Leisure Clothing employees are locked into their barracks after dark

Published: January 7, 2015 at 11:55pm

leisure clothing living quarters

Read this report of the latest hearing in the Leisure Clothing case. The prosecution said, among other things, that the employees were found living in squalid conditions, that they were locked into the barracks at night, that a portion of their pay was withheld to “stop them escaping”, that far from holding the workers’ money for them the company’s bank accounts are all in the red and it doesn’t have the money to pay the employees what it owes them, that the Employment and Training Corporation was given a false contract of employment because the real one is in violation of Maltese law…it’s sickening.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Wheels within wheels says:

    Shame on Bortex. They are the Maltese villains in this story.

  2. La Redoute says:

    “. He said Chinese workers paid €1,000 to the agency to come to work in Malta but he did not know the amount paid by the Vietnamese workers.”

    Why does Pio Valletta think this is a valid line of defence? Headhunters charge their clients, not their recruits.

    • Mila says:

      A criminal lawyer does not ask what the right thing is nor what is good for society or what is fair, his only question is ”what will get my client off the hook”.

      In the case of a criminal offence the person looking out for society is the prosecuting side. Then it is up to the judge or magistrate to oversee the process, guide the jury if there is one etc.

      A good criminal lawyer is expensive, more expensive than most earners can manage. Adding a weak prosecutor to the mix means that justice can be bought. And before anyone is offended by what I have stated, let us not forget that putting the wrong date on a report, not preserving or gathering evidence before this can be manipulated and not carrying out tests are all realtively simple examples of thwarting justice.

      • vic says:

        Besides, we know that justice adapts itself to the mentality of Mellieha or other places, as the case may be.

  3. edgar says:

    Had this company belonged to a Maltese person, I am certain that the authorities would have closed down this factory without any hesitation. But for the Chinese and North Koreans we give them the red carpet.

  4. Gaetano Pace says:

    We are warned by facts, figures and statistics what to expect from the Chinese.

    Pity the Enemalta employees who would have to vie with such degrading circumstances and the most cruel of employers. God be with you not till we meet again but after you start working for the Chinese.

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