Charlie Hebdo gunmen: one killed in police siege, the other two in custody

Published: January 8, 2015 at 2:18am

The three gunmen were identified almost immediately as Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, brothers aged 32 and 34, and Hamyd Mourad, 18, all of whom are French.

Now NBC News is reporting US counter-terrorism officials as having told the channel that one of the men has been killed and the other two are in custody.

18 Comments Comment

  1. nadia says:

    Check this out. Nobody knows what the truth is…..from BBC live updates and on twitter.
    “A hashtag called #MouradHamydInnocent is trending in France, reportedly started by classmates of 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad who say they were in class with him at the time of the attack.”

  2. nadia says:

    The suspects left their ID cards in the car, say the news reports. Would they really do that? Of course this may just be my brain working overtime but:

    1. Their faces are completely covered so nobody could identify them, so why leave their ID cards behind?

    2. They are planning a mass murder. Do you really think they thought: guns, check…ammo, check….oh, forgot the ID cards, let’s go back for them.

    The ID cards were stolen and planted.

    However, the other side of my brain countered this argument by thinking they purposely left their ID cards there to taunt the police. Also, they expected, ultimately to be killed and become martyrs so they wanted the world to know who they were, just as suicide bombers very often record videos prior to the event.

    • nadia says:

      Whatever I think it is a sad, sad day. All the hypotheses in the world will not undo what happened. Religion, politics and freedom of speech aside, these 12 people will not be going home to their families.

    • ken il malti says:

      That ID card thing sounds a farcical and phony as that infamous passport from one of the supposed muslim terrorists that crashed that supposed passenger jet airplane into one of the World Trade Center Towers (911 event) and his pristine passport was found in the rubble at the foot of where the tower once stood.

  3. Someone says:

    These people are not French. They simply have a French passport.

    They have nothing of the culture, love for life, and European values that make the French such a great people.

    [Daphne – They are French none the less. And never confuse ‘French’ with ‘Parisian’. France was the one country in Europe where hundreds of thousands of people converged on the capital in protest against gay marriage.]

    • Someone says:

      They are as much French as much as the next Azerbaijani arms-dealer becomes Maltese after he collects his passport from Joseph in person.

      [Daphne – Not really, no. They’re born and raised in France.]

      • Someone says:

        I wonder which part of liberté, égalité, fraternité, they didn’t quite grasp.

        [Daphne – Probably the same bits you have trouble grasping when you identify three men who would have been working for a drug cartel or criminal gang elsewhere as representatives of Islam. Men that age can be massively problematic. Prisons are full of them. All they need is a cause and an excuse for violence.]

      • Someone says:

        I really find it hard to believe that you really believe this is simple, straightforward criminal matter. This is much more than that.

        And no, I think you’re wrong, I do not think that prisons are full of people who would go on a commando-style mission and kill specific 12+ targets in cold blood whose only ‘fault’ was to publish images of Mohammed.

        I think your claim is simply and thankfully outrageous.

        [Daphne – Look, if you have a cause to push in this matter, this is really not the place to do it. You are deliberately misunderstanding or misinterpreting my words. I did not say this is a straightforward criminal matter (though that is exactly what it is in terms of the law). I said that this has nothing to do with religion – that many men are extremely problematic between 17 and their early 30s, that they look for a cause and a sense of belonging and for an outlet for their violence, and that this could be anything depending on their position in life and where they live. Why do you think all these European young men are ‘converting’ to Islam and flying to what, to them, is a strange and dangerous part of the world to join Islamic State? Do you think they actually give a damn about religion? No. It’s like joining some Foreign Legion or going off to fight the natives and conquer South America. It’s like working for the Kray Twins or joining Mao’s Red Guards.]

    • Mila says:

      I would also like to think that it is ‘they’ who do such things and not ‘us’ but I think that train of thought is dangerous because we need to take on board issues such as Jihad Jane and others like her.

      ‘They’ would be easier to identify and easier to ‘blame’ but looking at it in that way although more comforting is too simplistic. How, why and by whom people are turned (radicalized) is the pertinent question the focus by the lay communities.

  4. charles Magri says:

    Leave religion out of it. There is no religion which orders killing of people.

    God is love and those who abuse with religion are the true culprits and not religion.

    Call it hate but not religion or for religious purposes. At least in the Catholic doctrine there is the greatest commandment THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Don’t be daft like these fundamentalist murderers.

    [Daphne – That’s actually one of the 10 commandments brought down from the mount by Moses in the Old Testament. So it’s not ‘Christian’.]

    • La Redoute says:

      That commandment is in the Torah. Moses was Hebrew, not Christian.

    • Maltri says:

      God is not love, but your idea of God is love.

      God is just a part of religion, and religion is a large group of people who have the same philosophy/beliefs.

      Religion is just a tool, and like every other tool, it could be used for good or it can be used for great evil, just as we are witnessing again in these days.

      According to the old testament, the greatest commandment is that you can have other gods, but as long as they do not come before the great YHWH.

      So all your logic is just according to your interpretation. You do not even follow Roman Catholic Church which dismiss the 10 and focus on only two newer simpler ones.

    • Carmel Serracino-Inglott says:

      It is Christian because Jesus not only acknowledged the 10 commandments but also explained them and expanded each of them. Christ corrected all flaws within the Old Testament that matter.

  5. tinu says:

    This barbaric act against freedom of speech reminds everyone in Malta when the Labour mob attacked and burned down The Times of Malta building with its employees inside.

    • Mila says:

      It also should remind everyone about the multitude and variety of acts committed agianst this blog and the several attempts to incite action by third parties by certain statements in the media.

  6. the saint says:

    Today we boast that we are French and support the right of freedom of expression.

    How did we classify ourselves back then in the” golden years” when the Times of Malta building was ransacked and gutted by fire set by Labour hooligans?

  7. This report and others that followed, are not correct, yet they come from responsible sources.

    In Maltese we say, “Il-qattusa ghaggelija ghamlet friegh ghomja”.

  8. Don Camillo says:

    Before leaving the crime scene, one of the two murderers picked up what looked to be a shoe from near the car door. Could that shoe be part of the ‘get-away’ new look to avoid detection?

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