Yesterday’s press conference

Published: December 7, 2014 at 12:49pm

7 Comments Comment

  1. kev says:

    I’ll say again, the released transcript is too disjointed to substantiate these allegations.

    Assuming that those excerpts are the best indicators, then the PN is going for an overkill and it will backfire.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      If only the gun had backfired.

    • curious says:

      Since when are we relying on the Opposition (no matter who’s who at the moment) to establish the facts as they happened?

      It is the SOLE responsibility of the government of the day, as Marlene Farrugia would say.

      However, forget the transcripts. Even without them all indicators point to a cover-up. See Daphne’s other post about the chronology of events.

      If this was a serious government the matter would have been handled very, very differently.

      • kev says:

        The cover-up started with ‘Paul Warning-Shots Sheehan’ and it seems the Police Commissioner initially went along with it, even as far as passing on Sheehan’s version to Kurt Farrugia and the public.

        What we don’t know is WHEN the minister was informed by Sheehan, or the Police Commissioner, about the bullet holes.

        One assumes that both the minister and the PM came to know about the bullet holes that same night and hence knew that the Department of Information press release was a lie.

        But again, evidence-wise, it’s doing a Kessler: applying “a set of unambiguous pieces of circumstantial evidence” proving nothing at all.

        As for administrative and political responsibility, those are a world apart from Kessler’s.

    • beingpressed says:

      Malta’s ‘top’ criminal lawyer doing what he does best but this time he is defending himself.

      I can imagine a few skeletons will come out of closet in the very near future. Like for like cases involving the Police and cover ups.

      Bring them all down, I say. This is not political anymore.

  2. LIXU says:

    Simon Busuttil has morphed from a weakling to a mature political heavyweight.

  3. Jack Beans says:

    Will we ever know Smith’s version of events?

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