Yes, for all the wrong reasons

Published: December 13, 2014 at 7:04pm

The prime minister has tweeted: We pay tribute to Dom Mintoff, the man who put Malta on the map.

Indeed he did – but for all the wrong reasons.

What an idiot.

That’s like saying that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando put the Labour Party on the map with his behaviour last night. Sure, we’re all talking about him and the Labour Party today, but not for reasons that anybody would be proud of.



14 Comments Comment

  1. Painter says:

    To me, Mintoff put Malta on the map for bad reasons, but ultimately it was the EU which put Malta on the map for good reasons. I am no Nationalist, but give me ‘Missier Malta Ewropeja’ over ‘Missier Malta Reppublika u Ħielsa’ any day.

  2. Edward says:

    Whatever happened to his “apology”? I thought Muscat was supposed to be moving away from Mintoff. Seems he isn’t after all. Could have fooled me.

  3. Lizz says:

    Yes indeed, Mintoff put Malta on the map (albeit for the wrong reasons) but Muscat has managed to lose both map and plot.

  4. Brian Sinclair says:

    Yes, he put us on the map. We cringed every time we presented our passports at airports, and everywhere we went in free Europe, people mentioned his name and either laughed or shook their heads in disbelief.

  5. Francesca says:

    I have a feeling Joseph Muscat is going to leave more long term damage then Mintoff did.

  6. Alexander Ball says:

    The European map; when he helped Malta join the EU by bringing down Alfred Sant.

  7. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Malta – Europe’s laughing stock.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It was Al-Idrisi who put Malta on the map.

    There. Ha ha. Mintoff is a geopolitical pygmy! Pygmy! Pygmy! However big his bronze dinky! Dinky! Dinky!

  9. bob-a-job says:

    Put us on the map?

    Fuq il-karta tal-incova more likely.

  10. john doe says:

    Malta on the map. Mintoff?

    Malta was put on the map by hard working, honest, dignified people who suffered his madness silently.

    Mintoff put Malta on the map as much as Hitler put Germany on the map, in the sense, that, yes, Malta hit the headlines internationally, occasionally, but for all the wrong reasons.

    Mintoff, a mean, ignorant, self-centred, miserable bastard excuse of a man.

    Rot in hell, you shard of evil.

  11. U Le! says:

    Mintoff put Malta on the map so much that once sometime in the late 70s when I visited London for the first time and we bought some chocolates the cashier smiled kindly at us and asked if we were from Malta. It would have been better if Joey tweeted that Mintoff had put Malta in a spot.

  12. Ma fihmtx says:

    Which part of the map exactly? And if anything, it was definitely for the wrong reasons.

    After St. Paul’s shipwreck, it was Eddie Fenech Adami that really impact Malta on the map, and for very good reasons that we are still enjoying all the benefits.

  13. Typically Labour says:

    Joseph Muscat would do well to remember that he’s not the first to pay tribute to Dom Mintoff.

    At some time or other, a good number of us have already paid him lots of tribute … when he trampled on our constitutional rights, when he governed this country on the strength of a ‘perverse’ result, when he used violence to silence his opponents, when he used state broadcasting as a political tool, when he put university off limits for a good number of youths, when he regaled us with a wage freeze, when he decreed what we should not be buying, when he left us without electricity and water, when he crossed our phone lines …. actually, when he took away normality from our lives at the time and when he cut short the horizons of our future.

    Lots of tribute, sure.

  14. Anthony says:

    Hi daph, Like it or not Mintoff is Mintoff, he made history, handfull of people dislike him , for their own egoistic reasons, the majority are greateful for delivering Malta from low self esteem slavery to a modern Republic. Bye bye

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