Robert Musumeci shows us his Form 5 prize for best O-level results

Published: December 15, 2014 at 10:34am

Musumeci prize

Musumeci report card

Earlier this morning I asked jekk hemm xi wiehed normali. This in respect of Franco Debono’s latest ‘jien jien jien’ interview.

Bang on cue, somebody sent me a photograph of Robert Musumeci’s Form 5 prize certificate for best O-level results, which he has uploaded on his Facebook page in response to somebody who challenged him about his mathematical skills.


Back in the day, we would have stamped on them and shoved them under a rock. Now there are armies of them, parading themselves about as though they are completely normal.

This reminds me that I have one of those certificates too, but because I’m normal I haven’t a clue where it is. It’s probably in a heap of random papers in some dark cupboard at my parents’ house, unless it got thrown away in a clear-out.

I didn’t see it as any sort of achievement because I never worked for it. I just regarded it as a very amusing two-fingered salute to the teachers who repeatedly ejected me from the classroom, yelled at me for not paying attention and said I would fail everything except English because I never worked. God, how I laughed. Studying is so over-rated. Thanks for the memory, Robert. Now please put your prize certificate away. You’re 40.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Mark says:

    I had used mine to wrap some fish in. Anchovies, if I remember well.

  2. In-Nemus says:

    Leave him alone, Daphne. The poor thing is beginning to go gaga already.

  3. Matthew S says:

    Oh, for the love of God, not again.

    • Charles P says:

      If I could “Like” your comment, I’d do it a hundred times. Succint, yet captures the reaction/emotion of the vast majority reading this page when seeing (again!) these kind of certificates. Well said, Matthew S.

  4. rc says:

    Isn’t he an architect? At least he should have shown us a certificate from some more advanced maths.

    • makjavel says:

      Like 6% of the project costs.

      This is the limit of his maths.

      Do you expect him to churn up the fourth derivative of the load equation to calculate the deflection?

  5. Wilson says:

    There were lots of freaks in those days. They were fixated on their exam results but could not figure out anything concerning life.

    Hence they are now where their real selves always wanted to be back then but could only watch others do – a bit late, but they missed out on what life, on a personal basis, has to offer at the appropriate time.

    Now they’re being 16 to 25 at 40 to 60.

  6. Mila says:

    This certificate simply shows how good he was when COMPARED to others in that particular year and that particular school. No reference is made to the school’s ranking.

    It refers to the collective number of O levels he sat for and therefore reveals nothing about mathematics in particular. He could have obtained 12 As and one D (in Mathematics) and still be deemed as having the best overall result

    Great mathematicians are not demonstrated by an O level achievement at the age of 15/16.

    What did he not show? His mathematics result

    I am sure that others can find more holes in his logic, which clearly was not his forte.

    [Daphne – Oh good grief. There we go, down the Musumeci mentality route. This is not about his exam results or even about his mathematical ability. This is about what passes for normal in men of over 40 in public life in Malta. This is about the abnormality of waving your school certificates around when you’re middle-aged.]

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is this the thread about whose penis is longest?

  8. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Robert kien top student daqs Franco, mid-dehra.

  9. Mir-rahal says:

    Ahjar jurina l-fail kbira fuq ic-certifikat tal-kors tal-moviment ta’ Kana biex nkunu nafu kemm hu reputabbli.

  10. Xejn Sew says:

    He should have shown us his certificate in moral rectitude instead. Provided he has anything to show in that department, of course.

  11. mattie says:

    That’s what happens when people decide to leave it up to their certificates to judge their character, their personality and their achievements.

    Certificates only judge to a certain extent.

    What about experience?

  12. winston psaila says:

    Winston Churchill was a non-achiever in his student days – enough said.

  13. Persil says:

    To take architecture one has to have A levels in Maths and Physics. No easy subjects.

  14. il-Ginger says:

    If this is not a joke, he doesn’t even realize how lame he is jahasra.

  15. simca says:

    i never went to school and have no certificates to show, but i did keep copies of all the bogus sick leave certificates that I manged to get my ‘doctors’ to issue. Would these count please? Can I show off?

  16. Steve says:

    Yesterday i received a letter from someone named Nigel Scerri who is seeking to be elected to the BOV board of directors. The moment i read his letter i sensed something not quite right. Then i paid a visit to his website and confirmed that he suffers from the Franco Debono syndrome –

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Great web design though.

      P.S. Financial services. X’tistenna?

      Oh for butchers, bakers and candlestick-makers.

      • L.Gatt says:

        Great web design? Are you serious?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        What’s not to like about floating clouds and bouncy bits and bobs? Also, they tell me the “in” thing nowadays is to be creative with your CV. This is the age of Zuckerberg, not Henry Ford.

    • FP says:

      Let’s see if has time to read this site.

      NS writes “with whom he spends all his free time with”.

      Two withs there, Nige. Can’t have that with all those high-90s scores, can we?

  17. Mauritius says:

    Dan huwa kaz ta’ narcizissmu sfrenat. Sar perit, ha nofs il-klijenti ta’ Malta u ma kienx kuntent. Baqa sakemm studja l-ligi u issa se jaghmila ta’ avukat ukoll.

  18. J. Agius says:

    Another typical small-minded Labour supporter.

  19. C C says:

    So he got a prize in 1989? Are these mature men or what? Why didn’t he show some video of him as a DJ shouting “Vuoi ballare con me?” Are they silly or what come on men just grow up.

  20. Brian Sinclair says:


  21. Michael Abela says:

    U dan jghid li huwa perit u avukat? Lanqas decenza m’ghandhu.

    Ma jafx kemm waqa’ ghan-nejk Franco Debono bil-famuz rizultat tal-iskola? Issa jrid jehodlu postu fir-ridikolagni. Merhba bih.

    La zganga, zganga. Ghan-nizla u gol-hajt. Eh f’xiex spicca l-bniedem.

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