So much for Ray Zammit being “axed”
December 19, 2014 at 8:45pm
This photograph in Times of Malta’s print edition today really sums up the hypocrisy and falsity of our government. All that fuss about Acting Police Commissioner Ray Zammit being made to carry the can for the debacle of 19 November and its aftermath.
Now here he is, cool as a cucumber, in the role of deputy commissioner, greeting the head of state.
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So the president is subservient to dubious behaviour allowed by the state.
The acting commissioner after a huge professional mess becomes deputy commissioner.
He was already a deputy commissioner. He was just sent back to his old rank.
How did he greet the president, “Hawn siehbi” ?
Hawn siehbi, is for men, Hawn sax is reserved for the babes.
Dear Daphne,
I just want to thank you for being there this past year. You have brought the occasional humour, and a lot of light in these greyish times for Malta. This place has become a sanctuary for the average Joe who is sick and tired of Labour lies and deceit, and its all thanks to you.
May you and yours have a truly memorable Christmas and 2015.
Ditto Vanni. I’d go as far as saying that Daphne is our only solace in these very troubled times.
Love and best wishes to you Daphne and all your family, from all of us. And thank you for all the hard work you put in to give us your “commentary”.
Li kienet Agatha Barbara president, iva
on a completely different note, what an idiot we have for a prime minister
The PL will always protect, stick up for their own.
I just can’t believe my ears. The President is now at the concert (national orchestra playing) at St Lawrence Parish Church. So far no news.
The unbelievable thing is that so far the pieces that have been played are from Strauss (Die Fliedermaus), a song from Barbiere di Siviglia, Brahms (a Hungarian Dance) and Danse Macabre! IN A CHURCH IN CHRISTMAS TIME! For those who do not know, Danse Macabre has to do with the following: Death appears at midnight every year at Halloween. Death calls forth the dead from their graves to dance for it while it plays a violin. Skeletons dance for it until daybreak. They then return to their graves until next year.
It is unbelievable that such music is being played in a church. Do the church authorities understand the significance of this music? Ah…..but wait! Now I am hearing a piece of music which the TV commentator says is very popular in China…..NOW I UNDERSTAND! Is this concert meant to be a rehearsal for the trip to China that the National Orchestra will be carrying out after Christmas?
Now I am almost convinced that this is the case. And they are using a church to do all this! ISTHU! All this is happening a few days after the President stated that the Catholic religion is no longer an important feature in the national cultural life. And now she is presiding over an exercise where music which is totally alien (and at times insulting) to religious holy places is being played in a church.
Come now. It’s no different from playing John Lennon or Cat Stevens.
Big deal. Matthew’s gospel claims a zombie apocalypse in 27:45-54 with the dead rising from their graves and appearing onto many.
What are you amazed about? It took nearly twenty years to make them sound like an orchestra, it took one year to turn them into a jukebox.
I’m watching Xarabank and Muscat has just referred to Manuel Mallia as “habib tieghi”.×348.jpg
Which can only mean one thing: they’ve recently quarreled.
The outrageous incidents of the 19th November were transformed into a pantomime by this obscene government of ours.
Ara siehbi, niehu glokk?
He wasn’t even demoted he was acting commissioner
Perhaps he’s to be made her aid-de-chump.
Absolutely no professionalism and respect for those who elected them to power.
All they wanted was their vote – to hell with professionalism and respect. They do not know the meaning of those two words.
Did anyone else notice that Jose Herrera wasn’t wearing a seat-belt in tonight’s feature on Xarabank?
Another road fatality this evening and we continue to not have an idea if or how many serious and fatal accidents occur in Malta where alcohol or illicit drugs are involved.
Why? Because although in Malta we have the joint highest alcohol level allowed for driving, we do not have legislation where drivers involved in serious and fatal accidents must be tested.
This seems really strange when there is such a rush to decriminalize drugs and the law to do this is hailed as common sense, yet understanding what is the cause of accidents is not.
Perhaps the ‘U ijja’ attitude is more comfortable than gathering data and reaching conclusions so that the police force and the law courts can really act as protectors of society and bespoke educational campaigns can be launched.
Well the news bulletins always say that the driver lost control of their car.
It’s as if there is something faulty with imported cars, and they just don’t respond to the controls. They never say the person was drunk or in some state.
They are creating more jobs for the new mittelkless paid from the taxes of the old and Not In middle class.
The new Police Commissioner, Michael Cassar, has a hell of a job to reform the police.
His first step is to stop all the political interference in the police force. His second step is to take drastic action against corrupt officers.
In that case 10% will be out of their job.
It might also be quite appropriate to get rid of policmen who are affiliated with Freemasonry.
