Je suis Charlie Hebdo: politicians who will be voting No are scared to say so

Published: January 25, 2015 at 11:47am

Meanwhile, those who are voting Yes and who are rooting for spring hunting (or ‘supporting the derogation’) have no such fears and are out and proud.

This kind of shows you the lie of the land and where things are heading.

Here’s Labour MP Silvio Schembri in It-Torca today:

silvio schembri

9 Comments Comment

  1. pacikk says:

    Am I mistaken, or was the reporting in The Sunday Times of two Attard councillors who will be voting No and got the FKNKs attention, correct?

    If so what do these people expect? That all those in favour are praised in balconies, while those who don’t agree are thrown in a cell until April 12?

  2. Gahan says:

    True hunters who want to have more to shoot at, don’t kill birds in their breeding season.

    In Malta we don’t really know wether certain birds breed in Malta, because up to some 10 years ago hunters shot at everything in sight.

    When I was young there was a campaign about the obliteration of the crow from the Maltese islands.

    After that the hunters eliminated the Barn Owl (Il-Barbaġann) from these islands.

    Which bird would be next?

  3. Adrian says:

    I am very glad that newcomer Graziella Schembri has declared that she will be voting NO. She is an asset for the PN.

  4. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    We have it from the horse’s mouth that Birdlife members and other bird lovers would have to walk over a lot of dead bodies if they persist in their campaign to save birds.

  5. Gahan says:

    We already forgot what a real important and world known musician asked us to do:

  6. “Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo”.

    I do not have the slightest cue what this has to do with the campaign to stop bird hunting in spring in Malta. If this campaign has to have recourse to such irrelevances to support its arguments it must be in dire straits.

    Please, do not contaminate this campaign with such links.

  7. elton says:

    While I think this was inevitable (as I know how people proceed over here with intimidation and whatnot) I find it somewhat striking that up till now, no one dared to mention that if you’re a hunter and you’ve got your wits about you, and you’re probably in the hunting lobby, you too will be better off voting No for Spring hunting, which will make for better numbers of game in autumn.

    If you’re a hunter who wants to hunt, not just shoot at anything and as often as you could, then giving up spring hunting may actually benefit you in the long run.

    Don’t know, just my two cents.

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