Top comment of the afternoon

Published: December 7, 2014 at 2:19pm

Posted by Lawyerspeak:

When you hear the recording, it becomes evident that all the parties concerned were mostly interested in how things happened and how they were going to sell it to the public.

There is a lack of every kind of emotion except for a hurried panic to hide anything that might harm them.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Nistaqsi says:

    Tant kemm il-hsieb kien li jkun hemm cover-up li qabel ma bdiet il-konversazzjoni, waqt li Sheehan qed jistenna lil Kummissarju jkellmu, il-Kummissarju jinstema jghid lil min kellu fuq il-linja (Kurt Farrugia):

    Kumm: Le le, imma ovvjament li jafu biha, ghax anke qed icemplu il-gurnalisti…cemplu gurnalisti? (lis-Surgenta)

    Surgenta: Iva cemplu hafna, kwazi kollha cemplu.

    Kumm lil Kurt: Iva cemplu hafna, kwazi kollha cemplu. Imma l-importanti li t-tifla tieghu ma kienetx hemm dak il-hin.

    Nahseb li din il-konversazzjoni ssegwi konversazzjoni ohra li kellu l-Kummissarju mal-ministru Mallia, ghax kieku kif kien jaf dwar it-tifla? Allura tal-warning shots seta’ kienet struzzjoni li inghata biex jghid.

    • curious says:

      Apparti l-izbalji li allegatament ghamel Ray Zammit, ma nistghax nifhem kif se jaccetta li jehel b’kollox hu. Anke jekk se jwieghduh xi haga wara li jikkwietaw l-affarijiet, hemm ir-reputazzjoni tieghu fin-nofs.

      Imissu jammetti sehmu imma mhux aktar. Din mhux bicca xoghol ta’ wahdu. Ghandu jibza’ ghalih inniffsu u ghal-familtu. Imissu jammetti biss il-hazin li seta’ wettaq hu u mhux jerfa’ ta’ haddiehor. Almenu fl-ahhar jimxi ta’ ragel u agir bhal dan ikun ferm apprezzat. And to hell with his cousin and all the others.

  2. xejn b' xejn says:

    Of even greater concern is the lack of emotion that Manuel Mallia showed towards his own daughter.

    I know Daphne has already mentioned this fact in another post, but it should be on everyone’s back-burner. Jigi jitnejjek minn bintu stess ahseb u ara minna.

    • Charlene says:

      Which brings us to the point that Don Manuel is not a fit parent and that his daughter should be with her mother. And given that Codruta is not her mother, and I read somewhere here that he had left Nevise more than 20 years ago, then who is Carmela’s mother?

      • Pete says:

        Gozitan, perchance?

      • Matthew S says:

        Why was Don Manuel given custody of the girl?

        It is very unusual for the mother not to get custody. This only happens when the mother is in jail or is on drugs or is not capable of looking after herself let alone her children.

        Didn’t the mother want the girl or did Don Manuel play one of his dirty tricks and manage to convince the court that she is a total loony?

        [Daphne – We don’t know whether Carmela is his. What we do know is that she is adopted. The Maltese system allows people to adopt their biological children, but it does not follow that Carmela is the Police Minister’s biological child.]

  3. CIS says:

    Fully agree. Bdew jaraw kif se jbengluha.

  4. Persil says:

    From what I read and heard from two videos the authentic one and the rehearsed one were different.

    So now we have two different versions.

    Which one are we to believe?

    The incident is becoming more complicated.

    Let us all wait for the inquiry and then comment and see what will happen.

  5. Frame me up says:

    You are assuming that the recording released by the government today through the two media organisations which are allied to it has not been tampered with.

    The question arises whether the recording is legitimate.

    If you listen closely it is quite remarkable how the Commissioner’s voice recording is so clear and sharp with hardly any sort of background noise.

    Compare this to Sheehan’s and to the officer in charge who first answers Sheehan’s call and puts him through.

    Also it is rather convenient that the Commissioner actually uses the phrase ‘warning shots’ in his conversation when all along he is talking to Sheehan in Maltese.

    I seriously doubt the legitimacy of this leaked recording.

    I believe it was cooked up and actually produced to cover Joseph Muscat’s involvement.

    As Adolf Hitler’s spin doctor said: May the lie big, make it simple, keep repeating it, and eventually they will believe it.

    • Natalie Mallett says:

      I am with you 100% on this one. I believe they have tampered with the recording. The commissioner’s voice is too clear.

  6. canon says:

    It is not only Kurt Farrugia that he should have informed the Prime Minister but also the Acting Police Commissioner in his capacity and also Minister Manuel Mallia as the person under the authority of the Prime Minister.

  7. curious says:

    The ball is definitely in Joseph’s court and he is really worried.

