The police protest against government control. But Robert Abela is their rep.

Published: December 7, 2014 at 7:22pm

14 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    The infighting has started.

    The government is seeking absolute control.

  2. canon says:

    Dawn in-nies qishom “magicians”. Ibidlu il-kpiepel f’hakka ta’ghajn.

  3. P Shaw says:

    The future leader of the MLP. He needs to continue from where his father stopped (or paused). He is only playing the long game.

  4. Anacletus says:

    Is he wearing an X-Men beard? An inverse Wolverine (Marvel Comics) beard? What’s wrong with these people?

  5. Tabatha White says:

    So the internal contra-faction is raising its head?

  6. michael seychell says:

    Robert Abela is married to Lydia Abela, the Labour Party’s executive secretary. Her party leader is the head of government.

    This is a conflict of interest.

  7. il-Ginger says:

    Meta jrid jaf jitkellem sew it-tifel.

  8. Matthew S says:

    I’m starting to feel grateful for this shooting incident. It has woken up the media.

    The media (this website excluded) gave the government a free ride for two years. Many in the media thought that the government was their friend but now they’re starting to realise that they were just being used as pawns and that the government doesn’t mind making a fool of them when it suits its needs.

    During those two years, the government was doing far worse than covering up an unlawful incident. It was busy gaining control of Malta’s institutions leaving no system of checks and balances.

    First, it sedated the media with cookies, leaked stories and lucrative contracts (hello there, Lou Bondi), then it stuffed the judiciary with people like Wenzu Mintoff and one of Owen Bonnici’s ex girlfriends, and then it took over the army and police force by measures like the ones discussed in this video.

    Mintoff himself would have been proud, though he would have seized the banks too.

  9. Be-witched says:

    Robert Abela just in case you haven’t been living in Malta for the past 40 years or so – Il-Gvern tal-Labour DEJJEM ikkontrolla l-Pulizija.

  10. Kummentatur says:

    Dr Abela tkellem sewwa hafna. Kien onest u dirett fi kliemu. Il-Gvern immexxi minn Muscat ha f’idejh il-korp tal-pulizija u anke l-istess pulizija mdejjqin b’dan il-htif! Grazzi Dr Abela.

    [Daphne – Int bis-serjeta? Il-mara ta’ Robert Abela hija parti ewlenija tal-Partit tal-Labour – executive secretary – u Robert Abela stess hadem u stinka biex tella l-Joseph Muscat fil-gvern. Kien anke wasal biex pastas bis-shih kontra Lawrence Gonzi li ghamel lil missieru president biex Robert u Lydia ikunu jistghu jizuffjetaw il-Palazz ta’ Verdala bil-plakkek tal-irham bl-ismijiet tat-tfal taghhom. Allura issa Robert Abela jaghlaq halqu u l-pulizija jistghu isibu avukat iehor jekk vera jixtiequ l-kredibilita.]

  11. David J Camilleri says:

    That’s the spirit! Daphne is the best!

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ma ninsewx ukoll li l-Ghaqda tal-Pulizija Pensjonanti qed jistennew sentenza mill-Qorti Civili dwar il-pensjoni taghhom.

    Tipikament ta’ din l-amministrazzjoni, is-sentenza giet differita ga darbtejn, fit-tul.

    Milli jidher il-Pulizija fil-livelli kollha jinsabu mdejjqin hlief dawk il-ftit li qed jistennew il-medicina li tfejjaqhom f`hinu u f`waqtu.

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