Manuel Mallia on Facebook: “Issa ghandi aktar zmien ghal kontroll attakk.”
December 15, 2014 at 10:52am
Old men and Facebook, eh? They never quite get the hang of it. Manuel Mallia probably thought he was sending a private message to his mate Sunny at around 12.30am, but it was on public view and somebody snapped it 26 minutes later at 1am.
Grazzi Sunny. Jien hemm qieghed u hemm ser nibqa. Anzi issa ghandi izjed zmien ghal kontroll attakk.
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Wow. We assume he means kontra attakk.
Most probably you are right, but the Freudian slip of using “kontroll” betrays the true mentality of the individual.
Not necessarily – it may also be the darned auto-correct on his smart phone.
I guess he meant “kontra attakk”. So he plans to be back in a position of power, otherwise what would be the point?
Kontra-attakk kontra min?
Kontra kulhadd…bhal Fantozzi
That surname(Bone) rang a bell:
The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
I think its a lapsus. He wants to be in control, Don Manuel.
I should think, he has already been informed by our dearrrrrr prime minister, what position our dearrrrrr Don Manwel will be holding.
If one scrolls down to December 1st at 4.30pm one sees an invitation to the ‘hero’s welcome’.
Ma missux joqghod jivventila dawn l-affarijiet.
Jidher li qed jirreagixxi ‘a caldo.’ Nispera li Codruta tiehu hsiebu ai termini.
Il-Facebook tal-papa – by Trevor Zahra
Nauseating author.
The fat old guy should let bygones be bygones and just relax and enjoy his family and his money, before he kicks the bucket.
These types of people think that they are going to live forever.
Where does the zoom stop for Franco Debono’s participation in this “kontroll attakk” ?
Manwel will make him think he’s crucial, but Manwel won’t be trusting anyone.
Inkredibbli: ara x’Ministru tal-Gustizzja kellna sa ftit gimghat ilu. Kieku wiehed kellu jimmedita ftit dwar dan l-atteggjament, imissu jisthi li hu Malti.