Norma Saliba (girlfriend of Super One chairman) makes massive Freudian slip on TVAM

Published: December 10, 2014 at 10:19am

That’s the TVM breakfast show where the Super One chairman’s girlfriend sits around and tries to discuss current affairs.

As you can imagine, this morning’s current affairs include the Malliagate Tapes.

And Norma Saliba pronounces herself.

“Manuel Mallia nehha lil Joseph Muscat minn prim ministru.”

Oh dear.

Norma Saliba, who was put on the PBS/TVM payroll when Labour seized power, with her boyfriend, chairman of Labour's TV and radio stations, Manuel 'Love My Fab Suit' Micallef

Norma Saliba, who was put on the PBS/TVM payroll when Labour seized power, with her boyfriend, chairman of Labour’s TV and radio stations, Manuel ‘Love My Fab Suit’ Micallef

29 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    Isa, isa sibulna recording, please.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Even media perceptions are catching up with the inevitable reality of it all.

  3. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat has balanced things out between TVM and Super One, now.

    Janice, the girlfriend of the new boss of TVM – Owen Bonnici – is a reporter with Super One.

  4. Watcher of lies says:

    Well, she’s not completely wrong. Mallia has very much annihilated what was left of Muscat’s credibility following the power station story, compromising Muscat’s ability in winning any forthcoming plebiscites and general elections.

  5. Jojo says:

    She is prophetic!

  6. michael says:

    Ma nafx min ghamilha prezentatrici imma insomma.

    Injoranza grassa tohrog minn halqha.

  7. worried says:

    Nahseb li ghanda ragun, forsi din taqra l-future.

  8. LazyTown says:

    Manuel Micallef has now moved from Head of News at ONE TV getting his iced bun as HR Manager at Wasteserve Herr Flick.

    However he still presents some news programmes on Labour’s television and radio stations.

  9. jimmy firman says:

    U minn cercura x’tistenna hlief hmerijiet. Tajba biss biex taqa’ ghar-ridikolu.

  10. Jozef says:

    What is he wearing?

  11. anthony says:

    If she really said this it must be one of the greatest setbacks Freud’s detractors have ever sufferered.

  12. Maria says:

    Somebody has spoken the truth, at long last, because that’s what has actually happened.

  13. Norman Vella says:

    BIL-FILMAT: Manuel Mallia jneħħi lill-Prim Ministru
    Arah hawn:

  14. Angus Black says:

    Prophetic words?

  15. CiVi says:

    If only it were true! I’d be dead to the world by now from drinking champagne instead of coffee.

  16. A V says:

    Are we sure it was a mistake? I sounds more like foreboding.

  17. katrin says:

    Ma niehux qata li Manuel Mallia qal lil Joseph Muscat, nirrezenja jekk tirrezenja int ukoll, tafux.

  18. Caroline says:

    I hear it is wishful thinking for a faction within the Labour Party.

  19. verita says:

    Kunflitt ta’ interess ghal Owen. U ejja b’daqshekk, siehbi.

  20. john grech says:

    That is because Muscat did not keep his promise to commission the new power plant by next March.

  21. Jessica 2 says:

    Norma Saliba was so good (yeah right!) that they actually gave her an entire show to herself. Pablo was only there last year.

    One point we are missing here is that Norma Saliba uses a teleprompter – she actually READS out what’s written in front of her. Yes, that’s exactly how skilled in the art of broadcasting she is. So either it was a joke from her script-writer or she herself made the mistake when writing her script.

    However it definitely was not a faux-pax in discourse as Norma does not say anything spontaneously. She’s incapable of that.

  22. Tye says:

    It is said that when you pay peanuts, you get monkeys but with Labour : you pay thousands and you still get the monkeys.

    Oh dear.

  23. Gahan says:

    How many persons were watching TVAM?

  24. ken il malti says:

    Why are these shiny ponce suits popular with Maltese men?

  25. the Voice says:

    As far as I know, he is not the chairman of One. Else the building would have already burned to the ground thanks to his skills for sure.

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