Cartoonists around the world react to Charlie Hebdo massacre

Published: January 7, 2015 at 7:47pm


See link below.

20 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    I too would like to join them, to test the level of tollerance (sic) to freedom of speech of the Labour trolls.

    It appears that prime minister Joseph Muscat has expressed condolences with Francois Hollande. In return, the French President has sent a note verbale to the Foreign Minister and to the Chairperson of Alleanza Bidla complaining that it seems that the Maltese government keeps dealing with the wrong governments, attaching a picture of the current internationally (and Charlie Hebdo) recognised French President.

    Charlie Hebdo is not only about religion.

    • Tabatha White says:

      This is probably the best response I’ve read about Hollande, and linking the Joseph Muscat and Hollande “sentiments” post tragedy.

      An action has roots in other actions. All of them linked.

      A day of media attention saying the opposite won’t eradicate past actions.

  2. Tutti Frutti says:

    Dear Daphne,

    if it weren’t for you we would never have heard such news and so quick. You know better than I or anybody else how eager we all are to read your Commentary. I sincerely wish you a New year albeit somewhat late.

    Tutti Frutti

    • Someone says:

      Tutti Frutti… You can check from time to time instead of playing Candy Crush.

    • QahbuMalti says:

      With all due respect (and I’m a big fan of DCG – bought the T-shirt too!) you must be living in a cocoon if you had to come to this blog to find out about this disgusting crime that has totally occupied all the international news networks within minutes of it happening.

      I do not want to take away anything from DCG – I miss her like everyone else when she’s not blogging every 5 minutes – but I realise she has a life.

  3. gaddafi says:

    Dear Daphne,
    when will you publish in this blog a satirical cartoon about the prophet Muhammed? Only then we would know if you are paroli si fatti no or not.

    [Daphne – I am most unlikely to do so because debates about religion bore me, and because I am not amused by satirical cartoons about religious figures of whatever kind. It’s people’s reactions to them that interest me.]

  4. bob-a-job says:

    It appears that the killers, all Algerian, have been located.

  5. winston psaila says:

    Je suis Charlie

  6. Just Me says:

    Je Suis Charlie – even if I was always of the opinion that his cartoons (not only those about religion) were in abominable bad taste and needlessly offensive.

    In a democratic country, it is the editor who has the final say in what gets printed in his paper and not a gun- toting maniac.

  7. Matthew S says:

    May a million Charlies bloom.

    ISIS is about to discover the Streisand effect. The next issue of Charlie Hebdo is going to sell like the newspaper has never sold before.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    The clip transmitted by ITV news.

    Halfway through this video someone appears to shout le, le, le.

    [Daphne – Yes, the murdered policeman, who was Arabic-speaking and recognised the fact that his assailants were too.]

    I am feeling physically sick about this whole episode.

    What is worse, once the criminals are captured they will find lawyers who will ensure that their rights are respected.

    What rights should cold blooded murderers have? These killers who had no mercy not even on a wounded policeman.

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    Finally it’s cool to be referred to as a right charlie.

  10. Ganni Borg says:

    This scene from Casablanca says it all:

  11. Mila says:

    Just heard on Sky News that Charlie Hebdo will go ahead and publish next week.

    That is what fighting for freedom means.

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