“Yes, we know who you are”
December 6, 2014 at 3:41pm
At the PN leader’s press conference this afternoon, the reporter from Labour TV took the microphone and introduced herself as is customary.
“Jiena Janice Bartolo minn One News.”
Simon Busuttil, drily: “Yes, we know who you are.”
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Well done, Simon Busuttil.
The art of repartee. A pleasure to behold.
Yes. Have faith.
A Baxxtery comment right there. are you coaching him?
No, but he’s savouring the moment I knew would eventually come.
I’m not coaching him, but if I were, I’d tell him to drop Maltese, because he’s trying hard to make his concepts fit a very limited language (he couldn’t find a Maltese phrase for “come clean” – it doesn’t exist). He can think in English. Then let him speak it.
Baxxter endorsing Simon Busuttil. Well, I will not ask for anything else.
P.S. I think the Opposition leader is reading your tweets.
In my book, political endorsement only last two seconds every five years. So by that measure, I have endorsed his party.
What I endorse all year round, every second of my life, is justice.
And how do you know the Opposition leader is reading my tweets? Was it the Batman slogan?
The real movement, it’s called civil society, no definition, no perimeters.
Nope, he can’t get rid of him. Miskin.
He will turn it into a vote of confidence in government.
Kudos, Dr. Busuttil.
No press conference? Just a statement on such a huge scandal. Must be worth more than 2 cents.
58c to be exact.
Like a Boss.
All those who were critical of Dr. Simon Busuttil a few months ago are now realizing how wrong they were.
Including myself. I am now very much in awe. A total transformation. He has really come into his own.
What brought about this transformation? The US trip? Surely the PL mega gaffes were a bonus in this respect.
Include myself. I admit.
Oh, there has been no transformation as such.
Simon Busuttil has decided, rightfully I would add, that one cannot treat someone like Joseph Muscat with kid gloves, so they’ve come off.
That’s me included. The man has suddenly and with absolute certainty grown into a leader’s shoes.
Plus, he exudes confidence and inspires trust.
Very droll prime minister.
Your post fails to highlight the air of arrogance with which she introduced herself – implying that, of course, the leader of the Opposition knows who she is – she’s such a great reporter that he must spend sleepless nights worrying about her Kurt-fed questions.
This Janice has the same arrogance as that MaltaToday hobbit, Miriam. What a bunch of amateurs.
A Stress Test Broad for Government.
“The higher the arrogance, the lower the cognitive ability”
Stanley Silverman, organizational psychologist, professor at the University of Akron in Ohio.
Unfortunately she has become known for all of the wrong reasons.
Which in our Maltese society seems to be growing trend for a number of women.
It is sad when one only become known by virtue of the man one is sleeping with.
Simon, when you were elected PN leader, my first thought was how can 900 PN voters vote in such a way that actually the winner is the PL? Today I think that you are doing a good job…prosit…keep it up !!
Simon Busuttil is also the perfect binding between conservative and liberal factions within the PN.
Met l-hmieg jingema ma’ hmieg iehor, fl-ahhar mill-ahhar ikollok fossa hmieg.
Hekk qed jigrilu l-Partit Laburista.
Konna nghidu ghal ta’ qabilhom, izda qatt u had ma kien aghar mill-PL tal-lum ghax qed jgherqu fl-immoralita’, fl-inkompetenza u fid-dizordni socjali.
Seems that Dr. Simon Busuttil has organised the PN party and opposition quite well during the phoney war, while Dr. Joseph Muscat was digging himself and his own into the ground.
Still waters run deep.
Meanwhile a middle aged mother, with one hand on the housework and the other one on her laptop has contributed much to the demolishing of the god of Lies.
[Daphne – Would you describe Simon Busuttil and Joseph Muscat, to mention but two men, as “middle-aged fathers”? Well, then exactly why do you describe me as a middle-aged mother? It’s not as though I have to look after my children – they’re almost 30 and left home years ago. And just as you assume that men don’t do housework, you shouldn’t assume that women do it. I don’t do housework. Where I come from, that’s a paid job with anything over done by the men as well as the women. When I’m not writing this, I’m working at other things.]
Joseph Muscat is a middle-aged zaghzugh. Like George Clooney playing Peter Pan.
Xarabank ghadu jinvestiga fuq kollox? Ghax niftakar fi zmien il-PN kull gimgha kwazi b’ xi haga kontra l-gvern.
Ghal tletin bicca fidda bieghu ruhhom Azzopardi u Bondi.
Peppi intefgha fuq ic-cikulata issa, Bondi qed jaghtuhilu ic-cikkulata biex jghalaq halqu.
To my mind they are in the same category of Dalli, JPO, Mugliett, Musumeci, Debono, etc.
A less gentlemanly leader of the Opposition would have said: “Iva, Janice, nafu x’int.”
I wasn’t sure about the Simon Busuttil, but he’s really changing or perhaps ‘blossoming’, under this pressure.
