Wouldn’t this make a fabulous Christmas card?

Published: December 19, 2014 at 6:34pm

christmas card

28 Comments Comment

  1. Pied Piper says:

    Christmas Cheer; who’s Santa?

  2. A.Attard says:

    Min huma il-baqra u l-hmara?

  3. willie inatinovic says:

    All w*nkers, including that woman.

  4. Candy says:

    Three generations.

  5. bahnan says:

    There’s an argument as to who will be the cow, the donkey and the virgin.

  6. dudu says:

    They would certainly look good on a farmers market stall.

  7. pacikk says:

    Jigik d-dubju min hu l-Bambin, hux?

  8. edgar says:

    Certainly difficult to find a virgin there. Mallia would be the likely candidate.

  9. jack says:

    IQ-sapping pic

  10. bob-a-job says:

    Is Joe Grima taking the piss out of Karmenu Vella?

  11. Neil says:

    I suppose the three wise men were elsewhere. Baku maybe?

  12. Rokku says:

    We all know who the cow and the ass would be. There is a bit of difficulty who will fill the vacancy of the virgin.

  13. Wilson says:

    Can anyone imagine what the donkey would have said carrying any of them?

  14. Banana republic ... again says:

    The bright star is definitely missing from this picture

  15. Mallia says:

    What were these five horrible people doing in one room?

  16. Adrian says:

    All of them would qualify for l-għaġeb tal-presepju

  17. Alex says:

    Jien smajt li wiehed mill-Magi flok bil-gemel wasslu d-driver u fit-triq ta tlett tiri lill-anglu ghax laqtu bil-gwienah.

  18. caflanga says:

    I’m torn between the għaġeb being either Dr Etienne or Dr Kohlrabi.

  19. tbg says:

    Creme de la creme

  20. Alex says:

    “You shall be visited by an angel”
    “OK, Siehbi”

  21. xejn sew says:

    Lejber’s best of the best.

  22. Gracecam says:

    They should stick baubles on their heads, to make it look more Christmassy

  23. il baks says:

    Il-cast il-gdid ta ‘F’Bahar Wiehed’.

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