Go straight to 3:00 mins to see the designer of those fabulous market stalls

Published: January 30, 2015 at 9:54pm

18 Comments Comment

  1. anthony says:


  2. RF says:

    Piano’s gem is literally pearls before swine.

  3. Mila says:

    The stall design must be another lapsus then, because he does not do well under pressure does he?

    So now Joseph Muscat and Jason Micallef can just give him a few more hugs of encouragement and they will chug along in their signature trial and error style.

    Perhaps the designer wanted to remind Jason Micallef of his potted plant TV debut days, the stalls could always be converted into green houses for someone’s garden.

  4. Dott Abjad says:

    What a dickhead.

  5. Stephen Forster says:

    He has his shit together…..NOT

  6. Paula says:

    Kemm hu injorant William Lewis! Mhux ta’ b’xejn ghamel dawk l-istands koroh.

    Nies inkapaci ghandu l-PL.

  7. Albert Bonnici says:

    Gimmicks galore.

  8. v says:

    And now it’s official. Joseph Muscat wants stalls changed. It’s becoming a habit of his to change track when he sees people’s opinion is negative. Was this what he meant by Gvern li jisma’? L-ewwel nghaffgu u mbaghad naraw x’jghidu n-nies u nimxu minn hemm?


  9. canon says:

    Can we know how much William Lewis was paid for his stupid design?

  10. Chinatown says:

    Kemm hu orrajt Joey taghna. Qallu “Wicc ta qamar bhal dan m’gharaftux?”

  11. RF says:


    Joseph Muscat “believes the new site will instil life in the city”. – What a bunch of Philistines. How crass. Where do these people go when abroad? Do they flock to the flea markets and skip the theatres, art galleries and the fashionable shopping areas?

  12. Charlie H says:

    Backwoodsmen, hands off Valletta. Do us all a favour and go back to the Super One stables.

  13. CPS says:

    No wonder.

  14. saggio says:

    Yes no wonder Lewis designed these stalls like he did. What a shame. The switchers should be very proud of their vote.

  15. Candy says:

    What a wanker.

  16. il busu says:

    Dawn tal-Labour kultant nisthajjilhom il-Vandals meta dahlu Ruma u la setghu jifhmu la japprezzaw u lanqas setghu jifilhu dik il-grandezza ta’ civilta – u sppiccaw irvinaw kollox.

    L-istess qed jaghmlu l-Labour.

  17. ChrisM says:

    What a baldy

  18. Sun Tzu says:

    Didn’t know whether to sh*t or wind his watch.

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