Prime minister’s aide hounds warden in revenge
December 18, 2014 at 9:21pm
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xi hdura
Glenn Bedingfield may be committing a crime.
The Malta Criminal Code states:
91. Whosoever by violence or threats compels a public officer to do or not to do any act appertaining to his office, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from one to five years and to a fine (multa) of not less than four thousand euro (4,000) and not more than ten thousand euro (10,000).
I think the main mistake that the prime minister’s aide makes here is to publish the name of the warden, possibly exposing the warden to harm or intimidation.
Is this a violation of data protection?
I would think so, Ciccio.
I am sure that the new Police Commissioner will be looking into this because he is a serious person.
It’s worse than violation of data protection. He must have found out the name through his position in the office of the PM, something none of us can do.
@ bob-a-job – time will tell.
From his vantage point in Castille he will soon be updating us with illegally parked government and state cars.
Well done, Glenn. Keep it up! It’s not fair to just pick on ‘iż-żgħir’.
Is he perhaps the warden with whom Mr Bedingfield had a run in a few days ago?
Qed tipprova tiggustifika, Glenn?
Isn’t it obvious the warden stopped there to give the car in the foreground a ticket?
I suspect that the poor warden will soon be subject to a frame-up and thrown to stew in jail.
Intimidation and abuse of power .
Beware, dear warden – Fat Glenn carries bottles.
and a lot of weight.
Just imagine if this had happened under the previous government. The GWU would be marching in the streets calling down fire and brimstone on Edgar Galea Curmi for persecuting a poor defenceless worker.
But under Labour, Tony Zarb is far too busy slurping his Maltova, when he’s not thinking of ways to line the union’s coffers from rental agreements, to bother.
Data Protection at its worst. Where did he get the name from?
Maybe he rang the warden services company and said ‘Ghandi l-prim ministru mieghi’ and forced them to give him the warden’s name.
Xi hdura ta’ nies.
Why did he have to name the warden? How did he even find out the warden’s name? Did Glenn by any chance get a fine from that warden? Secondly everyone can see the car is temporarily parked there as it has its hazard lights on.
Go get yourself a bottle of Chianti, Glenn. First drink it, then sit on the bottle. That ought to make your smile even broader.
Data Protection case contravention?
Mur ghafdalhom il-personal data tat-tfal taghna fl-iskejjel kif ried il-Ministru Bartolo!
Ghalhekk irid ikollhom l-access ghall-personal data biex ikunu jistghu ixandruh mal-erba’ rjihajt mad-dinja kollha kif ma taqbilx maghhom.
Some people simply cannot be trusted with a post of responsibility. It goes to their head and soon show that they abuse this responsibility.
But the prime minister is happy to surround himself with such persons.
I heard or read lately that wardens can park their official car anywhere. I ask what anywhere means if they risk accidents to third parties?
Dak l-ezempju li ghandhom. Il-huta minn rasha tintenn.
Mhux probabbli xi nazzjonalist li Glenn ghandu ghalih? Wara kollox il-mistoqsija vera hi kif irnexxielu jasal ghall isem tal-warden? Tghid verament jaf min hu, u sab ic cans li jwahhalulu?
I for one support that warden. tender him my solidarity and congratulate him for having the freedom, the liberty, the independence, the most admirable sense of duty in the course of executing his duties. Keep up the good work warden we are with you.