I just love Fox News

Published: January 14, 2015 at 12:27am

17 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    For fox sake.

  2. Optimist says:

    This was also reported on Times of Malta and the usual hate-filled people came out to defend this guy.

  3. Pied Piper says:

    The cancer in Europe’s heart creeps in and no medicine will cure it.

    Gaddafi once said that Islam will win Europe without any wars – infiltration – slowly but surely.

    No pacific demonstration, like the one we saw in Paris, will ever eradicate this.

    Once Islam is in, it never leaves. First it waves the palm branch then God knows what. You welcome me to your sitting room but I take your bedroom, the master one of course.

    • Optimist says:

      Please back up your claim about Gaddafi. Do you know anyone who has cancer? If you did you wouldn’t be using that word to pass around your filth.

    • Spock says:

      Fox News might be our Super One, and Emerson might have been too generic, but let’s be honest with ourselves – what did he say that isn’t mostly true?

      Somehow the global situation regarding radical Islam (not by any means Moslems in general) is reminding me of the rise of Nazism in the early 20th century. Then too, the most civilized and educated people in Europe failed to be alarmed at what was happening in Germany, and never in their wildest dreams would they have imagined the unbelievable evil of this ideology and its consequences.

      They too were politically correct and poo-poohed the warning voices of others who had more clarity of vision then them.

      It is because of this liberal, rose-tinted attitude that a totally unprepared and unsuspecting Europe allowed Hitler to plan, arm, train and gather a formidable army almost totally unchecked, until he was strong enough to start his invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland.

      After this rude awakening, the Allies were already at a distinct disadvantage and thousands of lives were lost because of this initial unpreparedness.

      [Daphne – Your comparison if fallacious. The more accurate and sensible comparison would be the current escalation in anti-Muslim sentiment and general fear of ‘Muslims’ to the similar sentiments incited against Jewish people and Judaism during the very period you describe. The Nazis’ actions were possible precisely because of the climate of anti-Semitic ‘European purification’ their movement created and drove forward.]

      The similarities with the current situation are so uncomfortably similar that they are terrifying; like the ideology of Nazism, that of ISIS and similar groups of Islamic fundamentalism all call for world domination through unspeakable acts of barbarity and violence.

      The modern Poland and Czechoslovakia have already happened in Iraq, Syria and Africa – but because they’re not Europeans, we are not moved to real action – and ISIS knows this, that’s why it has started with Arab countries.

      The ethnic and religious cleansing in these countries has been happening for all to see – even moderate Muslims are shown no mercy. Thousands of people have been displaced and are living as refugees in neighboring countries. Young people all over Europe and the West are being radicalized and brainwashed in much the same way that the Germans and the Hitler Youth were by the powerful Nazi propaganda machine.

      Shall I go on with the endless list of similarities? Why have we reacted so vehemently to an attack on our European soil on freedom of expression, when so many thousands have been murdered outside Europe?

      [Daphne – Because it is not about the murders in and of themselves. It is not about religion. You have made that mistake of thinking it is. It is about the freedom to offend being guaranteed under freedom of expression in those countries which are signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights.]

      How prepared are we to protect ourselves when this wave starts rolling inexorably on to our doorstep? Can’t we see the pattern? History has a habit of repeating itself and I fear that this time round the outcome of a long and bloody war will not be as positive as the one after WW2.

  4. A. Charles says:

    Fox is part of the Murdoch empire so I am not surprised.

  5. Carmel Said says:

    The interviewer looks genuinely worried….

  6. J.J. says:

    In many ways it reminds me of Super 1.

  7. Join the dots says:

    The only point this man was wrong on was that Birmingham was totally Muslim. Everything else was spot on and true. I know, I am English and seen it all with my own eyes.

    • Mila says:

      I have not seen any such religious police in operation anywhere and I live in Britain.

      The people I am usually with go sleeveless, wear plunging necklines and short skirts in Britain and specifically in London. Covering up occurs as a reaction to the cold and not to extremist religious views.

      There are areas where I would not walk at night but not because of the religious police, but because of the increased likelihood of crime by people of all religions and no religion.

      Different religious communities do control the conduct of their members to varying degrees and impose their beliefs especially on girls and women, even in London, and that is a challenge to law enforcement mostly because of the reluctance to report and testify, but that is NOT the issue here.

    • Mike says:

      I live in Britain myself and can categorically state that the entire thing is one big lie.

  8. FP says:

    “You may quote me on this as I will be posting this and taking out an ad in a Birmingham paper. I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. And I am issuing an apology and correction on my website immediately for having made this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham. I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful. There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham. I am not going to make any excuses. I made an inexcusable error. And I am obligated to openly acknowledge that mistake.” – Steven Emerson


    Mr Alexander Ball, you’re spot on, sir.

  9. Challie says:

    Can’t fault his reasoning and his facts.

  10. Lucie (a French lady) says:

    Bonjour à tous,

    I thought you might be all curious to see the very smart answer made by of one of our French TV shows to Fox News journalists :-). They called it “Shut the fuck up Fox News!”

    The show is very famous in France and called “Le Petit Journal”.

    Despite the fact that the show is very funny, I find it quite enjoyable to watch a ‘live battle’ between journalists of 2 major democratic countries. Quite uncommon after all.


    You may all also be happy to know that Fox News is going to make official apologies to French people tonight at 8.25pm.

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