From the people who brought you SOLW and BOS STOP

Published: January 25, 2015 at 2:27pm

This is just outside St John’s Cathedral. Now, do you parents of young children understand the stupendous educational value of those Fisher Price toys with different shapes that you slot into the same-shaped holes?

paving stones

30 Comments Comment

  1. P Bonnici says:

    They placed the manhole like that to annoy you, Daphne.

  2. majmuma says:

    U ija, zball ta’ 180 degrees.

  3. etil says:

    Dawn bis-serjeta’

  4. Peter Bloom says:

    I know that the point of this post is not St John’s as such, but please St John’s in Valletta is not a Cathedral but a Co-Cathedral — or, if we want to refer to it by its proper name, the former Conventual Church of the Knights.

    [Daphne – It’s a cathedral. Not all cathedrals are co-cathedrals but all co-cathedrals are cathedrals.]

  5. maqqu de boo says:

    This is a reflection of the country’s lack of discipline to do things right, led by not one, but now two leaders, who are leading with the wrong example.

    Balali Imperjali.

  6. RF says:

    Whoever did it will answer “Mhux xorta iswed u abjad? L-aqwa li mghottija”

  7. gn says:

    Dak l-isprall ghandu bzonn U-turn bhall-gvern.

  8. Pippa says:

    And this time there was no reading and writing involved.

    Mind you, it’s the third of the three Rs: Reading, Riting and Rithmetic.

    The man who did the job could have been shown the right way to lay the slabs by a three year old.

    So the IQ of the workman involved is below that of toddler.

  9. catharsis says:

    B’daqshekk? Naqa’ immaginazzjoni.

  10. Rumplestiltskin says:

    This is unbelievable! A case of construction dyslexia maybe? I hope the contractor responsible was not paid for this atrocity and made to correct it immediately. Rehabilitation Projects Office please note.

  11. PWG says:

    Very arty. Good start, Owen.

  12. aidan says:

    Tort ta’ Renzo Pian. Imbasta tawh 7 miljuni, gew tawhom barrani.

  13. Dott Abjad says:

    Li qeghdin taraw f’din l-istampa hija biss percezzjoni gheziez hbieb. Staqsu lil Perit Audrey Testaferrata De Noto li tahdhem fit-Traffic Management Division (Transport Malta) u malajr isserhilkhom raskhom.

  14. bob-a-job says:

    What idiots. They got the whole pavement wrong.

  15. U Le! says:

    I thought dyslexia was limited to writing. Now we can see it extends to tile laying.

  16. pluribus says:

    Mhux xorta man!

  17. Mila says:

    A cubist’s rendition of Yin Yang perhaps?

    Paint one of the keyhole squares white and we would be ready to welcome all the IVF experts invited to come over by Konrad Mizzi.

  18. Lupin says:

    Tetris Game Over.

  19. Matta says:

    What upsets me too are the chewing gum stains all over the paving. Next referendum – let’s ban chewing gum in public.

  20. Kevin says:

    OMG! Now look what you’ve done! Don’t get annoyed if they leave this one as is and change the rest of the paving, your fault.

  21. Wenzu Cole says:

    Reminds me of my youth playing Tetris and you ‘screw’ the last block

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