Franco Debono: first prize and a gold star from the teacher for Hypocritical Self-Delusion, Papers I and II

Published: January 12, 2015 at 4:38pm

franco hypocrisy

Here speaks the man who, every time I wrote about him, rang everybody he could from the prime minister downwards to get me to stop doing so, threatening to vote against the government if I wasn’t silenced on the subject of himself.

There blows the man who, in June 2012, when he was given an inordinate length of time to speak in parliament purely on the basis that he was a jumped-up, self-important backbencher with a grudge who seriously overestimated his abilities, dedicated much of that time to insulting me, slandering me, and ranting and raving about the fact that I write about him, protected by his parliamentary privilege and not reprimanded by the Speaker, who should have stopped him and brought him to order, but did not.

What we have seen in Malta over the last few days is a massive display of brass-necked hypocrisy and confused thinking. People who, on Facebook before the last general election, were slashing away at me and braying on about how I shouldn’t be ‘allowed’ to write as I do are currently going wild with JE SUIS CHARLIE memes they don’t even understand.

And then you have Saviour Balzan. Aware at some level that he can’t champion Charlie Hebdo for being no respecter of persons while at the same time calling on the government, the police, the residents of Mars and Jupiter and the Opposition to have me silenced, he has come up with a brilliant rationale. Charlie Hebdo mocks and criticises everyone, he says, but the bile queen only mocks and criticises some people and not others. Oh right, that really makes sense.

15 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Franco Debono is president of the Law Commission tasked with law reform. Has he taken this up with the government?

  2. ciccio says:

    “Lil dik ic-Charlie li ma jistghax jissemma isimha, kif ma jistghux iwaqqfuha? Mela ghadhom ihallsuha minn Kastilja?”

  3. curious says:

    Abolish criminal libel, says Franco Debono. There’s no end to this person’s inflated ego. It makes you sick.

  4. Ian says:

    I was wondering how you’d react to Balzan’s mention of you. So his reasoning is that you either make fun (in a very obscene and vulgar way, too) of ‘everyone’, or no one at all?

    Did Hebdo make fun of left-wing moderates? Did they make fun of atheists? No, of course not. They made fun of whoever they saw fit. Which is what the freedom of the press is all about.

    Likewise, this blog offers satire (as well as investigative journalism) directed at whoever the author feels like.

    • curious says:

      Saviour Balzan writes about whom he pleases and what’s worse, he gives the slant he wants to. So what is he complaining about exactly?

    • ciccio says:

      Is Saviour still running his Malta Today libel fund?

      Does he direct his libel towards everyone, or only against some?

  5. Mila says:

    ”Following the French tragedy, I have been asked again and again my reaction. And the harsh truth is that mass murder in Paris has exposed hypocrisy, even as all those good people declare ‘Je Suis Charlie’.

    I find it strange that people who welcome diversity when it comes to culture, religion and ethnicity fail to welcome the same diversity when it comes to expressing ourselves.” Flemming Rose is the Foreign Editor of Jyllands-Posten in Denmark

  6. Candy says:

    Je suis Queen of Bile.

  7. Gladio says:

    The Law Commissioner’s name (ID 187674M) is listed in a notification by the Commissioner of Revenue published under the terms of Article 29 of the Income Tax Management Act published in Government Gazette of 26 December 2014, Government Notice No. 1310, page 14,038.

  8. Jozef says:

    Did he actually say that?

    Charlie Hebdo fit rather well as anarcho-trots with a particular penchant for religion.

  9. Mk says:

    Je suis Franco Le cock

  10. Maradona says:

    How very true. Hypocrites.

  11. gn says:

    Saviour Balzan issuggerixxa li ‘internet trolls’ on Twitter jigu banned.

    X’inhu konsistenti.

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