Next time Johnny and Bastjan Dalli go to Lourdes, Don Manuel will be going with them

Published: December 18, 2014 at 8:09pm

Can you believe this? I mean, can you?

man 4

25 Comments Comment

  1. sargu_Xih says:

    Jesus about the Pharisees:

    “They pile heavy burdens on people’s shoulders and won’t lift a finger to help. Everything they do is just to show off in front of others. They even make a big show of wearing Scripture verses on their foreheads and arms, and they wear big tassels[a] for everyone to see. They love the best seats at banquets and the front seats in the meeting places. 7 And when they are in the market, they like to have people greet them as their teachers.” – Matthew 23:4-5

    Truly, there is nothing new under the sun where human beings are concerned.

  2. Brian Sinclair says:

    The guy is under mental pressure. This is out of character..

  3. Salvu says:

    He knows that someone has already delivered for him .

  4. curious says:

    X’nies dawn. Anke ir-religjon irid juza.

  5. Anna says:

    Quando non si puo piu, si ricorre al buon Gesu

  6. J.J. says:

    Dan bis-serjeta’?

  7. Jozef says:


    Symbol is everything. The bishop was removed.

  8. Jack Beans says:

    Mela l-ewwel kellna ministru li donnu kien jaf għaliex il-Madonna kienet “qed tibki”, u tgħidx x’ma qalux. (U minn dak li qed naraw jiġri madwarna (donnu) kellu raġun!)

    U issa għandna lil daż-żibel (politically speaking) ta’ ex-ministru li jrid iqabbżillna demgħa biex nitħassuh għax alla qed jara, jisma’ u jfejjaq il-weġgħat tiegħu.

    Ippermettili nissuġġerilu jisma’ ripetutament id-diska ta’ Zucchero: Miserere! u ma jħallatx il-ħass ma’ xi ħaġ’oħra.

  9. stephen borg says:

    Mohhu hfieflu donnu. Dalwaqt jghid li qed jisma l-vucijiet bhal Bastjan.

  10. aidan says:

    That is a sarcastic message to Kurt and Joseph.

  11. MrGlobeTrotter says:

    He must be having a hard time internally. Getting fired is never easy and it must be even more difficult to fall from such a high profile position. Maybe this is a good thing, who knows?

  12. Xejn Sew says:

    Yep, there it is. When all else fails, wheel out Jesus. Noel Arrigo, John Dalli and now OK Siehbi.

  13. pale blue my foot! says:

    It seems that when the shit hits the fan for some politicians, they become born again Christians. Hypocrites.

  14. Wigi says:

    Bishop bans processions after homage to Mafia boss.

    The bow, he said, was a “gesture of blasphemous devotion that is the opposite of what is due to the mother of God”.

  15. Lara Sbroffa says:

    Manuel Mallia wears heavy eye make-up then, does he? You never know, do you, these days.

  16. Imbellah says:

    Or maybe he’ll try and propose himself as a replacement archbishop of Malta in lieu of Paul Cremona, if the post of Foreign Minister goes zmerc for him.

  17. Albert Bonnici says:

    ‘He hears you and he will deliver you’ ( must be taken in the plural sense) Mallia got it wrong. What the Lord has done he has delivered us from him. Thank you Lord

  18. M.Borg says:

    Well, he is named Emmanuel. Soon he will be crying out “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”

  19. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    When all else fails, turn to religion.

    What these hypocrites do not realise is first they have to be forgiven by those who they trespassed against before they put religious quotes on Facebook or go to Lourdes praying for miracles.

    I have no doubt that John Dalli, his criminal brother Bastjan and Manuel Mallia have not been forgiven by many.

    Karma – no need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if you are lucky your God will let you watch. I have been that lucky.

  20. Gracecam says:


  21. chico says:

    Yes I do believe it. My favourite axiom of late has become: just when you think you’ve seen it all…you realise you haven’t.

  22. Gaetano Pace says:

    Three wise men who take the short cut to heaven. It is very painstaking to undertake the laborious pilgrimage to Santiago de Campostella where all would face the peril of a fall along the way as they did on the road to power.

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