How can he reform the police if his second in command made such a mess and then insisted with the media that he did nothing wrong? That ship was sunk before its maiden voyage.
Police incompetence spelled out in the inquiry report but obviously supported by the PM, what room is left for Cassar to manouevre?
Ray’s the guy who took the bullet for Joey.
But Zammit then turned round and bit the PM’s as* when he rubbished the PM’s beloved inquiry by insisting that he (Zammit) did nothing wrong.
Ray is the guy who took the bullet off Kuuuurt
Lèse-majesté: Labour has made it their mantra, with the obvious goal of cheapening the office of the presidency, drip by painful drip. An office, incidentally, that was created by their own Labour predecessors. Makes one wonder what the current regime’s end-goal might be.
1. Eddie Fenech Adami described as “ex-deputat Nazzjonalista” on national TV.
2. Fenech Adami “bumped” from the VIP area on Independence Day, so as to accommodate a convicted criminal and the hamalla elocution instructor to HM The Spouse of the Prime Minister. (By the way, were Malta’s other former presidents even invited to that event?)
3. John Dalli, disgraced former EU Commissioner, sitting front and centre at the unveiling of Censu Tabone’s monument.
4. A former acting Commissioner of Police, demoted under a cloud of suspicion, greeting Malta’s head of state, with a smile on his face, as if nothing at all happened on the night of November 19.
Malta is living in Orwellian times.
You surprise me. How can you expect people like Ray Zammit to resign when people like Owen Bonnici have done much, much worse and not shown the slightest bit of contrition?
Owen Bonnici has shown gross immorality and unethical behaviour. He has been accused of this in this blog, in parliament and in most newspapers. He does not even reply to these accusations let alone do the ethical thing and resign.
Dr. Bonnici – I know you are reading this – so keep in mind that the ‘best’ is yet to come as not everyone’s silence can be bought.
Raymond Zammit only did what he thought was expected from all Commissioners of Police when Malta Labour Party Ministers are the political overlords. Either that or being unceremoniously kicked aside or outside.
The only durable MLP Commissioner of Police I know of paid a very heavy price for “being fit for purpose” according to the MLP agenda.
Tkun min tkun, trid taqdi lil xi hadd. Il-poter fantzama mibni fuq min taf u kif izomm mohh wiehed, mghaqud ha tinfluwenza.
Meta dawk li taqdi juru snienhom, trid izzomm id-dekor. U iva orrajt, orrajt siehbi.
Hafna jarawh bhala laghqizmu. Fil-fatt huwa KOLLOX biex izzomm il-poter ma ta’ mieghek jew fil-mohh tac-cittadin.
Il-president ta’ Malta hija kariga, hafna drabi vakwa tintela biss minn cerimonji bla azzjoni ezekuttiva. Il-vakwita trid toqghod ghal dan kollhu.
Int min int, qieghed hemm mhux biex taqdi ic-cittadin, imma l-fantazmi li jbezzuk bil-lejl.
Ray Zammit: “Aw siehbi”.
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca: “Jien il-president ta…”
Ray Zammit: “U ijwa”.
Why do I get the feeling that had the student been Nicola Abela Garrett, she of f#cking wanker ‘fame’, the Independent wouldn’t have a story.
if I am not mistaken he gave the order for the car to be loaded on the low loader. So he ordered the tampering of evidence. He should be prosecuted.
I really can’t stand Muscat and Labour.
The way they twist things is not only immoral, it’s insulting.
Look at this:
Specifically this:
‘he noted that President of the European Commissioner Barroso has recently visited Azerbaijan.’
Maybe Mr. Smug missed this statement:
Specifically this:
‘We also shared our views on key domestic issues for Azerbaijan. Presidential elections are high on the list. We expressed our hope that these can take place according to the highest standards, with the support of international observers including from OSCE-ODIHR.
Ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms stand high in our agenda. We have discussed these issues in an open manner and I had the opportunity to recall that stability and prosperity can only endure in the long term with the respect of rule of law, democratic institutions and of course a dynamic civil society. ‘
Muscat at his best.
Will the Freeport be the major sponsor of the nascent Fondazzjoni Anton Buttigieg? Let’s keep an eye on that too.
Those who expected Ray Zammit to be removed most probably are not aware that Ray is a cousin of the great or rather big Manuel Mallia.
I think the P.M. decided to promote rather than demote Ray Zammit to please his cousin Don Manuel, who will soon be give a new position himself.
Renzo Piano’s project is Taghna Lkoll…
Qed jghadduna passata. Kienu, ghadhom, u jibqghu jaghmlu li jridu meta jkunu fil-Gvern.