Manuel Mallia – gunning for George Vella’s job

Published: December 18, 2014 at 7:35pm

I hear that Manuel Mallia is going after the Foreign Minister’s job and that some of those who work for him have been told that he will be Foreign Minister by March.

So help us God.

Muscat Mallia

33 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Fil-passi ta’ Guido t-tifel.

  2. Manuel says:

    It all makes sense. With the PM getting into bed with every dictator and with their oppressive rule, Don Manuel is the perfect candidate for the next foreign minister.

    Muscat, in my opinion, is aiming at becoming a dictator in his own little, sorry way and his best henchman to achieve this is Mallia.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Gunning for George Vella’s job . . . well, he’s lost the Glock but still has his machine gun.

    • kokkodina says:

      I had long forgotten that we actually had a foreign minister.

      • stephen borg says:

        George Vella rawh sejjer H’Attard imgezwer bhal Salamun biex jaqsam l-Ambaxxata Libjana fi tnejn. Dan biex jevita li jfaqqa xi kunflitt bejn iz-zewg nahiet Libjani vicin il-Palazz ta San Anton u jaghtu xi zewg tiri ghal ras M’Louise hi u ghaddejja bl-outriders arroganti taghha.

  4. helen says:

    Oh! and Codruta chargé d’affaires . How nice.

  5. Kif inhi din? says:

    Nippremjaw il-bzulija.

  6. ciccio says:

    He’s going to have to fly a lot now.

    Will need a lot of Red Bull.

  7. Jozef says:

    It does point at the lion’s share of switchers.

  8. Beingpressed says:

    History has a habit of repeating itself

  9. curious says:

    If there was one person who should have been in Baku it was George Vella.

    He isn’t one to be left feeling snubbed and left to attend insignificant events and meetings.

  10. canon says:

    It is Joseph Muscat who is pushing Manuel Mallia to become prime minister and Mallia in in turn will nominate Muscat as President.

  11. dudu says:

    George Vella’s principled, albeit misguided, foreign policy may be getting in the way.

    He’s the third dinosaur who will be out of the government and for good reason.

    The dinosaurs represent the biggest threat to Joseph Muscat’s hold on his own party.

    If any one of them would ever voice their disagreement with Muscat in public he knows with whom the hard-core supporters would side.

  12. Alexander Ball says:

    Kin magic, we is gonna invade Poland.

  13. ciccio says:

    Good. So he first messed up the police corps. Now he will mess up the diplomatic corps.

  14. P Shaw says:

    ISIS will find their match.

  15. anthony says:

    Former members of Manuel’s secretariat are speaking about redeployment to another ministry headed by him some time soon.

  16. oh yes says:

    It’s true that he is running for the Foreign Minister’s job.

  17. God forbid.
    If Mallia has shown anything during his term as minister it is that he lacks diplomacy and his manners are rude and crude.

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