
Published: January 16, 2015 at 12:49am

21 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew S says:

    I am speechless.

  2. Lizz says:

    Is ‘Judge’ her title or her first name?

  3. ciccio says:

    I see that the Republicans have started their campaign for 2016 early.

    Fox News is paving the way for another Presidential campaign dominated by the subjects of terrorism and another pre-emptive war against the forces of evil in the Middle East.

    That said, I expressed my anxiety about political correctness before, and since freedom of expression cannot be restricted, Judge Jeanine is entitled to exaggerate and provoke her viewers around the world.

  4. FP says:

    “Our forefathers gave up everything … to create a government where free speech and freedom of religion were sacrosanct”.

  5. Artemis says:

    She doesn’t pussyfoot around the issue, that’s for sure. She’ll be a marked woman now.

  6. tinnat says:

    Oh my. The best of American television. As discerning and as serious as The Sun.

  7. Feminist says:

    The irony is that the US has in the past already funded extremists in Afghanistan during the 80’s to fight off the Soviets. Those armed mujahideen would later become the Taliban, and the rest, as they say, is history.

    The very last thing that this conflict needs is more intervention from the US or the CIA. Nothing good will ever come of it.

  8. Anthony V Falzon says:

    Pakistan is an Arab country?

  9. Christofer says:

    She has a point……….

  10. Charlie says:

    She sounds like that new judge…..viva il labour (kif kienet tghidilha ommha)

  11. kev says:

    While the right hand legislates against ‘terror’ and urges us to kill them, the left hand legislates in favour of multiculturalism and tells us we should welcome them.

    Meanwhile, the magician’s dark hand ensures that division and conflict prevail with every twist and turn.

    It’s the Brave, New Orwellian World, where deception rules at every possible level and politicians are the stupidest people around.

    When are you people going to suss it out!

    • kev says:

      Let me just add, after a stressful ‘Strasbourg week’ at the European Parliament, that MEPs are some of the most ignorant, unknowing buffoons I’ve ever encountered in the political field.

      Speech after speech the spectacle is tragicomic. Their reliance on mainstream swill ensures they grow dumb and dumber over time. Unbelievable! Xeba Mimi Dallis and Bibi Metsolas – not to mention the ringed-nosed pseudo-intellectual Alfie Sants.

  12. anthony says:

    It is just that most Western governments are doing exactly what she is suggesting.

    That is, killing them at every opportunity.

    Only that they do not go on television and brag about it.

    For obvious reasons.

  13. chico says:

    Much better looking than Judge Judy.

  14. ian says:

    It’s amazing how many Maltese would agree with her.

  15. Oscar says:

    And there you have it. The right for free speech. Can’t have one without the other, guys. And by the way Daphne, our Joey made a statement today about the importance of free speech and defending it.

    Aha, his followers should listen and be made to realise that The Unmentionable One is exercising her right to do just that.

  16. ActionNow says:

    Thank you for posting this. This will help many to realise that political correctness will not win against Islam’s ideology

  17. Gianni Borg says:

    Our politicians in Europe seem to be living out of this world by ignoring what their citizens are feeling and living each day.

    Muslimisation of Europe is a never ending crusade since the middle ages. If not us our children will assist some European countries such as The Netherlands introducing the Sharia Law.

    [Daphne – The Bogeyman is coming. Be careful. He’s been coming since the Middle Ages…Oh, what I’d do right now for a cup of tea and a sane conversation.]

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