not already at each others’ throat. But Muscat handled this almost perfectly and to his credit, most tactfully.

    Perhaps after Mallia’s initial and understandable fit of resentment, Muscat may have brought him to his senses that it will suit none of them, more so Mallia himself, to undermine Labour by a public squabble. Mallia’s role in government may well be over in this term, but he may find himself ‘rehabilited’ in a second term, which could have well been compromised if Mallia chose to satisfy this blog.

    In any case, people have the right not to bear grudges, whether by heart or by convenience, as much as your right to pathetically speculate as why people decide to attend a funeral.

  4. P Shaw says:

    It is very important to be part of any business deal that Keith Kasco is engaged in out of the limelight. At the end of the day that is why they are in government, and why Keith Kasco lies low as much as possible.

  5. Mila says:

    Plotting and scheming are the speciality of this government and the LP.

    Remember since some time prior to the election how they all became suddenly religious and since then it was photographs with the Pope, Arcbishop, Bishops etc. One wonders how much of tax payers’ money has gone into trips for the PM’s family and entourage, the President and her husband and other ministers and MPs, to visit the Pope for this or that occasion.

    Now it seems we are going secular.

    ”Maltese society has moved on since the island was declared republic 40 years ago, and the catholic religion is no longer central to cultural activities, President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca said today during her Republic day address.

    On such an important day, we should be questioning what is a secular process and religious diversity, and how to act in this context.” The Malta Independent

  6. Il-Bidu tat-Triumvirat Malti: Mhux rumanz ta' Sant Alfred says:

    Silta minn Kap.IX: Komplotti fis-Satla tal-Lejl

    “Tistaqsi, ghala bghatt ghalik da’l-hinijiet,” qallu b’sodezza Manwel il-Ministru, imdawwar mill-Ezekuttiv, Pawlu l-Machine Gun, Chulley s-Silencer, Billy l-Hitman u Joey l-Olandiz.

    Pulcinellino Orlando pogga idu ghal-lest fuq il-loveLver li kellu fil-but.

    “Il-bierah ghogobtni wisq fuq ix-Xarabank, Jeff,” tarraflu Manwel bi tbissima ta’ Don Vito.

    Pulcinellino ha r-ruh. Telaq il-loveLver u beda jintefah qisu bazwa infettata.

    “Il-bierah urejtni x’issarraf. Imsaht l-art b’Beppe, qabbistha lill-Peppe, ghajjarthom kollha daqs l-aqwa qahba f’xalata…”

    “Imma lil Toni m’ghajjartux,” qabez Pulcinellino ta’ gentlom. “Toni kien genjali.”

    “Iva, iva, genjali, imma int, Jeff, int uniku, sabih wisq, ghaqli wkoll – skorfina ssejhilha tapp u hadd ma jista’ jlumek ghax lehnek iwassal sa Sqallija.”

    L-adulazzjoni bdiet tistordieh. Busuni, hobbuni, Jien Hu c-Centru tal-Univers!

    “U issa ghandi proposta li ma tistax tirrifjuta,” kompla Manwel, a caldo.

    “Trid tilhaq Vici Prim fit-triumvirat li qed nohloq, Jeff?”

    Orlando berraq ghajnejh u fetah halqu. Dan qed jiblaffjani, haseb.

    “Jeff, jekk nghidlek ghandi l-mezzi mehtiega biex niehdu over Malta fi ftit sieghat – tigi mieghi?”

    Fit-toroq ta’ mohh Pulcinellino bdew jinholqu traffic jams kbar.

    A tempo caldo, Manwel bandallu lixka ivventilata: “Bizzejjed nghidlek, jien lest anke naghlaq l-akkonti bankarji l-ghandi u ninvesti f’20 saqqu tat-tiben, basta jkolli lilek tehodli hsiebhom.”

    It-tehmiza li tah Manwel dak il-hin kienet tfisser biss haga wahda.

    Kien se jkun lejl twil.

    U Mawwel Cuckieri kienet ga qabzitlu jistenna risposta.

  7. canon says:

    It shows that the two struck a deal. Remember Anglu Farrugia?

  8. dudu says:

    They are brethren of the same lodge…….maybe?

  9. J Farrugia says:

    I am more inclined to think and look forward as you said in a previous post, about the next appointee on the board of auditors.

  10. Mila says:

    Reading Dr. Falzon’s ‘Things are not OK, sieħbi’ one cannot but note:

    “The personnel in charge of the well-being of hundreds of migrants are described as the deadwood of the army, in some cases people with a criminal record.” Mark-Anthony Falzon, The Sunday Times of Malta, print edition.

    Mallia never told us and the PM is not telling us now, but we need to ask – where have these members of the army been transferred to? Who/what are they abusing now? Have they been transferred at all?

    [Daphne – ]

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