Autobuses de Joe Mizzi: this bus driver tells us that he has no balls

Published: January 6, 2015 at 11:27pm

It’s back to basics with the Taghna Lkoll bus service and drivers taking matters into their own hands. This one doesn’t want his passengers to ring the bell. That’s bad enough, but it’s made worse by the fact that his handwritten notice says NO BALLS.

no balls

29 Comments Comment

  1. gn says:

    Could be a confession.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Ding fucking dong.

  3. canon says:

    This evening Beppe Fenech Adami was at his best and made mincemeat out of Owen Bonnici.

  4. Mila says:

    ”Not only do some people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it.” (Dunning-Kruger effect).

    On the other hand if the transport managent assessed their drivers’ capabilities, had any pride in the company’s image and standard of service as well as any gonads, they would have realized that any notice meant for the public should be assessed by someone who knew the language, not by someone who thought they know the language, mind you.

    If the notice means that passengers should not ring the bell or that there was no bell, where is the notice telling passengers what to do to alert the driver that they needed to alight?

  5. ken il malti says:

    No balls, no vulva, that is what the drawing says.

  6. Mila says:

    Was this bus used to transport the MFSA?

    ‘The Malta Financial Services Authority has claimed that despite its supervisory efforts, the chances that licensed entities fail “cannot be eliminated”, when quizzed about Maltese Cross, whose books the MFSA did not inspect for six years.’

  7. Allo Allo says:

    It’s OK. Joe Mizzi believes in diversity and is an equal opportunities employer.

  8. Matthew S says:

    The ‘soft launch’ approach was a brilliant PR idea. It makes all deadlines fuzzy. Nobody is going to know who is really operating the service and nobody will complain if nothing changes.

    The Spanish company has all the time in the world to bring its own buses to Malta and start delivering on its promises. For all we know, it is still negotiating with Joe Mizzi.

  9. ciccio says:

    He probably left the balls a caldo ai termini.

  10. Non Compos Mentis Band says:

    No bells, no balls, just bills.

  11. Lizz says:

    No balls, but the picture says ‘bend over baby’.

  12. Persil says:

    Perhaps he wanted to write ‘bells’.

    As from tomorrow the buses will stop at every bus stop, let passengers alight, new ones board, and the driver will wait until it is time to leave according to the timetable.

    Last time I wanted to go to the airport and the bus passed earlier and I nearly missed the flight.

  13. Eunuch says:

    No balls, no party

  14. This reminds me of the time when bus route numbers were introduced in Malta for the first time.

    Some drivers inserted the numbers head down. Mistakes do happen, but isn’t there someone in Malta’s public transport service to check that we do not advertise such illiteracy?

  15. Sai Kick says:

    Must be referring to Chosef- All bark and no bite.

  16. Jozef says:

    ‘…Not that I am a fan of Hibernians FC, far from that, but deciding on whether to sign a player or not shouldn’t be based on an incident that happened in 2011 and where the person in question served two and half years in jail after being convicted of rape and is still being propped up by the correctional services through the parole program. There is no doubt that his behavior was awful, appalling and outrageous – but the key word here is, ‘was’. He’s done time and I really can’t understand what triggers the witch-hunt that keeps tracking Evans….’

    Maybe because it takes a certain kind of individual to rape a woman, dear Andrew Azzopardi. Interesting how it’s about him, his girlfriend, our kids, but never about the one who’ll remain scarred for life.

    If I may, you small jerk.

    • Mila says:

      Note how the author, a university lecturer, refers to what happened between Evans and his victim as a ‘relationship’. Now THAT is what I find telling.

      ‘Now the person who is saying this’ (refering to Evan’s girlfiriend ‘s defence of the player) ‘is the same individual who had to endure this ordeal with EVANS HAVING A RELATIONSHIP, abusive or other, with another woman when they were already seeing each other’ (my caps)

  17. Mila says:

    ”Malta’s new public transport service provider, Autobuses de León, begins operations today…”

    Did the bus drivers turn up for work?

  18. J. Borg says:

    His little diagram seems to show him bending over.

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