Manuel Mallia’s Christmas stuff party

Published: December 21, 2014 at 1:06am

Maybe it’s just that they’re camera shy, but Silvio Scerri and Paul Sheehan are conspicuously not in these pictures. Nor, for that matter, is Ramona Attard.

But one of Mallia’s secretariat staff wrote him a poem and was overcome by emotion as she read it out.

manuel party 1

manuel party 2

manuel party 3

manuel party 4

manuel party 5

manuel party 6

manuel party 7

36 Comments Comment

  1. ian says:

    The Malta Independent features a survey today about Manuel Mallia.

    I found the following encouraging.

    “And while a majority in all age groups agreed with the minister’s removal, the likelihood of doing so decreased with age. While 74.1% of those aged 18-24 believed that Dr Mallia should go, only 54.5% of those aged 45-59 and 53.8% of those aged 60 and up believed the same.”

    Could it be that the young have higher standards and we might yet see the bar being raised in this country? One can dream I suppose.

    • Banana republic ... again says:

      I wouldn’t be so hopeful. I think it simply boils down to the fact that PN’s campaign for Mallia’s removal was strong online (in particular social media), thereby attracting more younger persons.

      Had the Labour Party run an equally effective online campaign, which they weren’t capable of this time but were very capable two years ago, the % of young persons against Mallia’s removal would have been higher.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It wasn’t a PN campaign at all. The Nationalist Party are still woefully inadequate in online communication. You only have to look at the Nationalist Party’s official Twitter account or Facebook page.

        The online campaign you refer too was a grassroots campaign – and this time it’s grassroots in its real sense. It was started and fuelled by people unaffiliated with the party, many of whom, I suspect, would rather not have to vote for it at all. Call them the Decisive Minority.

        I don’t think any of the parties should be campaigning online at all. Cyberspace is the last true, free Citizen’s Space left in modern politics. It really belongs to the People. What they need to do is to provide the backing arguments. Think of Wikipedia as an analogy. Everyone is free to write whichever article (that’s the People), but at some point you need to refer to some published source (that would be the parties).

        We need to #Occupymalta, and I’m not joking.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Don’t make me do it. Don’t. OK here goes.

    Poema Epiku Lil Dottor Emmanuele Mallia

    O kbir Ministru, dawl tal-Maltin
    Avukat mill-aqwa u politiku genwin
    Lilek niddedika dil-poezija
    B’imhabba lejk u emozzjoni qawwija.

    Minn ckunitek inti kont
    Thobb il-Ligi, u allura fil-pront
    Sirt avukat tad-difiza kriminali
    Bi kliem mirqum u accent eccezzjonali.

    L-ideat tieghek int ivventilajt
    Servizz lill-pajjiz minn dejjem tajt
    Fil-passi ta’ Guido l-idolu tal-giovinezza
    Il-gurisprudenza tghallimt tapprezza.

    Dana ghaliex in kwantu avukat
    Inti tesponi dawk l-irqaqat
    Li meta ssib ruhek dahrek mal-hajt
    Mhux darba u tnejn salvawlek il-b***.

    Mela ai termini jien nghidlek evviva
    Manuel taghna rega’ issoppravviva
    A caldo hsibthom se jeliminawh
    Izda fl-Affari Esteri se jinnominawh.

    O Ministru, difensur tal-akkuzat
    O skuzani ghax ninsab emozzjonat
    O kmandant suprem tal-Forzi Armati
    Salvani int jekk ta’ libell isibuni hati.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      There was an old man called Mallia
      Who stuck it to Joe in the rear;
      Joe gave him the sack,
      Mallia fought back;
      Now joseph is quaking in fear.

    • observer says:

      Prosit. Mille volte prosit.

      I, too, am am ardent follower of the poezacci muse. But not that to that level.

    • john doe says:

      you are a gem HP.

    • El Mundo says:

      OK siehbi

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Baxxter for the new ‘Poeta Nazzjonali.’

    • MrGlobeTrotter says:


    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      Had me in fits!

    • Can't take no more says:


    • Manolito, Manopulito says:

      O Baxxter, ja ferh ta’ xadin,
      waslet zgur tieghek wara din.

