Why wasn’t Malta Enterprise’s special envoy to China part of Chris Cardona’s delegation?
Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy, has just been to China to discuss the potential for Chinese investment in Malta. His delegation to that country included Marika Tonna, chief operating officer at Malta Enterprise, Helga Pizzuto from the Malta Communications Authority, and Alfred Mifsud, described as “advisor to the Finance Ministry”.
In China, Chris Cardona’s delegation was joined by Malta’s ambassador in Beijing, Clifford Borg-Marks. There was absolutely no mention of Sai Laing Mizzi, even though she is paid to be Malta Enterprise’s special envoy to that country, with a brief to bring in Chinese investment.
Why didn’t she join Cardona’s delegation? What is she doing in China, exactly? Does she have an office yet, and where can potential investors (and the press) contact her?
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We deserve answers as she’s being paid out of our taxes.
You don’t want to make her cry, do you.
Yes I want to
Why wasn’t Humbert Mozzi there? He’s the Malta Council for Science and Technology’s ‘China liaison officer’.
Go on, JPO, I await your hissy fit.
Probably she works on her P.C. from home following the Minister for Health and Energy.
This is a dormant scandal that needs to be addressed.
You’re just jeliss. She was completing a course in Chinese massage and was concentrating on the happy ending.
In fact the photo above is a very rare sighting. In her natural habitat she is normally found to be crying her eyes out similar to JPO’s crocodile tears.
In fact she took lessons from him I hear.
Sai Laing Mizzi must be related to the Himalayan Yeti as she is proving to be just as elusive.
Sai Mizzi, where are you? Inti orrajt hi?
Was Shiv Nair present?
Putting a stop to the 13,000 a month Sai Mizzi pantomime is another hard decision Joey has shied away from. Gutless.
This is proof enough that Sai Mizzi is doing f*ck all in China and still getting her 160,000 euro annually. Shameless.
Wish I could get somebody to pay me 160K for doing sweet Fanny Adams. It seems we’re the idiots here for funding this person whose return (any way you care to understand that) is dubious.
Excellent use of taxpayers’ money. Will somebody at Malta Enterprise finally grow the balls necessary to deal with this?
She was busy signing divorce papers?
Silvio Scerri said he might take up employment in private enterprise after the Christmas break. Could it be that Sai is busy looking for a job for him? After all, old Chinese proverb, “Many hands make light work”.
Cover-up. U ija.
The appropriate one-word answer in Maltese to the question “What is she doing?” is “Tpappiha”.
I think the next PN government should demand a full inquiry into Sai’s salary and if it is found that she cannot justify receiving it she should be made to pay it all back.
At mummy’s kitchen, preparing noodles.
Alfred Mifsud – advisor to finance ministry? Will he use the trip to promote his personal financial and insurance services?
Kull mossa ta’ dan il-gvern tinten.
Separately, the document published by the European Investment Bank (EIB) this week, regarding the list of capital projects submitted to the EIB, disclosed the name of Alfred Mifsud for Malta’s submission, whereas, according to the EIB website, Alfred Mifsud does not represent Malta at the EIB.
Mela ghandna businessmen chief of staff f’ministeri (tista tahseb jekk tohrog tender jew direct order min ha jehodha), ohrajn isiefru minn fuq it-taxex taghna wisq probabbli jippromovu il-business taghhom.
Ma naghmlux mod li Alfred Mifsud imdahhal bl-iskema tal-bejgh tal-passaporti ukoll hux, fejn min jirnexxielu ibiegh passaport wiehed qed jinghata eluf kbar ta’ euros commission.