The Labour Party hasn’t accepted him as a candidate
December 21, 2014 at 12:42am
Interesting choice of photograph to accompany a statement like this, incidentally. Very – how shall I put this? – sexually ambiguous.
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Is this guy straight?
Wiccu jixghel. Xi hlew. Tghid bl-gherf jew bil-genn?
Sinjuri li tiktbu fuq dan il-blog, illum nahseb hadtu hasda nobis meta qrajtu r-rizultat tas-survey. Dan sar minn dan l-istess gurnal . Qed taraw kemm qed tbellghalkhom HOLM is-sinura Daphne ?
OK siehbi. La qieghed hawn, forsi tista tghidilna jekk ghadekx issib trab abjad Hal-Safi ghalli jista jkun?
Jahasra, oqghod ifrah f’ 200 ruh.
Why should he? His salary as Malta Council for Science and Technology chairman far exceeds what he would make as an MP, and unlike electoral politics, he is not at the mercy of the electorate. Knowing his luck, and knowing Maltese stupidity, he will still be MCST chairman way into the 21st century, perhaps even under a Nationalist administration. Like the clerk in the basement in the office everyone’s forgotten about.
[Daphne – He can be both a member of parliament and MCST chairman. And in fact, he was both for a good number of years.]
Blimey. I hadn’t thought of that.
Can we get a solemn promise from Simon Busuttil that he’ll sack the MCST chairman on the first day of his new government?
Not to mention the privileged pensions parliamentarians enjoy.
And sterilize the place.
And hopefully find alternative services for Ms. “I’m Proud of It” to provide there? Anything to get her off her knees will do, for example as a charwoman she will be providing an honourable service that will bring a smile to all, and not just to her boyfriend.
Nittama li hekk jagħmel. U mhux lil dan biss imam lil dawk il-ħafna inkompetenti li qegħdin biss ipappuha.
The big question is WHEN ???? Today’s survey result shows that Simon will be replaced in 3 years time !
Eddy, your comment isn’t worth a pint of pish in a urostomy bag.
You clearly have no idea what the MCST is. You’re probably one of those who think it’s MCAST, right?
Ah look, Eddy is still trying to get his iced bun.
Why didn’t you get anything yet, Eddy?
Willie Mangion got a nice sinecure, as did Sai Mizzi, and as did Lara Boffa and as did Lou Bondi.
In fact it seems that everybody got something, except you.
And doesn’t it piss you off to know how many times you posted on the internet propping up the Labour camp, and for what, so that these Johnnies-come-lately are rewarded, whilst you, a real Suldat tal-Azzar, are ignored?
Jien, il-Provost tal-Kunsill Xjentifiku, niddikjara solennement li lest naqdi fedelment u umilment lill-Eccellenza Tieghu, il-Wisq Kbir, Mahbub u Onorabbli Princep Josephus Muscatii, u dan billi nwettaq dak kollu li jordnali fl-gherf Divin Tieghu, hekk Alla jghini, illum, 21 ta’ Dicembru 1614, iffirmat u ssigillat, Godfroi de Pulcinellinus Orlandos Smithey.
U veru All jrid jghinek biex tara l-holma tieghek issir rejalta !
The interest of his country is before that of his girlfriend…
L-interess ta’ butu l-ewwel u qabel kollox, imbaghad l-interessi l-ohra ta’ mohhu.
Imbaghad lejn il-qiegh tal-lista issib li forsi jahseb f’dik l-i’spare tyre’ illi qed jirrombla fuqha filwaqt li tivvota Labour u “she’s proud of it”.
JPO jekk trid taqdi dmirek, simply vanish.
I like
Simon will vanish before him, rest assured !!!!
I only wish YOU would disappear Eddy. What a bore!
Does the bowtie mean he’s gunning for a job in Brussels or does it have different connotations?
Probably most of the people sending him those messages were Nationalists. What a sad old twat!
Labour’s sole correct decision so far.
Camper than a 1970s VW van.
Ma xebax jerda. What a jerk with a sense of entitlement.
Why should he think he is of any use to anyone, being so unbalanced and mediocre?
No Jeffrey, the country does not need you. On second thoughts, you would nicely do as the resident dentist at Mount Carmel Hospital. That way, they can keep an eye on you too.
Not to be accepted by Labour as a candidate is pretty bad. I mean, their bar is so low. Not that the PN’s was any better when he and Franco Debono were on the list.
Remember, you say that with hindsight.
After his Xarabank performance not only does Lejber not want him on their candidate list, but he seems to imply that he’ll be lucky if he retains his current appointment, and he’ll even accept a demotion.
It is clear now from what he says that the MLP are treating him like a squeezed lemon.
As was to be expected.
His grovelling is positively medieval,
Bi, no doubt about that. People like him are experts at getting it from both ends.
Aqbad dak l-arblu ppuntat u…
… u uzah bhala “butt plug”, sija ghalik u sija ghal xbintek. B’hekk tippruvaw teknika gdida ta’ business process re-engineering – breaking new frontiers for science in Malta.
JPO hu bniedem carlatan, laghqi u mhux affidabbli.
WOW. Like Franco Debono. He had hundreds of people encouraging him to contest the election.
You should meet up with him for a drink. I heard he is frequently at a bar in Strada Stretta and he was there on Sat at 2.30 in the morning.
They make a nice couple.
What exactly has he cropped out of the photo to his right?
The new Maltese James Bond
(Shaken not stirred)