On a humdrum street in Paris, a scene straight out of the 1970s

Published: January 8, 2015 at 1:06am

The black clothes, the balaclavas and the AK47s in an unexpected context – memories of the IRA.

3 Comments Comment

  1. Fanny says:

    – Ahmed Merabet, 42 ans, policier, membre de la brigade VTT du commissariat du XIe arrondissement.

    This is the name of the policeman shot in the street according to Le Figaro. He was probably speaking in Arabic trying to stop them from killing him.

    • Mila says:

      Even if the slain policeman was a Muslim, as is being suggested in the press, it would not have mattered for the extremists.

      Radicalization and its repercussions are a terrible thing and part of our stand against it must be for many to understand the ugly depth of it. We will grossly underestimate its destructive power if we think it is simply one religion against others.

      For radicals, even their family are the enemy if they do not embrace the cause. Religion is just an excuse, like other extremists have used the love of country or race as an excuse to gain power, kill and manipulate. Dictators are using the same tactics as we speak, the difference is that dictators do most of their dirty work against their own people in their own country, shielded by their own ‘law enforcement’.

      Has anyone seen any effort in Malta to educate the public to recognize and understand radicalization? Yet one can see from newspaper comments that ignorance about the subject is rife.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Most of the Western media outlets censored the few seconds of the footage where the wounded police officer is shot in the head.

    Here’s the entire clip. You can hear him pleading with the killers.


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