December 19, 2014 at 6:48pm
If only we could push this one back along with Manuel Mallia – but then Mallia would probably pick him as a suitable person to look after this children and drive him around.
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He’ll ditch Billy the Hitman for this one.
Manuel Mallia wouldn’t have hesitated to defend this prick.
Racism, in Malta?
What a charming individual.
This must have happened inside a bank. Is it possible that the level of apathy has soared such that no one tried to intervene? Least of the bank security staff or management?
So this happened in a crowded bank and nobody did anything while a man sat on, and punched, a defenceless lady until the police arrived.
[Daphne – That is exactly what I thought. The police sergeant arrived and found this savage sitting on that woman knocking her face about – which means nobody even tried to pull him off.]
As far as i know, all bank branches have an armed policeman on guard.
It wasn’t a bank but W&J Coppini’s office in Bugibba.
I apologise to Ms. Mohammed for this barbaric attack by a co-national. I hope she is well and hope this is the only and last time that she has a similar experience.
I would have expected that you would offer free dental treatment to this unfortunate lady to make up for the unjustified attack on a hapless lady.
Disgusting human being.
Not even an animal would behave like this. Apap is a disgrace to the human race.
”ġistrat Charmaine Grima qalet li l-imputat għandu jinżamm arrestat mhux biss minħabba n-natura serja tar-reat imwettaq iżda wkoll minħabba l-imġiba tal-imputat fl-awla.”
I did find TVM’s online take on what happened and the choice of title interesting however:
The punishment by the court to this man should be a long period of time serving the immigrants in Hal Far.
Scum. I hope this savage does serious time in jail and not get off with a slap on the wrist.
Instead of pushbacks we should start sending these savages to war ravaged African states.
So if a man protesting peacefully in front of the Prime Minister’s office building was arrested and taken to Mount Carmel Hospital, I wonder what this Apap man deserves.
Dan bhal Glenn, qisu qatt ma hareg mid-dar.
Wiehed qatt ma mar restaurant meta kien zghir u issa ifissa fl-inbid fin u s-sushi. U dan iffissha ghax qatt ma siefer u ra b’ghajneh nies ta’ popli differenti.
Povra mara.
Why did everyone else stand around and watch?
This really upset me and I’m not only referring to the savage.
Why did nobody have the guts to stop him beating her up until the police arrived?
We’re talking about a man beating up a woman and not two men fighting. What’s wrong with these people!
Would they have reacted the same way had she been Maltese?
Racism in Malta is getting out of hand and it’s not just with illegal immigrants.
If only we looked at politicians this way.