Prime Minister’s aide spends all his money on food and wine and has none left for glasses and car licence

Published: December 19, 2014 at 6:21pm

Take pity on this poor aide to the prime minister, and buy him some glasses for Christmas.

plastic cup

27 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Come on, you’re all being nasty. I’m glad our Glenn has at last found happiness, now that Joseph’s made it up to him.

    Here’s to plans that come together.

  2. vanni says:

    Glenn Bedingfield – the Malta Labour Party’s self-styled bon vivant.

    • Robert Pace Bonello says:

      Official MLP sommelier.

      • Gahan says:

        Sommel xiex?

        Ferrgħa koċċ Kinnie ma’ dak l-inbid aħmar fit-tazza tal-pinta,u tara kif jinżillek għasel mal-karawett u l-bebbux bl-aljoli, ġej bit-tazza tal-plastik qisa tazza tal-grokk.

        Glenn, min il-qaħbeċ għalmek dawn l-affarijiet? Meta se titgħallem?

  3. makjavel says:

    Glasses , he wouldn’t know if to wear them or drink from them.

  4. fm says:

    Small minds.

  5. il-Ginger says:

    Slow news day? :)

    • Angus Black says:

      Now that Mallia and Silvio are gone… but wait, Herrera is trying hard to create a headline or two.

      One never knows with this ship of fools.

  6. A V says:

    Château Lamothe-Vincent… average price €10… that means that by saving the increase King Joseph and Queen Michelle have magnanimously given their people , one can’t even buy one for next Easter. (58c X 15 weeks).

  7. pacikk says:

    I wonder if the prime minister would give him an allowance for being the government’s sommelier

  8. C.G says:

    He`s a bluffer who has no idea how to appreciate a bottle of wine. Was it all that wine which made him forget to pay his car licence?

  9. MrGlobeTrotter says:

    Showing off expensive wine bottles is not impressive. Expensive wine does not necessarily mean good wine.

  10. Etienne Bonello DuPuis says:

    Maybe someone can send him a peasant for Christmas

  11. Henry James says:

    Is he an alcoholic? Does he think of anything else?

  12. U Le! says:

    Ma nifhimx fl-inbid. Dan ahjar minn Earl Grey? U jekk iva, JPO jaffordjah dan jew irid jaghmel hafna treatments tal-Botox biex jixtri wiehed?

  13. Toni Borg says:

    Seems like the minute Joseph leaves him alone Glaannn starts hugging the bottle.

  14. C Mangion says:

    Nothing like sipping wine out of a plastic cup, hux Glan?

  15. chico says:

    So whose plucking the pheasant Glen?

  16. Mercury Rising says:

    Oh poor thing, he turns to the bottle because he is not allowed in Joseph’s KKK (Kurt, Keith and Konrad).

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    Veru qatt ma raw xejn.

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