    “Speaking on Radio 101 this afternoon, Dr Busuttil echoed a statement issued by the Nationalist Party earlier and said that Dr Muscat was with his back to the wall and had no other option but to publish all communications of the night.

    While the media could only publish what they had, the government had everything and by only giving the media a selective part of the recording, it showed the stage of desperation the Prime Minister was in, he said.”


    “I will not allow anyone to play with the integrity and honesty of this movement we have built over the years,” Dr Muscat said.

  8. bernie says:

    During the recording there is no mention that there has been an argument between Sheehan and the ‘Scot’. That doesn’t mean there was no argument.

    It’s very confusing that at first Sheehan says that the ‘Scot’ ran towards him with a beer bottle and then immediately says that this man then escaped by car, which Sheehan shot at.

    The Commissioner of Police also said that during the alleged car incident “faqaghulu” l-karrozza tal-Ministru. That denotes extensive damage. There was never a mention of just a broken side mirror.

    And as you amply described, before the government statement was released, it was clearly obvious that the shots were not warning shots at all. We all saw the pictures of those bullet-holes.

    I’m sure that Sheehan, the Police Commissioner, Kurt Farrugia, the Prime Minister and Manuel Mallia, all knew well that the ‘warning shots’ call in the statement was simply to cover up the issue.

    The part-recording issued by government does not answer any questions about more important details wrapped around this story.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Has anybody seen a picture of the boot of GM14 in a closed position?

      Was it open for a different reason? Besides putting the plates in and a possible transfer of merchandise?

      Could there have been some damage that was not visible on film?

  9. The telephone conversation also shows an absence of coherence and an inability to communicate by those involved.

    • canon says:

      Those involved panicked with the outcome of the shooting.

      Instead of doing what was supposed to be done, they opted for a cover-up and made a mess out of it.

      Now whose idea was that to cover up. I think it was Joseph Muscat’s idea or at least he authorized the idea.

  10. Osservatore says:

    Commissioner of Police: Issa ġejjin għalihom minuta, issa wara li telaq, inti x’għamilt – mort tiġri warajh?

    PC533: Le le, wara hemmhekk tajtu ġiex tiri jien.

    CoP: Kif rikeb ġol-karozza?

    PC533: Mela.

    CoP: Kif rikeb ġol-karozza dan tah kemm il-tir tajtu?

    PC533: Tnejn.

    CoP: Tnejn jew tlieta?

    PC533: Tnejn għandu jkun.

    CoP: Għandu jkun żewġ tiri li jiftakar tah, żewġ warning shots. Imbagħad x’ġara?

    Something jars here. Why would the COP mention three shots himself when Sheehan had just said that he had fired off two shots.

    Had I been on the phone telling our CoP that I had just stabbed a man twice, would he also have asked me whether I had stabbed him twice or three times?

  11. Jayembee says:

    Anyone with a bit of intelligence realises that Sheehan was being prompted by someone at his side and by the commissioner. Also, how could he have been cornered if he was giving chase?

  12. Joe Vella says:

    It sounds like the Police Commissioner is leading Sheehan all the way in the phone call.

    If so, it is obvious the he knew already what had happened. Could it be that this particular recording of the phone call was done afterwards to clear Kurt Farrugia?

  13. Jack Beans says:

    Another thing that struck me was that Sheehan only mentioned the broken bottle in Smith’s hand when the Asst. Commissioner was simultaneously asking Sheehan what had happened and passing on those details to Kurt Farrugia.

    When the Ministry’s statement was issued and reported in the media a lot of emphasis was made on that broken bottle in Smith’s hand and the latter’s breathalyzer test which measured three times the normal level of alcohol.

    Was this an invention (if not a lie) by Sheehan on the spur of the moment when he realised his version was being relayed to the P.M.’s communications man?

    Smith was arrested and held in custody at Police HQ for many hours. He must have been interrogated, or at least asked, about his version of the events. What did he say?

  14. Gozo Joe says:

    Even a child can realize that the conversation between Sheenan and the Police Commissioner is a botched up fake.

    1) The Commissioner is continually prompting Sheenan to state certain ‘facts’.

    2) There is a complete lack of emotion on both sides during the reporting of this shocking event. Compare this to when Sheehan first rang the control room.

    3) The Commissioner just carried on the conversation calmly (no shock) when Sheenan admitted that he had FIRED TWO SHOTS at another man…because of a broken wing mirror.

    Would the Minister’s driver dare state ‘that he was with Minister’ if this was not true? Eyewitnesses reported that there was another man involved.

    Why did Sheenan`s brother rush back to their mum to tell her that Sheenan `sparalu zewg tiri’? They must have known him previously.

    Smith’s total silence is very strange.

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