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Published: December 10, 2014 at 1:31am

Posted by Pat Zahra:

Emmanuel Mallia acts with impunity because he is useful to the criminal underworld and they protect him.

Joseph Muscat is merely an attractive puppet with power that he wields at the pleasure of others.

In short, the real power behind the throne is the criminal underworld.

The events of the last few days have shown that we are not merely under a government made up of thieves, pimps and scoundrels. It is even worse.

The members of government are under the thumb of other masters. And what’s more, the events of the last few days have sent a worldwide message that Malta is perfectly safe for criminal activity.


13 Comments Comment

  1. kapxinn says:

    “Hello, hello, ministru, Anton Attard hawn tal-PBS… Ghax haw l-ex ministru Mallia, ghandu regiment mieghu, qed jinsisti li jkellem lin-nazzjoni…”

    “Sheehan, sparalu warning shot go nofs sidru la ma jridx jisma.”

  2. Francesca says:

    I’m sure this whole Mallia saga has shut Codruta up on facebook. I use to feel sorry for her having to wake up every morning with a man like him in her bed, but now I have realized how well suited they actually are.

    • ciccio says:

      Why did you have to feel sorry for Codruta? She probably slept with him to make sure he does not run away with all that cash stashed under the mattress.

    • Angus Black says:

      Now I realize why he keeps half a mmillion in cash under his mattress, just to reinforce it so it can take the extra weight on his side of the bed.

  3. zz. says:

    Actually we were better off with Mallia as a minister.

    In his 20 months (actually in the first months) in office Mallia placed his people all over the army and police force. These people are loyal to Mallia no matter what position he holds or doesn’t hold.

    Now he controls the police force in such a manner that he can help his clients even before going to court.

    As long as he was minister he would have ensured that his actions would harm the government or public too much. Now he has no obligations to restrain his actions. God help us.

  4. neutral says:

    On his list

    1 Backbone if out of Stock 1 Spine
    Endless measures of decency
    Backorder of book ” How to regain your honour ”
    And audio version of ” Living in the gutter”

  5. Mandy says:

    Sadly, Pat Zahra is so very right. .

  6. Trigger-Happy says:


    This is what really happened.

    Exclusive video footage of PC Sheenan questioning the drunken Mr. Smith and of the moment Smith drove away.

    No warning shots were fired in this video.

  7. Trigger-Happy says:


    After the recent FIASCO, the new Police Commissioner has decided to train ALL new recruits himself.

    Watch his latest training video here:

  8. Queen's English says:

    You are so right, Pat. Look at the new laws about drugs.

    They are decriminalising possession of up to two grams of hard drugs. Half a gram of cocaine has a street value of Euro 50 – 60.

    The fine for being caught with two grams of hard drugs is Euro 100. So all drug dealers have to do in this little island is deal in smaller quantities but more frequently.

    This law could only have been thought of by a criminal and I am shocked that Owen Bonnici has proposed it and is promoting it. I’ve always known that he was an idiot ruled by his genitals but I did not know that he had criminal inclinations.

  9. decimus says:

    Forsi tghid imma tal-PL minn fejn kienu jgibu dawk il-fondi bla qiegh ghall-kampanja elettorali taghhom?

    Minghand ic-Cinizi? Mill-Azerbajan? Jew flus irriciklati minn attivitajiet ta’ natura dubjuza u investiti f’rebha Laburista bil-promessa ta’ ‘return on investment’?

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