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Keep quiet zone. Joseph has gone to sleep.
L-isbaħ waħda ta’ Joseph nhar il-Ġimgħa fuq Xarabank ta’ qabel il-Milied:
“Jien nibda ninkwieta meta ma jkollix biex ninkwieta.”
Din l-istqarrija ikkwolifikaha hu u jirrispondi lil Peppi: ‘Emminni ta, veru ta.’
M’ahna xejn sew. La bil-Malti w l-anqas bl-Ingliz. Ahfrilhom Mulej ahfrilhom.
That would make a smashing name for a techno album.
This must be the parking spot for the bus that is used for Silvio Parnis’ coffee mornings.
Louding will soon be one of the new words which Oxford English Dictionary will be adding to its list of neologisms for 2014.
It means shouting and damping down of an opponents a ability to be understood in a debate; vide JPO and Toni Abela in a recent Xarabank programme.
Ufffff how negatif. Why don’t we see the perfect straight lines and the nice colour instead mhux dejjem the small mistakes taraw.
I honestly believe we can afford reduction in the amount of decibels flying around in every day life.
The barbarians have taken over.
This government is committed to the eradication of noise pollution.
Well what does one expect from an increasingly unlauded government.
That was done by someone illegally.
Yeah, right. Simon Busuttil and Beppe must have done it.
Jiktbu ma jafux imma l-flus jafu jdabbruhom.
Ikolli nghid uhud minnhom wirtu d-DNA tal-furbani.
I would like to hear the official answer to a PQ that tries to find out who is responsible for this advertisement of illiteracy, and what steps are being taken to rectify matters.
You can unloud as much as want but we still have gvern li jisma’.
You couldn’t make it up.
This would make a fine new year’s offering if people prone to such errors did not also tend to shirk work responsibility.
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Keep quiet zone. Joseph has gone to sleep.
L-isbaħ waħda ta’ Joseph nhar il-Ġimgħa fuq Xarabank ta’ qabel il-Milied:
“Jien nibda ninkwieta meta ma jkollix biex ninkwieta.”
Din l-istqarrija ikkwolifikaha hu u jirrispondi lil Peppi:
‘Emminni ta, veru ta.’
M’ahna xejn sew. La bil-Malti w l-anqas bl-Ingliz. Ahfrilhom Mulej ahfrilhom.
That would make a smashing name for a techno album.
This must be the parking spot for the bus that is used for Silvio Parnis’ coffee mornings.
Louding will soon be one of the new words which Oxford English Dictionary will be adding to its list of neologisms for 2014.
It means shouting and damping down of an opponents a ability to be understood in a debate; vide JPO and Toni Abela in a recent Xarabank programme.
Ufffff how negatif. Why don’t we see the perfect straight lines and the nice colour instead mhux dejjem the small mistakes taraw.
I honestly believe we can afford reduction in the amount of decibels flying around in every day life.
The barbarians have taken over.
This government is committed to the eradication of noise pollution.
Well what does one expect from an increasingly unlauded government.
That was done by someone illegally.
Yeah, right. Simon Busuttil and Beppe must have done it.
Jiktbu ma jafux imma l-flus jafu jdabbruhom.
Ikolli nghid uhud minnhom wirtu d-DNA tal-furbani.
I would like to hear the official answer to a PQ that tries to find out who is responsible for this advertisement of illiteracy, and what steps are being taken to rectify matters.
You can unloud as much as want but we still have gvern li jisma’.
You couldn’t make it up.
This would make a fine new year’s offering if people prone to such errors did not also tend to shirk work responsibility.