Perhaps he’s had a change of PR ‘guru’ advice..
Simon Busuttil handled the press conference brilliantly. What struck me was the sheer audacity of Jurgen Balzan from Malta Today who dared ask Dr Busuttil for the source of the recordings of the phone conversations. Ma jisthix ukoll. Shall we ask his boss where he got all the information regarding the oil scandal, shall we?
The question was implicitly whether the PN has Muscat’s call log.
They are very worried that the PN has much more than they have shown up to now and I think that they are quite right to worry. We have not yet heard the end of it.
My thoughts exactly.
Yes, that’s what Busuttil should have replied.
Well it was selective information because Dr Mallia’s clients were not charged, x’kumbinazzjoni.
He thought Simon Busuttil is an idiot like Balzan and that he would let the cat out of the bag.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the PN has Muscat’s call-log but nobody in his senses would admit to that at this stage.
Muscat should be given more rope and be allowed to dig himself into a deeper hole.
All Labour has on the agenda is the interest of those who use Mallia’s legal services, pure sleaze.
Of course Muscat can’t get rid of him. Not if he’s seen doing it out of his own free will.
Isn’t John Dalli the European Commissioner in charge of “clean-ups?”
What is he really doing that’s more important right now?
Tigix tghidli li m’ghandniex kap bil-…
Can one watch the recording of the press conference somewhere?
I was out and tuned in to Radio 101 expecting them to have the press conference on air.
Sadly they haven’t caught on yet that they are a party station and should be plugging the PN’s position. Instead they were playing ruddy music.
Yes it is important that whenever there is a PN press conference it should also be broadcast on Radio 101. It is after all a political station.
It was aired, I am not sure if it was live. I was in my car and I listened to it.
You were probably tuned to the wrong station.
No, Neo. What a silly assumption to make. I was not tuned in onto the wrong station. I can read and I was tuned in to Radio 101.
You did say that when you heard it, it might not have been live. And that is my point. It was an urgent press conference so they should have interrupted the programme and aired it live.
Qatt ma kelli dubju f’Dott. Busuttil, dejjem emmint fih sa minn qabel sar kap. Irridu ngħidu li dar-raġel, telaq mill-Ewropa, fejn kien rispettat u xeħet għonqu mhux fil-glorja imma fl-aktar żmien kritiku għall-partit. Nawgura li ma jdumx ma jmexxi dan il-pajjiż li sar torri tal-Babilonja…..
‘… xeħet għonqu mhux fil-glorja imma fl-aktar żmien kritiku għall-partit…’
Ghal dawk kollha li nsew.
In the bad old days, the then regime tried to ridicule Eddie Fenech Adami by calling him a vavu, and what a vavu he turned out to be.
The same goes for Simon Busuttil – they call him negative but people are now realizing who is the real negative, while Busuttil is getting better by the hour.
Good for Simon Busuttil – this is the attitude which we want from him.
Dr. Simon Busuttil’s press conference..
Simon Busuttil is picking up where Lawrence Gonzi left. Great statesmen – well done.
Twenty-two months, just like his former boss Alfred Sant. Oh dear.
I am Janice Bartolo from One Radio. I am also the new girlfriend of….Yes, I know.
Jien qatt ma kelli dubju f’Simon Busutill – infatti jien wiehed li tghajtu l-vot biex ikun hemm, u kburi bli ghamilt.
In-nies qataw qalbom kmieni minnu, imma dan x’ seta jaghmel sena u nofs ilu meta l-partit kien ghadu kif tilef l-elezzjoni b’ dak id-distakk, partit li ma ried jisimghu hadd u problema ta’ flus?
Fil-bidu meta kien jipprova jikritika lil gvern, ma kienx ikollu argumenti b’ sahhitom ghax kullhadd kien jghidlu biex jara x’ kienu jaghmlu l-PN meta kienu huma fil-gvern.
Illum sitwazzjoni kompletament differenti, ghax hafna mill-problemi ta’ sena u nofs ilu ittaffew u l-Gvern qieghed jaghti source tajjeb lil Simon Busutill biex ikun jista jargumenta bis-sahha li qieghed jaghmel issa.
Illum nixtieq pubblikament nirringrazzja lil Busuttil tas-sagrificcji kbar li ghamel biex refha din ir-responsabilta enormi ta’ meta sar il-Kap. Ghax fi zmien qasir hafna rega gieb dan il-parit fuq it-triq it-tajba.
Issa kull ma nixtieq hu li in-Nazzjonalisti juru l-apprezzament u r-rispett lejn dan ir-ragel biex ikun jista imexxi l-partit il-quddiem kif qieghed jaghmel.
Game. Set. Match.
Nixtieq inkun naf l-imhallef Wenzu Mintoff ghadux jahseb li Simon Busuttil ghandu “wicc ta’ bahnan”….