Nippremjaw il-bzulija
I’m watching television while uploading comments and I just can’t believe the government is still advertising its Budget. Doesn’t Edward Scicluna have a hole of several billion to plug?
Who cares about the Budget anyway? We have more serious problems taking up our mind-space. It’s suddenly dawned on a whole lot of people that the government is not fit for purpose and that the underworld might well be pulling its strings and pushing its buttons, or at least those of some members of government.
Nor is it reassuring that Manuel Mallia is no longer in the cabinet. This operator has lost his power over the police and the army, but he has not lost his power over Joseph Muscat.
It’s patently obvious that Muscat is scared of what he might say and do.
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There’s going to be JPO on Xarabank representing the Labour Party.
That is exactly what he deserves to represent.
Scum representing scum.
The Labour Party deserves to be represented by JPO.
It is best if they start explaining to us Cikku l-poplu what we should expect on 1st January when Autobuses de Leon takes over. Or not?
They have figured out that the less they tell us the less we can hold them accountable for. Now it all depends on just how stupid people are and how many are smelling the coffee.
Nippremjaw il-bazuzli!
Nippremjaw lill-bazwija.
I think that Manuel Mallia has more leverage now over Joseph Muscat, since Joseph Muscat himelf and Kurt Farrugia knew about the cover-up.
Mallia has one more item to use as a weapon.
So Joseph Muscat wants us to believe that in the span of one year he has ditched Shiv Nair, JDalliBa and Don Manwel.
Wouldn’t that make Joseph the Boss of Bosses?
They are ecstatic referring to the resignation when the resignation materialized primarily thanks to the PN. What a disgusting man that JPO is.
“It’s patently obvious that Muscat is scared of what he might say and do.”
Amen to that. It’s the key to the whole situation.
The two are in cahoots on the passports deal, and there might be other similar deals we don’t know about from pre-election days.
So we have to conclude that they’ve hatched another secret deal between themselves post the bullets saga, or Muscat is now having nightmares about what might happen.
Muscat must be having nightmares, you say. He’s not himself and the way he’s looking and acting gives him away.
This incident managed to wipe that sarcastic look off his face and has stolen any joy he might have had in today’s ceremonies.
This Mallia incident won’t go away and it is going to dictate ALL his future planning. The reasons are various but the worst is fear. Poor Malta.
The shop owner doesn’t even know he needs gloves a when serving behind the cheese counter Wrapping cheese?
Everything is fake! Perception always…..
Għall-aqwa eżempji ta’ premjijiet għall-bżulija għandna nħarsu lejn il-biżibilju appointments li saru fuq bordijiet tal-gvern lin-nies tal-qalba fil-partit tal-gvern kif ukoll oħrajn, bħal dawk ta’ Lou Bondi u tal-billboard boys and girls.
Umbagħad jiġi Toni Abela, li m’għandu ebda ambizzjonijiet politiċi għax qed igawdi waħda tajba diġa, jgħidilna kemm hu ġust u rett u jixtieq jara l-oppożizzjoni taħdem mal-gvern tiegħu biex jintlaħqu l-prinċipji u l-ideali sbieħ li ilu żmien jippriedka.
Għall-paroli, prinċipji u ideali sbieħ, ‘il-Lejber ma jirbaħlu ħadd.
I cannot comprehend the fact that JPO is being authorised to represent the PL party on Xarabank. Is it possible that the PL does not have someone in their ranks who is more adequate?
Why has this government honoured Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud of Saudi Arabia?
Is it because he is mega rich or because he was a friend of Gaddafi?
Let’s ask Michael Cassar?
They’ll have friends in common.