Public broadcaster Radju Malta is promoting the PM/Zikk link on Facebook

Published: December 3, 2014 at 9:52am


60 Comments Comment

  1. gn says:

    Sorry, dalwaqt icemplilhom Silvio Scerri u jghidilhom inehhuha.

  2. gn says:


    Se mmut bid-dahk.

  3. Paddling Duck says:

    Proffexxinal ta vera!

  4. Gahan says:

    This is the Christmas spirit under a typical Golden Years Labour administration.

    One thing’s for sure, Simon Busuttil wiped the smile from Joseph’s face and made him show us what he truly is.

  5. canon says:

    Jaqaw ta’ Bumarrad jghidu zigg flok zogg.

    [Daphne – The people of Burmarrad say nothing of the sort. I really can’t stand it when people say he’s a typical rural peasant. He absolutely is not. Rural peasants are 100% civil and polite. I live round here. Muscat’s language, gestures and attitude are typical of the Grand Harbour area, and I won’t say which bits because people are so touchy. They are the gestures and attitude of Mintoffianism.]

    • Peritocracy says:

      Once can only imagine the sort of talk that goes on inside the walls Castille.

      • Tom Double Thumb says:

        Richard Nixon’s recorded language was part of the evidence used in his downfall after the Watergate scandal.

        But in Malta it seems people regard bad language as a sign of greatness and makes one super macho.

    • vic says:

      I live in the Grand Harbour area and, yes, Muscat’s behaviour is typical of many people around here.

      But there are decent people here, people who bear the brunt of socialist brutality but are forgotten by a PN administration.

      • A V says:

        The Nationalists who live in the Grand Harbour area do not know what it is like to live under a Nationalist government. With the introduction of the local councils, which are dominated by Labourites, the Southern Region has been living under a perennial Labour dominium.

    • J Abela says:

      Amen to that!

  6. J.J. says:

    And the new kid on the block is . . . Ziggy Joseph and Wailers

  7. Denpi says:

    Kemm hu hamallu!

    • David D says:

      Biex titkellem hekk fuq programm tat-televizjoni, u lil Kap ta’ partit politiku, mhux biss trid tkun hamallu, imma injorant b’intellett medjokru ghall-ahhar. Ja injorant!

      [Daphne – Dak huwa l-prim ministru, mhux ‘kap ta’ partit’.]

      • David D says:

        ‘Lil kap ta’ partit’ cioe’ lil Simon Busuttil. Anki jekk hu avversarju politiku, jixraqlu izjed rispett, bhalma, Simon Busuttil m’ghandu qatt jkellem hekk lil PM.

      • v says:

        ‘Kap ta’ partit politiku’ I think David D was referring to Simon Busuttil.

  8. Volley says:

    Ma nafx x’jarawlu onestament.Kif diga ghidt, jien nahseb li lil JM in-nies ‘ihobbuh’ biss ghax jghid dak li jriduh li jghid.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    On the PBS breakfast show this morning they had some sort of game in which listeners were asked to finish the phrase “X’iżżikk . . .” and send suggestions to the presenters.

  10. Volley says:

    L-ironija hi l-poplu Malti talla dittatur fil-poter, b’mod demokratiku.

  11. Tabatha White says:

    What this effort needs is a few good hackers.

    • A. Charles says:

      Whilst these hackers are at it, it would not be amiss if they visit the website of Henley & Partners and do a good deed by exposing this company’s deal with the government of Malta.

      • Tabatha White says:


        Whilst I have no doubt that their due diligence in the area of keeping things off the internet track is marginally better.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      It needs a lot more than that. But who would take the risk? Hacking is a criminal activity, and the righteous Maltese (including the Nationalist Party) jikkundannaw bil-qawwa kull att kriminali. So much for your effort.

      What this effort really needs is for the righteous to break out of the party system.

      Call it Counter-Imperium.

      • Tabatha White says:

        When the Government itself is breaking the law on a daily basis and the Police aiding and abetting with no clarity offered, the law of the land is in suspension.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh really? And who shall the people then? The Opposition leader? I don’t think so.

      • Tabatha White says:

        How one stands is personal.

        The Leader of the Opposition is not responsible for your personal decisions.

        He is responsible for being vigilant as to the shortcomings of Government and for steering the Government onto the right track.

        For defending the rights of each citizen and the collective potential.

        The Leader of the Opposition represents a collective voice.

        The citizen is (still) free to form his own political party if he is of the opinion that none of the existing parties represent him best.

        The onus to perform ethically and transparently is principally with Government.

