While Sergeant Balzan languishes in jail: NO CHARGES AGAINST DRUG SQUAD MAN

Published: December 10, 2014 at 11:06pm

gabriel micallef TMI

Inspector Gabriel Micallef, a member of the Drug Squad, was at the scene in the tunnels that night not in his capacity as a police officer who was authorised to oversee proceedings.

He was there because Paul Sheehan rang him. Sheehan is in a relationship with Micallef’s sister, Dolcieann.

He was the one who gave (unauthorised) orders for Smith’s bullet-riddled car to be taken away immediately, before the superintendent and the duty magistrate arrived.

He did so not to clear the road but to clear evidence. The car was gone within minutes. It’s the most incredible luck that a cameraman from Times of Malta got there just in time and filmed the car being taken away and the bullets in the rear.

This Drug Squad operator is also suspected of removing the spent cartridges from the scene of the crime, and of trying to coerce two women who had filmed the shooting (that footage is out there somewhere) to hand it over. They picked him out of a police line-up but they also picked out another man as they weren’t sure.

Now The Malta Independent reports that no action will be taken against him. Meanwhile, Sergeant Lee Roy Balzan was arraigned under arrest and charged with deleting part of Smith’s arrest report, which was later recovered. But Balzan has nobody to protect him. He is not a protected man and he is not the Acting Police Commissioner who should have been kicked out of the force but wasn’t.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    As widely expected, the cover-up is turning into a frame-up.

  2. Gabibba says:

    The frame-up is fast turning into a cock-up.

  3. dutchie says:

    ln today’s Dutch news: Policeman receives a one month imprisonment for shooting 3 times at a drunken man who drove away.


    • dutchie says:

      Sorry, the site does not allow linking through another page.

      • dutchie says:

        Here’s a rough translation

        ” A police officer has been sentenced to a month imprisonment for shooting three times in the upper torso of a driver of a car in Rotterdam centre.
        The driver, who was drunk driving , suffered a spinal injury.

        The court sentenced the agent on Wednesday for attempted manslaughter. He also received a community service of 240 hours. According to the judges, the police agent did not adhere to the rules regulating the use of firearms by the police in the incident in the summer of 2012.

        The driver wanted to drive off after the arrest, when the officer opened fire. The court said that shooting is only allowed if there is a crime involving the use of violence. The situation was not dangerous for the agent and his colleagues, who stood in front of the car, and there was no danger to society. The appeal to self-defense of the agent was not heeded.”

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      And I am quite certain that the Prime Minister’s spokesman did not issue a false press statement, that the minister of home affairs did not lie about the incident to the press and parliament and that the prime minister did not involve himself in the matter to the extent that he also found himself lying to the country.

  4. Madoff says:

    Min jaf x’johrog li kieku nisimghu t-telefonati tal-mobile ta Sheehan.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    “The decision was taken before the removal of acting Ray Zammit from his post as acting police commissioner.”

    Since this decision is linked to the acts that lead to Ray Zammit’s removal as Acting Commissioner, that decision too needs to be reassessed.

    Otherwise, the new Police Commissioner Michael Cassar would have knowingly diverted the course of justice in yet another situation.

  6. Francis Attard says:

    Hemm bzonn li xi investigatur professjonali jistudjah sewwa dan il-kaz ghaliek il-cover up ma rnexxiex ghaliex kienet lahqet fil-post l-istampa, izda l-intenzjoni hemm kienet u din fiha nfisa hi kriminalita.

    L-ironija hi illi dak li mar biex jghatti toqba bieb il-belt biex ma jaqawx in-nies (intenzjoni tajba) gie arrestat u min ipprova jahbi evidenza (intenzjoni hazina) qisu ma gara xejn.

    • WOW says:

      We need Peppi Azzopardi and Xarabank at this stage.

      [Daphne – Like a hole in the head. The last thing a country mainly composed of intellectually challenged people needs is fewer challenges to their intellect.]

      • Benny Bradlee says:

        Dejjem tigini t-tentazzjoni li ncempel lil Bondi biex nara x’jahseb fuq din il-bicca xoghol.

        Imbaghad niftakar li gedded il-kuntratt ta-hush money waqt li kienet ghaddejja dil-bicca fl-aqwa taghha.

        Imisshom wara d-domanda ‘Where’s Everybody?’ ikomplu bit-twegiba: ‘In the government’s pocket.’

  7. Lol says:

    Tajba mela, lil wiehed ressaqnih nigru u tfajnih gewwa u dan xejn.

    U kif trid ikollok fiducja fil-korp lol. Il-forka ghal l-izvinturat. Minn ta l-inqas jitressaq u jekk ghandu jigi liberat tilliberah il-qorti.

  8. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    The whole Muscat delayed action is nothing but an unconvincing farce – the (ex-)judicial inquiry not excepted.

    The truth is that the members of the police force behaved predictably as they thought was expected of them by the Labour Party chieftains.

    Some did so with enthusiasm, others out of cowardice and/or self-interest.

    When the bubble burst, when the crime of “attempted murder” could no longer be concealed because of public outrage, the police force became the herd from which to cull the sacrificial goats.

    Shifters and fooled credulous new voters, enjoy the spectacle and bemoan “mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”

  9. Mila says:

    This is beyond belief. If Assistant Police Commissioner Zammit cannot see what he did wrong then we are in the deepest of sh**. Commissioner Cassar can be sure to fail and we are looking at many more dark times ahead.

    BUT the clown in this farce is certainly Prime Minister Muscat who decided to retain an assistant commissioner who thinks that we live in ‘u ijja’, ‘siehbi’ u ‘kollox nirrangaw’ land.

    Listen to the recording, prime minister, and if Zammit did nothing wrong and those are your standards of management you yourself are even worse than we thought.

    As people are predicting, the incompetents you protect will continue to bring you down.


  10. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, and the new Minister responsible for the police, will become accomplices in the perpetration of this crime if they do not act.

    I am sure that the Attorney General, in the independent role that the Constitution places on him, has a job to do as well.

  11. Steve says:

    In the meantime nobody is worrying about Lee Roy Balzan or his family. He has been locked up for a week, treated like a criminal with no evidence for his accusations.

    Thanks, Daphne, for bringing this up. Injustice is being done big time.

  12. Steve M. Engerer says:

    When there is a cover-up it is inevitably followed by a frame-up.

    Lee Roy Balzan is not related or involved with anyone in this scandal, thus he is a perfect scapegoat.

    Iz-zejt jitla f’wicc l-ilma. Hopefully his arrest and arraignment will be another black day for the labour government.

    Kuragg, Lee Roy.

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