What these calls show is that Manuel Mallia went into default mode as a criminal lawyer

Published: December 8, 2014 at 8:34pm

In all of his initial calls to the police control room, Paul Sheehan is almost boasting that he shot at the other man. He shows off about it.

In one of the calls he makes of point of shooting while on the line to the control room, and then tells the operator that it’s his fault for refusing to dispatch the Rapid Intervention Unit.

The police arrive in the tunnels and he carries on boasting to them about how he shot at him.

Then we get that phone call in which Sheehan speaks to the Police Commissioner for the first time, and says that he has spoken to Manuel Mallia already.

“I shot twice,” Sheehan tells the Commmissioner, and then adds hastily, “But not at him, ta!”

It’s seems to me perfectly clear that his conversation with Mallia was not minister for the police/driver who had just shot somebody but criminal defence counsel/somebody who has just shot someone.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Jeff says:

    Video 8..1:22
    ‘Ehe, peress li jaf li kelli dik waqaf imbaghad’.

    [Daphne – That’s right. ‘He stopped because he knew I had a gun.’ Disgusting hamalli savages. How much more can we take? Imbasta ghamel il-flus, dak Mallia, u baqa baxx pessmu. “OK siehbi. Bang bang.” Vile.]

  2. Tabatha White says:

    And the cover up remains headed by Muscat, involving Mallia and the Police Commissioner.

  3. Henry James says:

    It is important to remind people that the police have their own communications department and it is not the government Department of Information.

  4. Freedom5 says:

    Precisely. Indeed it was TVM 8pm news which accurately reported that Sheehan CHANGED his version, when he says “but not at him”.

    He appears to have made this “this clarification” after he communicated with Minister Mallia, and it was the latter who brought Sheehan to his senses that it was no heroic act he just did, but a serious crime.

    This is where the cover-up started – by none other than Minister Mallia himself.

  5. il-Ginger says:

    Why are they splitting these recordings into a billion files. Annoying as hell.

  6. curious says:

    I hope that one of the journalists asks Muscat who phoned him and at what time. He should also say where he was when he received the call.

    He had ample time to check his phone log.

  7. il-Ginger says:

    I hope you are taking note of the timesofmalta comments on Facebook.

    Pretty weird shit going on in there – they’re equating this case with https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=108009122719756&set=a.108009119386423.9118.100005320060213&type=1

    These people don’t deserve the air they breathe.

  8. rjc says:

    Jason Azzopardi has just made a very valid point on Net TV during Newsfeed.

    Holding a mobile in one hand and firing with the other means that the gun was cocked.

    Cocking an automatic gun requires the use of both hands, meaning that the gun was ready to fire before the mobile call was made to 112.

  9. michael seychell says:

    Daphne it has just been announced that the Acting Commissioner has been sacked, and Michael Cassar who was chief of Security has been appointed Police Commissioner.

    It has also been said that the Prime Minister has asked Manuel Mallia to consider resigning, however he left it up to him to decide whether to resign or not.

    What an irresponsible and pathetic Prime Minister we have .
    It is now even more evident that the P.M., for reasons known to himself only, is not in a position to remove Mallia from the Cabinet.

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