        Why does the Opposition Leader need to suffer the brunt of responsibility for the Government’s bad planning, decisions and actions?


        Where the Opposition’s action in representing the citizens’ rights has been insufficient, it is reasonable to point this out repeatedly.

        I will continue, for example, to state that the EU Commissioner for Competition should be asked for a statement as to whether the Passport sale scam, which has seen the Passport switch to an additional designed role of convenience as a Financial Services product, is operating under fair market conditions.

        This, recognising that the passport scam is operating under the distorted EU overview that accepted this aberration, in direct contrast to the vote of the EU parliament, and in the absence of any clarity offered to the electorate, to the Opposition and to the Financial Services market.


        It is up to the citizen to push forward its views, where these are not immediately taken up by the Opposition.

        Lack of restraint imposed and of controls mechanisms recognised in one area will create an excuse for further elasticity in other areas.

        It is important that the Opposition be extra vigilant as to each degree of excess under this Government, and set in motion the necessary corrective or restraining measure/ s immediately.

        It is also up to each citizen to acquire an awareness of what is happening and an indisputed stand as to how, as an individual, he is able to personally contribute to guaranteeing that his rights, not his immediate needs, are best served and protected.

  12. Fred the Red says:

    The sad thing is that a good chunk of the population consider such behaviour “cool”

  13. Fred the Red says:

    The sad thing is that a good chunk of the population considers such behaviour “cool”

  14. zz. says:

    Consequently being hamallu is being IN.

  15. Persil says:

    He wanted to express himself in real Maltese as all of us do when confronted with something which is not good for our ears.

  16. Connor Attard says:

    Just under two years in and their Mintoffian roots are already showing. Addio l-Ingliżati biex nimpressjonaw lil tal-pepe.

  17. Mario Pace says:

    Il-Prim Zikkistru ta’ Malta Joseph Muscat.

  18. watchful eye says:

    Trid tkun il vera MALEDUKAT u ta’ wara l-muntanji biex tesprimi ruhek bil-mod li espremejt ruhek sur prim ministru.

    Hekk titkellem meta tkun fil-vicinanzi ta’ David Cameron?

    Vetrina ta’ dekor Malti.

  19. Tabar says:

    No wonder Angela Merkel rejected him so coldly.

  20. L.Gatt says:

    It is obvious that he is losing control of himself. He is feeling cornered and becoming more openly vicious in defending himself.

    Muscat is the typical person who cannot keep his cool when on a low and only manages to fake that he is in control when he is revered and feeling great about himself.

    That he is totally fake can be seen from his eyes and from his smile.

    His eyes are expressionless except for the occasional gloating glint and his smile is twisted and controlled (apart from the fact that he has no upper lip – a sign of meaness).

    On the plus side, Muscat’s present weakness seems to be nurturing Simon Busuttil who is gaining more confidence and stature every day.

  21. edgar says:

    Our home help is a real Labour person and she says that she cannot stand him. Il-vera antipatiku. But she still votes Labour.

    • lo squalo says:

      Ghax inkella jirbhu ta’ kontrina. L-istess in-naha tal-Kottonera. Kulhadd mdejjaq bit-tmexxija u jiftahru kemm kienu ahjar fil-Ministeru tal-Gvern taht Gonzi. Fl-ahhar mil-ahhar xorta lil PL jivvutaw.

      Hallas it-taxxa Gahan Malti ghall-edukazzjoni!

  22. M R Ellul says:

    Ix-Xandir Nazzjonali mhux taghhom! Hassu komdu jitkellem hekk ghax kien “home”. Tal-misthijja!

  23. Typically Labour says:

    It is rather very unfortunate that the title of this piece should create confusion when the first among hamalli speaks out.

    Once the Prime Minister is an expert on matters zikk/zigg could some intrepid reporter please ask him whether it should be ‘zikk’ or whether it should actually be ‘zigg’ so that we can learn it properly?

  24. RF says:

    He and his colleagues may be doctors of sorts but they will never change their crassness for class.

  25. anthony says:

    Sur Prim Ministru meta tkun Malta ghid l-izigg trid ghaliex hekk jixraqlek.

    Meta tkun Bruxelles, please, tkellem bhan-nies ghaliex hekk jixirqilna.

    M’ahniex ilkoll bdabat minn Burmarrad, thank you.

  26. doris says:

    Ma nistaghgiebx li jitkellem hekk. Mhux lil Mintoff jimita? Insejtu meta fi Pjazza Gavino Gulia lir-rgiel ghajarhom “bla b…jd”? Pastazi u baxxi.

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