Urgent cabinet meeting called this morning – Opposition leader to give press conference at 1.30pm

Published: December 6, 2014 at 12:26pm

The prime minister (Joseph Muscat) has called an urgent cabinet meeting this morning. It’s still on-going.

The entire Labour Party parliamentary group (this means all their MPs) were called in, too.

The media have been informed that the Opposition leader will be giving a press conference at 1.30pm.

It will be broadcast live on NET.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    And there he was, refusing to let Mallia go, a motion of no confidence postponed, adamant he had been misled and how disgusted and angry all this made him.

    Would love to hear Deborah Schembri’s thesis how the PN did the same. Or that Godfrey Grima. Experts in the field that they are.

    Qabda racanc.

  2. Edward says:

    Urgent cabinet meeting? It’s a couple of days too late to be called urgent.

    Is Muscat holding this meeting because he just found out about what happened, or because he knew all along and now has to come up with some sort of excuse to wiggle his way out of it all?

    He fired Anglu Farruagia pretty quickly before the election, why is he taking his time with Mallia?

  3. Matt says:

    We have a constitutional crisis. No one is safe and the police and special forces are gearing up for totalitaran control.

    • Tabatha White says:

      L-aqwa the “Statement of Appreciation” that is worth nothing, considering who made it.

      How can an apology be taken seriously, when the behaviour is the same?

  4. Tabatha White says:

    Only one outcome is acceptable really: That’s one where the cabinet resigns and a new election is called.

    • Cikku says:

      Mhux li kien! U għandi tama li hekk se jkollu jsir, għax ħadd minnhom mhu sura.

      Mill-banda l-oħra ekk din il-praspura se tgħaddi mal-oħrajn, allura nistgħu nibqgħu ċerti li jsir xi jsir f’Malta mil-lum ‘l quddiem mhu se jtiranġa qatt għax jagħmlu li jridu qegħdin u aktar jibqgħu u sa tliet snin oħra nistgħu ngħidu addio għad-demokrazija għax se nerġgħu niġu back to square one kif konna fis-sebgħin u t-tmeninijiet.

      Jien nibża’ li lanqas elezzjonijiet ma jkollna u għalhekk hemm id-diċerija li se jibqgħu huma fil-gvern. Nistennew u naraw.

  5. Beingpressed says:

    Why has petrol been reduced another 2 cents.

  6. Bonkers says:

    And no mention in Times of Malta of the unplanned urgent Cabinet meeting held/being held this morning and Simon Busuttil’s press conference at 13.30 today. Have they no journalistic sense of shame in letting their readers down?

  7. Tejatrin says:

    If he plans to kick out Mallia , he should also kick out the coconut and the head of PBS news.That is , if wants to be seen to be credible,

  8. Albert Bonnici says:

    Have just heard Simon Busutill’s press conference. He is getting better every day. He has not just got Manuel Mallia crucified, but Kurt Farrugia, the acting police commissioner and Joseph Muscat.

    The transcripts prove beyond any doubt that the four of them are up to their necks in this almighty mess.

    • Jozef says:

      The press conference was necessary the moment it was known Muscat called his parliamentary group, the only thing discussed the motion of no confidence.

      Hat off to Busuttil.

      The choice Muscat faces is between Mallia and the Movement seen as having an inner opposition. He personally can’t afford it, not when the Movement supersedes all party structures.

      The MLP cannot afford a revival of the golden years, not after Alfred Sant.

      That it had to be the self-described “true Nationalist” is so ironic.

    • observer says:

      One can reasonably say that ‘this almighty mess’ is a misnomer for ‘a cesspool stinking to high heavens’.

    • Cikku says:

      Bravu Dr Busuttil, qed tingrana kull ġurnata li tgħaddi. Prosit.

  9. Edward says:

    It wasn’t urgent after all. Just a regular meeting because Monday is a holiday. Typical.

    [Daphne – Muscat’s cabinet meets on Tuesdays, not Mondays.]

  10. rjc says:

    The cabinet meeting was described as normal, instead of Monday’s as it’s a holiday. Since when are cabinet meetings held on Mondays? Tuesday was the day as far as I know.

  11. Natalie Mallett says:

    They were discussing Dante’s La Divina Commedia and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four.

  12. J Abela says:

    The fact that our prime minister is a serial liar is not news to me.

    His gestures, his facial expressions, the way he says things are typical of a classic serial liar.

    I know the type. Sometimes I think that these kind of serial liars derive some kind of pleasure from lying and testing whether they’ll be caught or not.

    This time I think the Prime Minster and his government have been caught red-handed in all their lies.

    It seems to me that the Prime Minster can’t force Manuel Mallia, and the others involved, to resign because he was an compliance in manufacturing all of the falsities that the government tried to feed the general public.

    I don’t think Manuel Mallia and all the others involved would accept being made the scapegoat while fully knowing that the Prime Minster was an accomplice with them all the way and probably the one directing all the lies from the very beginning.

    At this point I think, Manual Mallia’s resignation is not enough. The opposition should start asking for the Prime Minster’s resignation. We simply can’t have a serial liar as a Prime Minster.

  13. Mila says:

    Looks like Joseph Muscat is flying yet another kite. He will use the feedback to decide the road that least damages him personally. What he calls prudence is actually coldly calculated self-preservation.

    “Police need shake-up – Mallia stays for now” – Muscat in The Sunday Times today.


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