      Tghidx kemm se naqlaghlek
      Se nimsah l-art bik
      Libell se nwahhallek
      Bla flus se nhallik.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oops, issa x’se naghmel
        Ghall-multa m’ghandix flus
        Taht is-saqqu hemm biss trab
        U vojt huwa l-karus.

        Mela l-habs zgur se nispicca
        Imma la nohrog insir famuz
        Insir espert tal-filosofija
        U mal-high society nibqa’ nsus.

        Inkella f’xi Sakharov Lecture
        Fl-ewwel filliera lkoll tarawni
        B’Mark Micallef jidderiegi
        L-intelletwali issa drawni.

        Ghax l-aqwa mod sabiex tirnexxi
        F’din il-gzira tal-haxi sfrenat
        Mhuwiex l-onestà jew l-inteligenza.
        Jekk ta’ eroj u genju trid tkun stmat
        Ftakar dejjem il-motto Malti:
        Min hexa mexa
        Min ma hexiex inhexa.

      • Manolito Manopulito Manipulato says:

        Caro Baxxter, tikkonfondix,
        Tad-Dafnuwa gabra jaghmlulek.
        B’kemm se nisolhok, tistaqsinix,
        Butek a caldo se nbghattalulek.

        Int ghazilt tinsolentani,
        F’wicci imbaghad ivventilajt.
        Issa l-qorti dlonk tarani,
        Tibla lura dak li qlajt.

        Flus kontanti, please, irridhom,
        U toqghodx tajjarni fitt.
        Sib bixkilla biex igorrhom,
        Ghal gos-saqqu jmorru dritt.

        U biex naghlaq, parir ta’ habib:
        Difrek mieghi ahjar ma xxellifx.
        Ghad li llum taht kura tat-tabib,
        X’se nkun ghada ahjar ma tahlifx.

      • Minhexamexa says:

        Hadtli l-kliem minn halqi.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Prosit kemm taf tivventila l-versi ai termini.

    • pale blue my foot! says:

      Baxxter you are a star!

    • gn says:

      Darb’ohra hu pacenzja u aghmel hajku bhal sehibna Franco.

    • L.Gatt says:

      Baxxter for President

  3. Wheel within wheels says:

    Did you see the joker’s new profile photo on Facebook? A picture of himself under the words “Ghaqal fit-tmexxija”.

  4. etil says:

    Great – you made my day.

  5. lupara bianca says:

    Baxxter for President.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    Paul Sheehan couldn’t attend because he was at his art class.

    They are teaching him how to draw guns.

  7. Thoughtful says:

    Is it possible that everyone, including HP Baxxter, forgets about the fact that Mallia spent years appearing in court pleading against parking tickets given to tourists, in his role as legal advisor and, I believe, Secretary of the Rent-a-Car Association before becoming a criminal lawyer/lawyer to criminals?

    His rise as a criminal Lawyer started following his liaison with Giannella De Marco. Before that he was a nobody.

    Lest we forget.

  8. J.Sammut says:


    L-eks-ministru Mallia.

    Joseph Muscat għasru,

    u irmieh bħal-lumija!


    L-eks ministru Mallia

    eluf taħt is-saqqu

    għandu ħames mija!

  9. Rosie says:

    She’s still calling him minister.

    Baxxter – fenominali as usual.

  10. Rover says:

    O Alla ta l-avukati
    Kemm tiri qlajt gewwa sidrek
    Martri tal-Maltin,eroj tan-nofs miljun.

    Bid-dmuh f’ghajnejja
    Ghax Prim nixtieq narak
    Kmandant tal-Forzi Armati
    Ghalissa ivventilat.

    Galadarba bla mpjieg
    Xi zigg insibulek
    Biex tkompli zzid
    U tilhaq il-miljun.

  11. il-Poppy says:

    The girl reading the poem was a Pulse candidate at Junior College a couple of years ago.

  12. Anon says:

    I’m sorry it this Manuel Mallia or Kim Jong Un? I’m genuinely confused.

  13. Pudina says:

    That bearded man in the photos is none other than Rodnick Abdilla from Bormla who lives in Sliema. His wife and Gianni Zammit’s ‘wife’ are sisters (Widdowson).

  14. Non Compos Mentis Band says:

    Declaring to be proud of having worked with someone for only 20 months is good work-wise as it is a plus for your CV.

    But one can’t get to know someone well and on a personal level in just 20 months.

    The two situations above can not be put in the same category.

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