Malta takes subliteracy to new levels

Published: January 15, 2015 at 9:06am

This SLOW (SOLW) sign is in Zurrieq.


26 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    It really is another language for these people.

    The only other option is that they’re doing it purposely to distract attention away from other issues.

    How many people are involved in the writing of a road sign? Are they ALL dumb?

    • FP says:

      Probably not. There are thousands of other signs which are spelled correctly.

    • Wormwood says:

      U iwa, mhux xorta? Mhux l-aqwa li tinftiehem hi!

      Ha toqghod taqbad maghna ghax tahseb li int ahjar.

      Ara x’taghmlu int u Saimin tieghek! Ghadek mahruqa bit-telfa, 36000 etc, etc ad nauseam.

  2. Pippa says:

    The workmen painting the signs may be sub literate so it is the duty of the council staff to give them a handout with the proper spelling.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Perhaps it’s a cunning trick to make motorists solw down while trying to read the sign.

  4. Mike says:

    Probably these subliterate guys are among those 4,000 who landed a job straight after Labour won the elections.

    Ghax taht in-Nazzjonalisti ma hadniex job xieraq. Il-Lejber biss jemmen fil-potenzjal taghna.

  5. Observer says:

    Were Alice’s Queen of Hearts to see that, she would dutifully, and with ample reason, exclaim “OFF WITH HIS HEAD”.

    Fortunately for the idiot, she lives only in Wonderland – even some others among us also do.

  6. Why ask whether they are all dumb ? Would it be something out of this world if they were ? I will bet my last buck that they were. Povru pajjiz.

  7. freedom5 says:

    Neither is that the way to print W .

  8. Liberal says:

    It must be a trick to get drivers to actually slow down to read it.

  9. arguzin says:

    Next in line: a hybrid between Slow and Stop might give birth to SLOP.

  10. Mila says:

    If one were anyone worth his salt would one not issue some sort of statement saying who is responsible for road signs, why these ridiculous and humiliating mistakes are happening and what is being done to solve the problem?

    Is there anyone ‘up there’ worth his salt?

  11. Damocles says:

    That sign is correct. It means there is a S.O.L.W. ahead – a street of limited width!

    • ciccio says:

      In business, SOLW stands for a Statement Of Limited Warranty.

      Maybe the Zurrieq council of Natius Ola’ is putting terms and conditions on the risks of use of Zurrieq roads.

  12. Reader says:

    The yellow line around the dust patch adds insult to injury.

  13. simca says:

    I am convinced that this is the work of a practical joker.

    What else could it be? Scenario: 7am – store – foreman, “Hey Joe. Get some paint and a roller brush and go and paint SOLW in the corner. Then when you’re ready you can go home. Solwly.”

  14. ken il malti says:

    I say it was a case of dyslexia or the workman was hurrying the job to go on his lunch break sooner.

  15. M. Borg says:

    The odd thing is that the other ‘SLOW’ painted in the distance is correctly spelt. I would have thought the two were done in one session by the same group of primates.

  16. Mila says:

    Malta take a lot of things to new levels:

    ”The board also approved, unanimously, the construction of a new hospital in Bulebel to replace the St James Hospital in Zabbar. The Zabbar hospital has to close down within a year. The new one will be built on ODZ land.”

    Did I hear ODZ? Never mind.

    And regarding the Gzira pool, it seems that the developer discussed the issue pf access with the Gzira Local Council and they agreed. So it’s ok then isn’t it?

    ”At one point it was claimed by another board member that giving free access to Gzira residents only could lead to discrimination. The developer said the matter had been discussed with the Gzira Local Council and both parties had agreed on a membership system. Preference was being given to Gzira residents because they will be affected the most by this project. However, board member Veronique Dalli said giving free access to all Gzira residents was unrealistic. The MEPA Chairman said he wanted to listen to the council’s version but no representative was present.”

    No wonder many Maltese are obsessed with ‘teatrini’. Is there anything else?

  17. Rosie says:

    Mabye thye rae dsyleicx

  18. ta wied is sewda. says:

    OWLS – next spelling of the word by a Taghna Lkoll local council. L-aqwa fl-Ewropa biex naqghu ghan-nejk.

  19. Joe Fenech says:

    Surely, whoever did that is a bit lysdexic.

  20. On second thoughts I would imagine that there would be a significant number of drivers who would not discover the ‘poetic licence’ assumed in the spelling. Just watched the clip about the kaccatur’s vocabulary – il-veru KREMA TAL-KREMA – kemm hawn ohrajn bhalu ? din hi it-tragedja ta’ dan il-pajjiz miskin.

  21. Mercury Rising says:

    I think it was just careless work.

    I can just imagine the string of ear-scorching blasphemous litany that followed as soon as the “O” was painted and then the inevitable and consequential “u ija, mur ara, issa hemm qeghda u zebgha sewda ma tawniex”.

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