“Hey, Goffroy, you wouldn’t know Guinevere’s cup size, would you?”

Published: January 30, 2015 at 9:45pm

knight bras

16 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It looks like Baron Ironblood’s wet dream.

  2. canon says:

    It was too late for Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party to stop Renzo Piano’s project but they found a way to ruin it.

  3. RF says:

    Give them to Ms Phyllis Muscat to sell her wares to the CHOGM delegations.

  4. Makjavel says:

    When it is all over, Joseph will turn up to have been the asshole.

  5. Mila says:

    So does the table, or whatever, for the cash register go inside or outside?

    Wait, this is Malta’s solution to the obesity epidemic. The seller has to be able to jump in and out every time he/she needs to go buy some pastizzi, pizza etc. The seller can also invite the shoppers to jump into the larder, so to speak…

  6. ciccio says:

    It’s looking like an Ebola tent. What happened to that one?

  7. Albert Bonnici says:

    Well we do know who the clown is that designed the stall. But then what does one expect from the Clowns Club. I am sure a first year art student would have come up with something much much better.

  8. Socrates says:

    PL = Tahwid, Hnizrijiet, Habi, Paroli u Hmieg mohbi

    • Charlie H says:

      Partit tal-Hamalli mmexxija mill-ikbar hamallu li qatt rat Malta. Basta bid-“Doctor” qabel ismu, grazzi ghal Mario Vella.

  9. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    U dawn xi jridu jghidu biha – dawn is-slaleb kollha tal-Kavalieri? Jafu dawn l-imsieken, li darba wahda, hafna qabel ma twieldu dawn il-hamalli kollha, dawn il-famuzi Kavalieri kienu oppressuri tal-gens Malti?

    Li ghamlu il-Kavalieri ghamluh ghalihom, u mhux ghalina. Mela allura?

    Komportament ta’ dak l-iblah, li wara li taqtalu ic-cirimella, jinfaqa mghoxxi (kont ser nispelliha mod iehor, pero bzajt mic-censura) bid-dahq.

  10. Hufflepuff says:

    One word: JAQQ.

  11. verita says:

    A stall for cheap toys during village festa days

  12. Denis says:

    Labour taste: cheap, tacky and disgusting.

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