‘I love enimils update’: caption competition for Joseph and the Sundance Kid

Published: January 25, 2015 at 11:53am

Joseph Muscat kid

20 Comments Comment

  1. gn says:

    Fejn lahaq dak ix-xufier ta’ Muscat.

    X’ma jirbhux l-elezzjoni.

  2. canon says:

    uncertain with his trust

  3. di says:

    Do I really have to do this? Sure?

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My caption is too horrible to print. It is a comment upon certain rural practices and how we’ve moved up in the world.

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    Joseph is what is known in certain circles as pre-slaphead.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    “Eh, Guz ; mindu jkunu zghar trid trawwimhom, imbghad jibqghu lejali ghomorhom kollu”

  7. Arnold Layne says:

    “Ok, siehbi?”

  8. Makjavel says:

    Seems he had more than one for the road.

  9. Candy says:

    “If I look at that tie again, I will have a fit”.

  10. Jelly Bean says:

    “He’s getting on my nerves. I think I’ll wee in his plastic cup.”

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    King Joseph greets a new Labour voter.

  12. J.J. says:

    Starter or main course?

  13. Mila says:

    Is that Joey the kid?

  14. Arnold Layne says:

    “Gidi up”

  15. P Bonnici says:

    I watched Xarabank discussing the lowering of the age of consent and heard this guy pronouncing condom ‘condim’. I wonder where he picked it up from.

  16. bob-a-job says:

    “Ċempel lil KMB u għidlu li sibna n-nagħġa l-mitlufa.”

  17. chico says:

    So that’s what happened to my Scottish girlfriend’s undies.

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