“Don’t touch that. It’s dangerous.” – magistrate to journalist at Leisure Clothing’s slave-compound

Published: January 10, 2015 at 1:26am


The Malta Independent joined Magistrate Peralta on his tour of the barracks where Leisure Clothing’s slave-workers are kept, and wandered away from the Potemkin rooms to take photographs of some very real squalor.

And the Potemkin rooms are pretty squalid, too.

8 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    But we’re all Charlie, said the journalists on Friday.

    The Malta Press Club should all go fcvk themselves.

  2. Gahan says:


    What is the Marsascala Mayor Mario Calleja doing there?

    I know he has connections with the Chinese government organising trips to twin local councils, I know he’s Reno Calleja’s nephew, and I know he was a police inspector.

    Follow the money?

  3. chico says:

    So that’s where they keep the Scotch.

  4. king says:

    He should ask for the glossy items vat receipts. Then publish the dates.

  5. Mila says:

    If someone were beaten up, would a magistrate look at him 6 months later to form an opinion about the veracity of the charges?

    Yet this is what this magistrate is doing, when logic tells you that things can be altered even in a day let alone months, more so when the accused were free to enter the premises. And indeed the magistrate was told that things were changed, ‘improved’.

    I find this so wrong that I find it unbelievable that there has not been a public outcry.

  6. gn says:

    Carol Peralta was tempted to throw a party there.

  7. Daniel says:

    It looks like the GWU has acted discriminatorily. The union accepted not to allow foreign employees of disgraced company Leisure Clothing to join them, probably at request of Leisure Clothing and the authorities saying this is discrimination in this article. Is the GWU cosying up with Leisure?


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