How embarrassing. Didn’t we have compulsory schooling 40 years ago?

Published: January 22, 2015 at 1:11am

Some idea of what the No campaign is up against:

steve gera

steve gera 1

steve gera 2

steve gera 3

steve gera 5 - Copy

steve gera 7

steve gera 9

steve gera 13

steve gera 15

29 Comments Comment

  1. Oscar says:

    Steve Gera needs help a.s.a.p.

  2. Natalie says:

    I have just two words for this gentleman: stunted development.

  3. FP says:

    Blessed you much more than you deserve?

    You’re wrong my son. I never blessed you. You were just born that way. I had nothing to do with it.

  4. cat says:

    I find his pictures nauseating and it’s a big encouragement to vote NO even though I had no doubts.

    He invited the Italians to return to the “killings” and he has the cheek to show dead birds himself on Facebook. Italians and everyone else is living his “killings”.

  5. Another John says:

    One for the pot.

  6. Another John says:

    I mean, when has this guy gotten laid last?

  7. Joseph Borg says:

    How on earth he calls himself a hunter when shooting sitting ducks? Do these persons know the real meaning of the word hunting?

  8. Lizz says:

    ‘Maltease’? Says so much for his love for his country(side). Couldn’t even get his nationality right.

  9. Artemis says:

    Odious man.

  10. Felix says:

    Where did he get the idea that Malta is more his than it is mine ?

  11. anthony says:

    You can take a horse to school but you cannot make him learn anything.

    That is what compulsory education is all about.

  12. giraffa says:


  13. Wheels within wheels says:

    That’s a lot of birds. He is way above the quota. He should be arrested on the basis of these photos alone.

    [Daphne – Those pictures were taking on a group hunting trip to Serbia.]

  14. Steve, int tpaxxa u lilna li nhobbu n-natura ikollna nitqannew b’xi egosit bhalek.

  15. D. Borg says:

    Well, Mr. Gera, I guess that all those who voting to retain the spring hunting derogation will be doing so thanks to your eloquence.

  16. zz. says:

    Is this guy living in another dimension?

  17. Observer says:

    As for Steve Gera:- Poor idiot.

    As for the lowest five photos:- Disgusting troglodytes.

    As for the other three pictures:- What’s the connection?

  18. Wilson says:

    The big lie stands in the portrayal that hunting is a Maltese tradition. Well, it is not.

    Most Maltese were not allowed to hunt, and couldn’t afford shoes let alone a gun. Hunting was only for the well-off, and those families (in most part) have long left the hunting passion to times past.

    The now hunting fraternity are just simply arrivistes who would like it to be a tradition. Most Maltese couldn’t afford bread let alone the powder and shot, and where would they have got the gun.

    [Daphne – You are right about shooting, but hunting also included trapping and netting, and that’s what rural peasants did. They trapped their birds.]

    • Jack Bean says:

      Before the two world wars things were likely as you described them: hunting was basically restricted to the well-off.

      As the economic conditions of the island improved (during WW I Malta enjoyed a relative economic boom) rural menfolk slowly started to emulate the lifestyle of their landowners and high society of earlier times.

      During WW II gun-toting and marksmanship acquired a special lure. This reached a peak in the 50s and 60s. As explained in an earlier post a number of species disappeared during this period.

      Although abated, hunting and trapping/netting still continues today and is related directly to bird conservation issues. A no-vote to spring hunting will help preserve the species concerned.

  19. D M Grech says:

    I wonder when the photo was taken. Pre or post derogation / legislation? The number of birds in the photos seem to exceed the limits imposed: 4 a day, 40 for the season.

    [Daphne – I understand those pictures were taken on a Maltese hunters’ trip to Serbia.]

  20. Carrie Erbag says:

    Ah, the good old ad hominem syndrome.

    No chance of a logical debate with this charming gentleman; his mind is like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and already set.

  21. gn says:

    Ghasafar qed naralu fidejh jien, mhux gebel tas-sejjieh kif qed jghid li jibni.

  22. Vote No says:

    The only reason he shows off and pretends he couldn’t care about anyone is because his wife supports him. He hasn’t done anything in years let alone build rubble walls.

  23. Joe Fenech says:

    Country sports? What’s that – hiking, trekking, jogging?

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